Rielle Tells John Edwards's Kids To Call Her Mommy
The National Enquirer is continuing their fascination with all things John Edwards. In their issue this week they claim that John Edwards proposed to Rielle Hunter over the holidays. You know, just three weeks after his wife died of cancer. He also thought this first Christmas without mom would be the perfect time to introduce Rielle to all the kids. You know, so they could all get past the whole mom dying thing and focus on things that are important like Rielle and the baby she had with John.
During this encounter with the kids, Rielle allegedly told them to call her mom. If this is true and I put a big IF on it, that would be gall of epic proportions. Hey kids, I know your first mom died, but go ahead and call me mom because I will be moving in and trying to convince John to send all of you away to school while I make myself comfortable here.