Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today's Blind Items

This A list long time rocker from one of the biggest rock groups ever has a secret. Although he has encouraged a reputation that he is a ladies man and has dated supermodels in the past, he did so knowing he has a very small peen. Extra small. Small as his first name in inches. So small that when he goes on tour he only ever has sex with groupies that have had several of the band or road crew first. Our singer feels like this way she will be tired and not notice how small he is.


  1. Would Axl be A-List?

    I'd throw Jon Bon Jovi's name out there, but he is longtime married (even I suspect he's not faithful), but he is not seen with supermodels.

  2. I just thought first rocker with 3 letters or less in his first name and Axl popped into my brain, I am probably wrong.

  3. Mick Jagger! even Keith Richards said Jagger's sex is small

  4. Mick AND Axl, actually.

    And I have confirmation on both.

  5. Also Enty doesn't say if the dude is married so we are led to believe he is not which would eliminate several of our guesses.

  6. This appears to be more Axl rather more than Mick. Keef may think Mich has a small wang, but I guarantee you Mick would not have sex with a groupie after the road crew. He's way too "refined."

    Axl would, however.

  7. Mick Jagger. Janice Dickinson (supermodel) outed him for his small size ages ago.

  8. If it was Mick, I think it would have been in Jerry Hall's tell-all book.

  9. Totally Axl Rose (though it pains me to call him A-list!). I think that explains a lot about why he acts like an egotistical jerk. I think after the stunt he pulled walking off stage at the show with Metallica back in the day (when Metallica had to end early because James Hetfield caught on FIRE) should have ended his career, period.

  10. off topic: Bernd Eichinger has died! I'm sad.

  11. I was thinking Mick Jag. while reading this too. Poor guy ugly and a small peen? at least he has his millions to wipe away the tears.

  12. I'm picturing these girls working their way through Charlie Watts and Ron Wood to get to Mick and I'm just not seeing it even though Keef called it a "tiny todger". I think Axl Rose makes more sense, dated Stephanie Seymour, and if he's not A list he can still get A list pussy.

  13. Did you know that AXL ROSE is an anagram for ORAL SEX? Apparently that's why he chose the name, despite saying it was from a band he was in.

  14. Ellen: I saw Guns and Roses and Metallica on that tour. Faith No more opened. Metallica played for 3.5 hours and GnR played for 3 and I haven't banged my head since.

  15. axl must stick a kielbasa down his pants then. sure had me fooled.

  16. We know about Mick's small peen, but not Axl's.

  17. I'm thinking Axl Rose sounds good for this one, and not Mick--as someone else observed, Mick wouldn't go for sloppy seconds from the rest of the band (not to mention that, IIRC, Charlie Watts was known for being faithful to his wife). Also, Pamela Des Barres did come to Mick's defense when Keith's book came out to say that she herself found absolutely nothing to complain about in that regard. (Assuming Mick didn't necessarily run around w/a boner in front of Keith, perhaps the former is a grower, not a shower, and that's where the confusion comes into play?) Axl, on the other hand, probably would bang someone who's already "[done] the whole show", a la Connie Hamzey.

    FWIW, Marilyn Manson is well known for being hung like a gnat, and if any of the tales about him are true, would definitely act like that, but I don't see him as A list at this point, and his eponymous band doesn't qualify as one of the biggest rock groups ever.

  18. ROD STEWART...

    A name as short as his peen is in inches? really?

  19. Im gonna go with the Irish Curse and say Bono 4 words= 4 inches

  20. Well, my name is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

  21. @The Nightmare Child - Do tell! You can't post something like that and not elaborate. :)

  22. NOT Jon Bon Jovi. He hit on a friend of mine working security at a Bon Jovi concert in the 1980s. My friend turned him down, but got a good look at him in the buff. It was the height of AIDS in the news, and my friend knew he was married. Not cool to play for both teams when wife does not know about it.

  23. Pam Des Barres outed Mick in a backhanded fashion in "I'm With the Band" when she wrote about Robert Plant's big dick and went on about Don's Johnson -- but rather than talk about Mick's dick, exclaimed instead, "Those lips!" If there'd been something in his trousers to gush over, she certainly would have.

    And Jerry Hall isn't going to bite the hand that's been feeding her all these years, so of course she'll not have anything to say about Mick's little todger.

