Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ryan Murphy Is An Angry Man

I know this is a weird thing to say, but I think Glee only has another season or so left to it. The hype is gone and I don't think people are as breathless about it as they once were. Of course Fox does not have a lot of other shows on offer, so they will probably stick with it as long as they can and drive it into the ground. Deep. At this point it is kind of like High School Musical meets Week 12 of American Idol when they have to sing songs no one has ever heard of before.

Anyway, Ryan Murphy, the creator of Glee, takes it personally when bands or singers decide to not give permission for their songs to be used on the show. You know what? Maybe some bands don't want their songs on the show. I don't think it is a big deal for a band or singer to say no, but Ryan will cuss you out and call you dirty. Case in point. Kings Of Leon turned down Ryan last year and Ryan is still ticked.

He told The Hollywood Reporter, "F*** you, Kings of Leon. They’re self-centered a**holes, and they missed the big picture." Why? Just because they did not give permission? What? Ryan says that any band that turns him down is trashing on arts education because what this is all about is making kids want to get involved in music. While that might be an ulterior motive, I don't see Ryan shying away from taking the mongo amount of bucks that are being thrown his way because bands and singers are licensing their music for the show.

Kings Of Leon don;t get it either and wonder why Ryan has so much hate.


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