Prince Charles Hit On Model In Front Of Camilla
Apparently Prince Charles is not fully satisfied with Camilla. A model named Tasha De Vasconcelos claims in a new book that a few years ago she was at a fashion show and walked the runway. After the show, not more than a few feet from Camilla, Prince Charles asked the model for a private catwalk show.
She turned him down because there were so many people around and because he was with Camilla. She said that he also basically undressed her with his eyes. It would not surprise me if Charles was getting his groove on with various different people, what surprises me is that I guess not very many people ever discuss it. I mean this could not have been a one off thing right? This would have been a lot more interesting if she had said yes and then they met a private catwalk show and the Prince walked down the runway to Right Said Fred.