Thursday, January 27, 2011

Today's Blind Items

What former very high B list movie actress who is now the answer to one messed up career via booze and drugs is at Fashion Week in Paris where she had a threesome with this long time A list movie actress and her celebrity boyfriend. I wonder if she charged the guy. I bet she thought about it.


  1. Ummm, no guess - but damn, juicy.

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Diane Kruger?

  3. Kirsten Dunst and __________?

  4. I'd say that I was shocked by all the three-ways that take place among the famous, but I almost walked into a three-way in a bathroom at a marina in little old Paris, TN, deep, deep, deep in the heart of the Bible Belt. No clue as to who the blind is.

  5. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Kirsten Dunst?? She was def high B - and definitely on the booze and drugs path.

  6. In my post I meant that I almost witnessed a three-way. The way I wrote it, it sounds like I almost became part of a three-way. Yikes!

  7. Mischa Mischa Mischa...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Not sure who the B-lister is because I don't know who's in Paris for fashion week, but I did see that Cameron Diaz was there, so I'm guessing her and A-Rod for the couple. Can anyone comfirm that he is in Paris with her?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dunst is a great guess and Cameron Diaz & A Rod are also in Paris actually

  12. Interesting:


  14. saw something earlier (People maybe?) that Cameron and ARod were seen having lunch with Tara Reid in Paris. I thought that was such an odd group...but it sure fits this blind...

  15. has Tara ever been considered very high B list? Maybe B- back in the day?
    I'm just saying, if A list is supposed to be "oscar" worthy/household name.

  16. Also in Paris is Jessical Alba and Diane Krueger in addition to Cameron. There is at least one other actress but I can't remember who.

  17. Based on the TMZ photos of Tara Reid in Paris - not hard to guess who it is. And ENTY always makes jokes about her "charging" her boyfriends.

  18. i can understand a guy wants to sex Kirsten D with Cameron D but sorry i don't understand 2 persons want to sex with Tara Reid


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  21. My bf told me once he'd do a threesome with me and another man, but not me and another woman (which is fine with me). I said I'd only do it if Gerry Butler or Aaron Eckhart and my bf (or all three!) were there.


    It's a nice fantasy at least!

  22. Tara Reid was the first name that popped into my head so with that being said...Tara Reid FTW!

  23. Kirsten D is a good answer, Tara Reid was never higher than a C list actress- and even that is stretching it.

  24. I'd guess Lindsay, but she better not be in Paris.

  25. FYI, that's a BI reveal if you ever hear about Gerry and Aaron being caught with a couple ;-)

  26. well, did he mean 'very high B list' or that she's 'very high?'

    i think there are 2 ways to take it. but i can't believe tara reid was ever B list, high or not.

  27. As JUMP mentioned - there's a photo of Tara in Paris and ENTY always asks how much is she charging her new boyfriend...

  28. ....why not Lohan? i don't think she really ever hit A. Was pretty close with mean girls though.

  29. Tara Reid was high B list? I am going for Kiki.

  30. Great link, Ali.
    I wouldn't call Reid B-List in her prime, but you never know how Enty sees it.

    I'll throw in for Reid, Diaz, and ARod

  31. Kirsten Dunst is in Paris for Fashion Week- she was photographed at the Chanel show.

    Also in Paris: Cammie D and A-Rod.

    All three fit: Kiki Dunst was very high B list/almost on the cusp of A list when booze and drugs killed her career. Cammie D is an A list movie actress (despite the quality of some of her films, she's been nominated for an Oscar and was one of the highest paid actresses in H'wood) and A-Rod is a "celebrity"- would have been too easy for Enty to say "athlete boyfriend."

  32. Wow, OK. This one is hella JOOCY!

    Been in a few different types of 3-ways myself and--same with the drugs--IMO it's strictly for the young! (which is why it is so trite and disgusting for Sheen to still be doing it; normal maturity precludes this kinda shit).

  33. Dunst vs Reid: Dunst got Spider-Man money and I don't think she's that desperate. Tara, on the other hand...

  34. I believe Cameron is A list, given her work in the Shrek franchise.

  35. nunaurbiz: Your BF is lying to you or prefers mens. nothing personal, but no other straight man would make that stmt. Just saying...

