Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Office Is Stepping Up Its Game

In the last week, The Office has actually made some news which is something it has not done since that Superbowl episode which featured Jack Black, Jessica Alba and Cloris Leachman. First they announced that Ricky Gervais will be in the cold open in tonight's episode which should be great. Now, they have signed up Will Ferrell for a four episode arc. He will play someone exactly like Mike Scott and will help usher Steve Carrell out the door. Too bad he won't stick around for a season because he could probably use the break from movies for awhile. He has not really had a hit lately. Oh, I finally got around to watching Land Of The Lost the other night. I managed to make it through 20 minutes before deciding I could not make it another second. Wow it was bad. The only reason I stuck around for 20 minutes was because of Danny McBride. When Will shows up on Danny's show Eastbound & Down (which Will produces), he is hilarious so maybe television is the right remedy for Will for awhile.


  1. I'm a longtime lover of Will, but agree that a lot of his recent movies have been complete flops. I bet he'd fair well on television.

  2. oh please let him be a regular next season!!!

  3. Will is much better in small doses. I kind of think of Steve Carrell as better in small doses, but then I remember the 40-Year_Old Virgin and I reconsider.

  4. I was a huge Office fan but thought they probably should have called it quits a couple seasons ago. I must say that I'm not a big Will Ferrell fan because I'm sick of him playing the same obnoxious person over & over. The description for his character doesn't give me much hope but I'll give him a chance. Thank goodness for "Community" & "Parks & Rec" to provide me with laughs on Thursday nights!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Don't like Will Ferrell. Won't watch.

  7. I was an Office fan but in some episodes I think the best stuff was the cold open, which tells me that it shouldn't be. Few shows can and should go beyond season 5, I'm more into Community and Parks and Rec now, watch them!!

    I agree with some of you, Will Ferrell is too much all the time and I feel like a small part is fine, even though I liked him as Frank "The Tank".

  8. cannot stand will ferrell and cannot stand that same character he always plays. (his only good role was ELF). lost interest in the office earlier this season and i used to LOVE it.

  9. The Office and Will Ferrell might be a very good fit indeed. Both are in desperate need of a creative rejuvenation.

    Seriously, The Office should have ended two seasons ago. Last season in particular was excruciatingly bad. And I once LOVED that show.

  10. I hate the idea of coming on the show. I really hope they don't plan on having him takeover as manager next season. His humor doesn't fit with show IMO.

  11. Love The Office and wish they would have done a graceful exit a few seasons ago. It was bad enough when Jim and Pam actually got married (although I did like the wedding episode) but having a baby was just overkill.

  12. I agree Mango. They should have ended it a while ago, and the whole Pam and Jim thing is way over-done. I do love Ricky Jervais, so I will watch to see how he does...

  13. I like him and I also think The Office will last for a while without Michael Scott. They've really developed some of the other characters on the show and I find myself liking some of them more. I'll keep watching.

  14. Enty, you should get a medal for watching 20 minutes of that movie. I didn't make 20 seconds.

  15. Will Ferrell had two good roles "Elf" and "Old School". Everything else is a page right out of the Jack Black/Robin Williams School of Acting. Play the same part over and over and over again. Then carry that repetition over into personal appearances right down to the same annoying facial expressions. I swear anytime I see that any of these three are going to be on a talk show I can visualize their "schtik" in my head. They never fail to annoy.

  16. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Ferrell b/c of SNL. Y'all are right that lately he's had more flops than hits, but I wouldn't mind seeing him on The Office.

    The Office has been hit or miss for the last season or so, but there is some good writing in there. I love Steve Carrell but I don't think he necessarily carries the show.

  17. I love Will Ferrell, but even I admit that I haven't seen recent movies of his. He'd be great there.

  18. how can you compare robin williams to will ferrell?

    Good WIll Hunting? Dead Poets society? mrs doubtfire? the fisher king? good morning vietnam? the world according to garp?


  19. The Other Guys
    Budget: $100m
    Worldwide Gross: $170m

    He definitely had a hit last year and he was indeed very good in it, with a different character for a change.

  20. Cant wait to see RG tonight, hopefully he adds to the show, it has gone stale.
    WF would be a great addition IMO.
    The only 2 good part of Land of the Lost were with Matt Lauer, cracked me up!

  21. I love the Office, but, like a lot of other fans, I think the show is over. There are a lot of great actors and great characters on the Office, sure, but Michael Scott is definitely the one that brings it all together. So many of the other good jokes and lines and characters play off of his character. If he leaves, and is not replaced (ie the new manager is already on the show) I think the show will really be missing a huge element. If they replace him, they're going to have to try to create a whole new dynamic and I think at this point, the show has run it's course. The writers would be better utilised creating a new comedy pilot to replace it. The actors will find work other places, they are are good, and they will work. (maybe not in movies.. I'm looking at you John)

  22. Anonymous5:44 PM

    @Angela, thank you!!!!! I was going to mention The Other Guys as well. I love Will Ferrell, always will. I don't like his kids movies (i.e., Land of the Lost) but everything else, I love. I went to see Blades of Glory, expecting it to suck and his character killed me. He doesn't always play the same character, thing is, you always know you're watching Will Ferrell. I'm ok with that.

  23. I watch the office for the same reason as I eat mac and cheese sometimes. I know it is pretty bad, it doesnt taste all that great, but when it is good, its good, and when it is bad, it is still decent enough.

  24. I love Will Ferrell. The only movie that doesn't really do it all that much for me is the Rickybobby one. Some scenes were funny, but that's it. Land of the Lost is on regularly at my house. And Blades of Glory made me cry with laughter. I like his humour. Some of the things he says just kills me.

    I will definitely watch for Will Ferrell.
