Padma's Baby Daddy Gets Legal
I really thought the father of Padma Lakshmi's baby would just go away without doing anything. Adam Dell, who is the brother of the founder of Dell Computers, filed some papers in court to get custody of the child he and Padma had together. What he should be doing is helping his brother fix those awful computers. I really do not know how Dell stays in business. Have you ever known anyone who bought a Dell and then said they would buy another one? Oh, and did that Dell commercial guy ever get his life straight? Those were good commercials.
Anyway, Adam Dell wants full custody because Padma is not responding to his pleas to spend more time with their child. So, what will happen is the two lawyers will make a lot of money and argue and shuffle paper back and forth and when they have earned their money the two sides will get together and hammer out an agreement regarding more visitation in about five minutes.
Right now Adam only gets 7 hours a week and to see their baby last week Adam had to fly to the Bahamas because that is where Padma was filming. That is a dad who wants to see their kid.