  36. Tara Reid a "former very high B list movie actress"? I would never have guessed...

  37. The one thing that throws me about the Kiki guess is the money part. She doesn't seem financially desperate and has a few movies ready to come out.

  38. @jbdean_79 I'm not from Paris, but I am there quite often. I know exactly where Hollow Rock is. The marina was actually at the new, very nice, upscale resort in Paris during a concert there this summer. I can't remember if it was during a Jason D. William's concert or the Delbert McClinton concert.

  39. My guess for the couple was ARod and Diaz, and since other people here agree, I shall stick with that. I can't see Reid as a high 'B', but then again, she was in 'The Big Lebowsy' and was a big thing at one time, but not better than a Low B, High C. High B? I don't think so, and that is why I must go with Dunst - she's definitely a High B.

  40. Was Denise Richards a very high B list ever?

  41. silenttype why does noneurbiz' boyfriend have to be lying to her or into men? And if he's into men, is that a problem. If women can do threeways where there are two women and still be considered straight why the hell can't a man?

    Unless there's some unwritten rule book for straight guys that I'm unaware of, please enlighten me.

  42. I thought Denise Richards too.

  43. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Silenttype wasn't being homophobic or whatever else you want to accuse him/her of because you didn't like the statement.

    Yeah, it sort of is an unwritten rule. Poll a bunch of straight men (outside of Hollywood), and 99% of them wouldn't participate in the three-way described earlier.

    No one is condemning anyone else or making any sort of social or political commentary. Calm down.

  44. In my experience, most of those 99% are lying then. Believe me, straight guys WILL do the 2 guys one girl 3some. Absolutely. They won't touch the other guy, but they'll definitely do it.

    I guess this is Tara Reid. Don't think Blohan is in Paris, and I don't think Kiki has sunk low enough to start charging. Plus Enty was very encouraging of her recent attempt at sobriety. He's fairly kind to her.

  45. Anonymous5:16 PM

    is eva mendes in paris?

  46. Lohan is in Paris, at least according to photos online, and she def fits the "former very high B-list movie actress who is now the answer to one messed up career via booze and drugs." Not sure on the couple, but like the Diaz/A-Rod guess. So, Lohan, Diaz and A-Rod.

  47. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Courtney Love

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  49. I think Richards is visiting her ex husband in the hospital and complimenting her former associates on putting him in there with bricks of coke and red hot chili pepper songs...

    Dunst has been working hard on her sobriety and there has never been even idol gossip about her "charging" anyone for her "services."

    I have a hard time picturing Reid as anything even close to a B actress, but he introduced her new boyfriend a while back with the question "I wonder how much she is charging him?" Reid fits.

  50. Oh, if Lohan is in Paris then definitely her.

  51. Anonymous8:20 PM

    outside of hwood, a man wants to have a 3some with two women. someone's bf has some 'splainin' to do!

  52. Um, even I know that one of the most common porn features on these innernets is 2 dudes/1 chick.
    It's a fantasy of 'using' the woman, a bit of humiliation for her, etc.
    The dudes never touch.

    Check out your city's Craigslist "Casual Encounters" mm4w. It's everywhere. Trust this.

  53. I wish people wouldn't tell other people to calm down. It's so rude, and barely ever called for.

  54. in "real" life and outside of hwood, it's MWW. sorry, charlie!

  55. It's BOTH, for chrissakes. Two dudes will fuck one chick anytime, anywhere...they do not have to be gay to want this. I know b/c I have fucked two dudes before. No big deal. It is best done when young like I said.
    Now, it is rough for most guys having a threesome be with their own GF or wife and another guy due to jealousy or love, and they won't and don't have to touch each other. Believe me, it can and has been done with neither guy being gay.
    And it's better casual than with one man and the woman being in a relationship. Same with the FFM triplings...SOMEbody gets mad or hurt or jealous somewhere down the line.
    So unless you have done it and been there, please just listen and learn!

  56. Is Uma Thurman at Fashion Week this year?

  57. The last time Tara Reid was a high B-list was when John Kerry was president.

  58. Anonymous2:32 PM

    LOL, Doc Cowboy! I agree-never in a million years is/was Tara Reid anywhere near B list!



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