Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More Kelsey Grammer Kink

Last week, Camille Grammer implied that Kelsey Grammer likes to dress up in women's clothing. Previously she had said he liked to be spanked and to call Camille mommy. Now comes word from Radar that all of this is just a sample of what is out there waiting to be revealed. Apparently Kelsey enjoys dressing up in lingerie and heels and has been photographed wearing such attire. Oh, and Kelsey likes having sex dressed as a woman and having sex as a woman. What I mean by that is he enjoys having toys used on him and there are pictures of Kelsey and his toys that were shopped to the tabloids. I wonder why no one bought them. I think anyone would love to have them.


  1. With a name like Kelsey, I can only wonder at his "girl" name?

  2. Isn't Kelsey a "girls" name?

  3. Oh man, I really don't want to know....gee wiz...I don't want to think of Kelsey Grammer having sex...

  4. I think Kelsey is a unisex name, like many others.

  5. ARGGGGGGGGGG- Brain Scrub Brain Scrub!!!!!!!!!!

    All I can see in my brain is Lilith with that horrible monotone saying "Ok Fraiser, who's your daddy, who's your daddy?"

  6. I think this information is as revealing about how skanky Camille is as it shows how kinky Kelsey is. She could have played it classy, but I guess that's just expecting too much of her. Obviously, I've never seen her crappy show.

  7. Meh.

    Is he hurting anybody? No.

    All this tells me is what trash Camille is for airing dirty laundry for their kids to know and get picked on about in the future.

  8. @KellyLynn and Cecilia:

    I totally agree. Why can't people just keep their sexual fetishes/issues/business private. I like Kelsey Grammar. Not super excited to hear this info on him, but it says SO much more about that bitch of an ex he's got....

  9. And we care because . . . ?

  10. KelleyLynn, Cecilia00 & bflogurl nailed it.

    ita. you totally have to consider the source. skank attempt at smear campaign = fail.

  11. With apologies to anyone eating lunch right now.

  12. As long as this is a matter of two concenting people and no underage children involved, I really don't care. Some like it kinky, what's the deal?

  13. and camille is obviously behind this whole campaign to out kelsey (who i can't stand, by the way) and his kinky sexual preferences.

    again proving hell hath no fury and all that shit. and also proving what a self-centered, despicable woman camille grammer is and that she cares not one bit about the children she had with this jerk.

    clearly, if she did, she wouldn't 'go there.'

  14. None of this news about Kelsey is even in the least bit shocking to me. Don't know why, but I guess he always struck me as a guy that was into Kink. Cross-dressing, etc garners a giant "Meh" from me. Agree with those, that it only makes Camille look bad that she is spreading these tales. For all of her talk about behind left behind to deal with the kids - she's certainly not doing them any favors publicly slamming their father in this manner.

  15. @trouble bubble

    Exactly. It's a private matter between an adult, consenting, married couple and none of my concern.

  16. Sounds like he's balking at giving her the $50M +support +alimony. Or she wants even more.

    On the ladies' scanties....well, so long as he didn't pay retail, what's the harm?

  17. Reminds me of the time my ex asked me to stick stuff up his butt...awww memories

  18. I like Kelsey's work.

    And I'm with y'all---as long as everybody's an adult, I really don't care to hear about it have to picture it.

    His new girl is British. I find the Brits to be very openminded and very discreet at the same time. I'm not surprised he would be 'in love' so fast with a woman into ALL THAT kink.

  19. You know, these two might actually bump Charlie and Denise off the 'oh those crazy kids and their break up stories' throne.

  20. I don't care at all about the kink. I do wonder about the mother of his kids outing the information without regard for the children.

  21. Residuals will continue to come in. Half of $100,000,000 is still a lot of money. He can still work Broadway and dust will settle. Bitch all you want Camille....you were in the video's too and stay married to him, so you aren't that pristine yourself.

  22. to be honest, none of this is very interesting. i mean it's kelsey grammar. i think camille is making herself look bad by spilling these stories - she seems so desperate. then again she was in a desperate housewives show, so...

