Terry McMillan Calls Willow Smith Arrogant
I have a lot of respect for Terry McMillan. She is a great author and her book How Stella Got Her Groove Back was great. As much as I find Willow Smith's song annoying though, I am not big fan of calling 4th grade kids arrogant. That is what Terry did though. In a bunch of Tweets she basically went after all the Smith kids and said, "The Smith children already act like child stars. There's an arrogance in their demeanor and behavior. I find it incredibly sad. It feels like the Smith children are being pimped and exploited. Or, they’re already hungry for fame. What about 4th grade?"
I think the Smith kids like all the kids of actors and actresses see their parents doing something they love and because of the nature of the industry there are work opportunities available for children. They don't have to wait 20 years to follow their parents footsteps and become a doctor or lawyer or teacher. Would Willow or Jaden be where they are without Will & Jada? Probably not, but I also don't think they are being exploited. I think kids who are exploited are done so by parents who have never achieved success. Look at the parents in Toddlers & Tiaras. Look at Lindsay's parents. Dina was a failed showgirl and wanted to live her life through Lindsay and that is exploitation.