  24. I will say that it is definitely not Mick Jagger. The guy has close to 50 years of bedding supermodels and creating gossip under his belt, and this would have been common knowledge by now. Couple that with the fact that there stands an awful lot of favorable reviews of his prowess to counter his less so. Axel on the other hand is a notoriously secretive, paranoid, sleazy, and often unpleasant a-hole. This really sounds soooo much more like him.

  25. If this is Axl, then this is really old. It is highly doubtful he is pulling an pussy these days, much less that of a supermodel. The guy has gone completely insane, anyone remember the Vancouver riots when he canceled a show there during the Chinese Democracy Tour? That was because he had locked himself in his hotel room, convinced Hitler was outside waiting for him and wouldn't talk to anyone except his "spiritual leader". There was the usual spin later, but that's how it went down.

  26. Bret Michaels - it said "from" one of the biggest bands, and Poison was big, and he's kinds a-list since the celebrity apprentice thing and he certainly has banged his share of ladies - that's my vote

  27. Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day. I've heard rumors of his small penis many times.

  28. @fordellcaste.. spicy! I love it. I could totally see Bon Jovi swinging both ways - it's those lips.

    I vote Axl. Mick doesn't need a blind, since everyone knows he has a tiny tot down there.

  29. I do not think it is Jon Bon Jovi, because of the super model angle, Tico Torres (the drummer) has dated and married a super model. That said, Jon in interviews has said that he is "hung like a second grader". I am surprised though did he really proposition a guy???? Also, there was a rumor about him and Richie (way back in the 80's) and how they "experimented" people speculated that they got together but it was a one time thing, and I would venture to guess a drug and alcohol fueled pairing if it happened at all.

  30. Nightmare Child:

    Spill it, Dollface.

  31. @fordellcaste Whaaaa?

  32. I've read that Jagger has a small peen. I'd really like the blind to be about Axl Rose seeing as what a total ass he is.

  33. I was thinking Bret Michael's...first thought! the tool!

  34. David Lee Roth. it's sort of a non-secret.

  35. It's *not* Mick - there are genuine photos out there that clearly show a normal-sized (if not slightly large) flaccid or semi-erect penis. The only other one I've seen is Billie Joe (who definitely has a small softy!), but the other clues don't fit this blind.

  36. It is not Bret Michaels - there are nude pictures and a sex tape of him circulating and he is quite well endowed.

    If it's Axl, he must have been wearing padded bicycle shorts back in the day! *L*

  37. What about Tre Cool from Green Day? Tre is the word for "three" in swedish and norwegian.

    Green Day have been around for a long time.

  38. In the early 90's I slept with the drummer of Napalm Death (Danny) and he had the smallest penis I have ever seen/felt in my entire life. I called him "needle dick" when referring to him from then on out. Reading this prompted me to look him up.. he was such a fox then but now, ohhhhhh hell no.

  39. Late to this party, but I am going with the Axl guess.

  40. I just don't consider Guns N Roses one of the biggest rock bands EVER, as this blind states. Rolling Stones is definitely one of the biggest ever. I have to go with Mick.

  41. Oooh David Lee Roth is a great guess but there are other names that are shorter! There used to be a website about rock stars and what they liked sexually and some had descriptions after each name, I remember it was a groupie's site. I'm off to try to find it.

  42. Mick's dick is on display in Performance, if I remember correctly.

  43. The website is Groupiedirt.com, and now I will be glued to the computer with some happy reading!!

  44. axl's "real stage" name (how's that for oxymoronic) is W. Axl Rose

  45. The groupie Connie Hamzy said that Peter Frampton was the smallest one she ever encountered, 3 inches.

  46. People ya gotta think contemporary...Chad Kroeger from Nickelback is my guess.

  47. Axl Rose popped into my mind as he dated Stephanie Seymour

  48. I agree with Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day. Shit, I've seen a pic of his peen and it's practically inverted. I'm not aware of him banging tons of supermodels though. If he does, then it's got to be him.
    I don't know about Axl's peen but he's known to be a super freak. I'm sure that's prolly from being bipolar but maybe not. Famous story about him getting Stephanie Seymor to shit in a liter box cause it turned him on. LOL What a sick fuck! LOL Bastard can sing his ass off though.

  49. I thought Bono...

  50. Anonymous7:04 PM

    It's a singer and from one of the biggest bands ever. I wouldn't put Green Day and Poison in that category. Back in the late 80s, Guns n Roses wee HUGE. Beyond HUGE.

    Bono has been married forever, it's not him. Rod Stewart never fronted a band that would be in the "ever" category.
