Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today's Blind Items

Last night a party, this former B list television actor and now a guy who just screams cooties and sleaze when you look at him, was doing his usual pick up game. Well, he got the phone number of one woman and was chatting her up and telling her she is amazing and can't wait to spend time with her. Really pouring it on. Later she walks up to him when he is getting the number of another woman and he tells her, "Oh, I found someone better, but I will still call you when I need something quick."


  1. Ewww. Dustin Diamond?

  2. I'm not sure if Entourage is still on. If so, I second Chelsea's guess of The Piv (The Perv) or Zach Braff. Wouldn't want to get near either of these guys bodily fluids.

  3. Pure Hollywood douchery!

  4. @Kristin Entourage is still on, yes.

  5. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Niiiiice! What an asshole.

  6. I'd have given him a nice knuckle samich!

  7. gotta be piven, smells like his brand of arrogance.

  8. Piv is tv & movies. The actor in the blind seems to not be currently working.
    I like the Wilmer guess.

  9. My jaw dropped when I read that.

    what an asshole!!!

  10. Oh Enty, pleeeeeeeeease reveal this one. What an asshat.

  11. Screams Wilmer to me. That 70s Show was a big hit when it was on.

  12. Oh, meant to apologize for all the double and triple posts. I can't delete them and I don't know why that is happening.

  13. I am going with Wilmer too.

  14. OMG...What a pig.

  15. unfreakingbelievable. Reveal this piece of crap! So many douchebags come to mind, how can you just pick one!!!!!

  16. My bet is on Wilmer Valderama

  17. So, no new guesses, but to play devil's advocate here... we only have some 3rd party's view of this.

    Maybe after mystery man hit on woman #1 he saw her (a) making out with/schmoozing with someone else or (b) being disgusting in public (puking, drugs if he's opposed, digging for nose gold, whatever) . In that case, I applaud his reaction and sense to move on to #2. Maybe our blind supplier didn't see the whole story.

  18. I'm guessing Valderama since I don't think Dustin Diamond was anything higher than a 'C' in his prime, if you can call it that. That sad thing is, you can be the skeeziest, ugliest douchebag alive, but if you are famous, you can probably get laid anytime you want. Life ain't fair.

  19. Just to throw another name out there, David Faustino? He was my first thought when reading this.

  20. David Spade was the first to come to mind 'cuz it seems like Enty isn't real fond of him, but Spade was/is on a current show.

    Does Wilmer really "scream cooties"?

  21. I always thought Kiefer Sutherland looked like he could use a good Karen Silkwood shower.
    Don't know about what a pussyhound he is/was.

  22. This sounds like one of those stories that changed. Man got womans number, she sees him getting someone else number and reports to her friends that "he was like Oh whatever I found something better" He was probably attractive and funny when he was putting the moves on her but when she saw he was a player she suddently remembered him being slimy.

  23. Wilmer WISHES he was B list. He hasn't done anything notable other than That 70s Show.

  24. I don't get the sticking up for the dude. I guess Wilmer.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Sounds like Pauly Shore to me.

  27. I'm with Wilmer.

    I mean, I think Wilmer is a good bet for this.

    If I was "with" Wilmer, I would be screaming cooties.

  28. Wilmer is a great guess...or Daniel Baldwin...

  29. My first thought was David Spade. Sounds like a story STRAIGHT up his alley.

    I suppose Wilmer is a possibililty - he is just about that sleazy. Though I would like to add that people keep saying Wilmer hasn't done anything since That 70's Show. Wilmer is the voice of Handy Manny on the Disney Channel and has been for at least 2 or 3 years now. It's a pretty popular show so though his face may not be all that recognizable these days, I'm assuming he's making decent money from Disney and therefore still has some "clout" that may make him think he's every woman's gift...

  30. my immediate thought was definitely wilmer.
