Thursday, January 13, 2011

Prince Charles Hit On Model In Front Of Camilla

Apparently Prince Charles is not fully satisfied with Camilla. A model named Tasha De Vasconcelos claims in a new book that a few years ago she was at a fashion show and walked the runway. After the show, not more than a few feet from Camilla, Prince Charles asked the model for a private catwalk show.

She turned him down because there were so many people around and because he was with Camilla. She said that he also basically undressed her with his eyes. It would not surprise me if Charles was getting his groove on with various different people, what surprises me is that I guess not very many people ever discuss it. I mean this could not have been a one off thing right? This would have been a lot more interesting if she had said yes and then they met a private catwalk show and the Prince walked down the runway to Right Said Fred.


  1. I love this!!! I loved Princess Diana and even though I give kudos to Charlie for how he acted in the days after her death, as opposed to the Queen, I blame him for her death. He should have seen to it that she was protected.

    Of course, I detest the Rottweiler!

    So this just tickles me!!!!

  2. I was a huge (still am) Princess Diana fan and have read my fair share of books on the Royal family over the years. It's common knowledge that Charles is a cheater. He did it with Diana while they were married and I'm sure continues to have his daliances to this day, despite being married to Camilla, whom I'm sure is the love of his life. But that still doesn't change the fact that a tiger doesn't change his stripes. I'm sure Camilla is aware of it all and at the same time, doesn't care. It comes with the territory, one she is extremely familiar with from personal experience. My understanding is the upper society over there does this kind of thing all the time. And Charles is mentioned in at least one book I read exclaiming that it is basically his birth right to have mistresses...

  3. Camilla doesn't care, and Charles is a billionaire. She ain't going anywhere.

  4. Me three....I can see Princess Diana, laughing over a good glass of wine in heaven...

  5. Team Diana. Got up early to watch the wedding and funeral.

    Once a cheater, always a cheater.

    And finally, who?

  6. I love her how reason for not doing it was that there were so many people around. If they had been alone, she would have gone for it, so try again Charles!

  7. Oh this is so good, it has to be fattening...

  8. WHAATT????? Cheat on Camilla when he wants to be her tampon and all. And he's such a looker!

    Not surprising. Prince Phillip has always cheated too but he was more discreet. Chuck get more ass than the royal toilet seat.

  9. I guess I´m the only person on the planet that think it´s kind of cute that Prince Charles chose the ugly old woman - his real love - over the young, gorgeous, blonde one. Of course he should have done so before the wedding, but usually is the other way around.

  10. Well, colour me surprised. A royal cheating/attempting to cheat? NO! Another one I can't believe!

  11. Me, too, Mimi. But Dude's a serial cheater.

  12. There are too many great comments here to put @s here, so, "Well said, my friends, well said!" Pip, pip and all that!

  13. It's like the old saying "When a man marries his mistress, he creates a job opening." I doubt Camille is surprised. Probably annoyed that he did it right in front of her, but not surprised.

  14. @nunaurbiz
    Cherio!! Would you like to have a lovely spot o tea?

  15. @ Patty: With scones and clotted cream? :-d

  16. Maybe he tried the, "I want to be your tampon," line and she was more of a Kotex kinda girl.

  17. I loved Princess Diana and this story points out what an ass he is. If he does this to his "true love" imagine all the the things he did and said to Diana that we don't know about.

    He is his only true love. But, hey Camilla know what she was getting into. I guess to her, it is worth it. And he know she can't say anything or give him any grief without be a hypocrite.

  18. Like father, like son. Anyway, I thought he was gay.

  19. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I always thought Charles is gay lol

  20. It's been happening for centuries.

  21. Not surprised at all.

    @M - His "birthright"? Prick!

    @RJ - I like that expression. Will have to remember that. :)

  22. lol @the fact that she turned him down because there were so many people plus Camilla, so if they were alone she would go for it?

  23. the royal men can do whatever the fuck they want. it's how they've been raised.

  24. Not buying it. Firstly, I think IF he said it in front of a group of people, it would have been intended to flatter, not proposition. However, I don't think decorum would have ever led Charles to say such a thing in front of people. That boy doesn't have warmth or game.

  25. i hope camilla is aware that it always ends how it starts.

    team diana.

  26. Got up to watch the royal wedding and the funeral, and will get up again to watch William marry Kate. Stood in the pouring rain for 5 hours while home in Wales to see Diana open a fitness centre. Team Diana all the way. Clinking champagne glasses with her in my imagination. And am I the only one that thinks Harry isn't Charles' son?

  27. Exactly what RJ said. Charles true love is Charles.

  28. The phrase "getting his groove on" used in the same sentence as "Prince Charles" just makes me giggle endlessly.

  29. All this story about Camilla and Charles loving each other forever sounds to me like a Public Relations propaganda. Remember Diana said: "He can't even be faithful to his own misstress". After all, Camilla deserves this for and he deserves been ridiculous. The king of tampons.
