Todd Palin And The Hooker
Who knew that Al Gore and Todd Palin had so much in common. Apparently Todd Palin really enjoys getting massages, just like Al. Well, maybe not so much the massages, but just like Al, Todd seems to like what happens after the massage. According to a report in The Enquirer. Todd has been seen frequenting a massage parlor in Anchorage. The thing is that Todd might not have actually paid for the massages or the sex. The Enquirer uncovered documents that show the woman who was arrested in March for running a house of prostitution, provided free massages to someone on the staff of Sarah Palin. It was her contribution to the campaign. I mean who doesn't need a good rub and tug after they have been working on the campaign trail espousing good old fashioned family values.
Neighbors of the massage parlor called the police because of all the noises that emanated from the business which sounded like people having sex. Yes, including when Todd was there. I love sex scandals like this.