Ryan Seacrest To Replace Regis?
One of the worst ideas I have heard in awhile is the idea of Ryan Seacrest replacing Regis Philbin on Regis & Kelly. I honestly thought that Regis would stay on the air until the day he died. He has been on television forever. He is 78, but there are clips of him which go back to the earliest days of television. He has always been on television. Since its advent. The one thing that has been consistent from television since its invention is that Regis has been on one.
When he announced yesterday he was leaving, I was really kind of hurt. Sure, he does a mindless kind of morning show, but I would rather watch 100 hours of Regis than one hour of The View. Plus, he did what he wanted, said what he wanted, didn't pretend he was more than he was, and he was willing to do a cameo for anyone doing anything.
Today, rumors are running rampant that Ryan Seacrest might replace Regis. I can't see it. Ryan would just take over that show and be too dominating. It needs to be give and take and Ryan does not give a whole lot. Plus, he tried television and people realized he should stick to radio. It is one thing to interview some contestants on Idol, and another to sit on some chairs and talk about nonsense for an hour. Plus, the show is in New York and Ryan is in LA so I doubt it.
If someone does decide to do it, I would give it about six months. It would last longer than Chevy Chase's talk show, but not by much.
How about Barry Bostwick?