My Strange Addiction & Toddlers & Tiaras
I finally had the time to watch My Strange Addiction last night. My mom promised me cookies and pie if I watched with her so I got sucked into a TLC marathon of My Strange Addiction and Toddlers& Tiaras. Lets start with Toddlers & Tiaras. $50K in 8 months for pageants which have one $1000 winner? Seriously? Dresses that cost $600 which will only be able to be worn like once before the child gets too big. Madonna cones on a two year old? This was my first time watching the show and I was pretty much horrified. I knew what was going to happen kind of, but I did not know it was going to be quite like that. It was like the kids were animals and were given sugar to perform and sugar to be quiet while moms and one crazy dad pulled and prodded and put fake eyelashes on their toddlers. Crazy. Oh, and the previews for next week. The woman who does some kind of bird call at her kid. Wow. Oh, wait, wait. The line of the night. When Ava's dad said people are just sitting around eating potato chips while messaging about her kid. Umm, I don't think he has missed too many potato chip bags himself.
As for My Strange Addiction, I feel so bad for the woman who eats household cleanser. Not only because she was abused and molested as a child, but because she had to remember to keep saying household cleanser instead of Comet or whatever the heck it was that she was eating 10 times a day. Hard to watch. Not as hard as watching the woman in the ads for next week eating her hair, but still hard. The tanning girl? Her mom looked younger and was 20 years older. I also have decided they must film these things in one day, maybe two because the cleanser eating woman was wearing the same clothes for her talk with her daughter and visit to the therapist and dentist too? For sure the therapist. The woman with the cats? She is allergic to them an she has to work 3 jobs to take care of them?? What happens if she can't work? How bad do you think her place smells? I see a future Hoarders show. It is because of that woman they are having the animal hoarder show.