  23. Alright, alright ... I cave. You've all finally convinced me to watch RHOBH. Is there anyplace I can watch all the episodes online?

  24. It may not be shocking to us, but a lot of people think Kelsey Grammer is quite family friendly. I don't find crossdressing to be all that scandalous, but if a guy asked me to insert anything into his b-hole, I must admit I'd be a bit taken aback...*L*

  25. @chopchop - Probably Hulu; I usually have more luck there than on the Bravo site, although some of those are probably still there. They ran a marathon of it on Bravo last weekend too, I think?

    I swear I have heard these allegations before. Plus, didn't Camille kind of subtly hint at that on the show?

  26. Meh. Bo-oring. I think having most of his family murdered gets him a lifetime break. I don't care what he or anyone else does in their bedrooms unless they make a living pointing out others' 'immorality'.

    I just wish people would stop grasping for fame and fortune with their crotches. I don't want to see your junk!

  27. agree that this makes Camille look crappier. And I don't get your double standard analogy, yoyo:

    "If the roles were reversed and he was coming forth with dirt on her because she had left him, people wouldn't be siding with him."

    Do you mean people WOULD be siding with him? Because I wouldn't. Regardless of who's airing the dirty laundry, I think it is trashy. Albeit I have a specific distaste for cheaters, but I take his side in this instance.

  28. Hell, hearing that he's a cross-dresser actually makes me like him a bit more than I did before. This might have been a problem if he were trying to have a big film career, but he's in theater now, where no one is going to give a crap. As Ms. Cool said, the only ones who are going to be hurt by what she's saying are the children.

  29. I agree with everyone who has said that this says a lot more about Camille than it does Kelsey. She was fine with his proclivities until she was out and replaced by this new woman. It all sounds pretty harmless to me. Plus, I'm the kind of person who doesn't believe an ex's stories until after there some proof. If these pictures exist, why haven't they surfaced?

  30. Go Kelsey.

    I'm not going to judge him. I go as a chick every year for Halloween.

  31. I find it's more fun to read the recaps on rvgasm than actually watch the footage. Beacuse if I did, I would probably want to wring Camille's neck.

  32. Besides, he's a big success in "Cage Aux Folles." The pics are probably of him rehearsing.

  33. all I can say is "So what?" I don't see anything scandalous this. Camille should keep her mouth shut considering she presumably went along with his kinks while they were married. They were married a pretty long time by Hollywood standards, so I think she must not have had a problem with it during the marriage.

  34. None of this is as disturbing to me (none of my business) as the news that he is an extreme right-winger (also not really my business...ugh, but okay) with plans to bankroll yet another right-wing propaganda/media operation. Public sphere, so I can comment on it: fuck that shit. Yeah, that's what we need in this country right now. Sigh. He's kinda dead to me. He can have all the dildos up his bum he wants for all I care.

  35. I am not assuming that Camille told any of these stories especially when it becomes a tabloid story. Anybody with a history of Kelsey can blab, but Camille will be blamed no matter what. On Howard Stern she implied he liked to wear womens underwear and would do well in his broadway show, and with Andy she admitted to wearing mens underwear and said she made the comment as a joke (to Howard). It would be detrimental for her to out anything about Kelsey and I think she knows that especially since she is working hard to repair her reputation.

    It seems when huge amounts of money is involved the main issues go by the wayside and I think it tarnishes peoples opinions.

    I think Kelsey is close to a comedic genius but I do not condone cheating and that has tarnished my opinion of him. I truly believe that he would be dead if it was not for Camille helping him get drug free and sober, and everything else that goes with getting clean and I do remember the stories about him from years ago,they were not pretty.

  36. I bet she was cheating with "Kelsey's good friend" before Kelsey left for California. And maybe that's one reason why Kelsey went to NY.

    What's that guy's name again? Nick? I would be surprised if he didn't have any knock-down, drag-out fights with his wife over all that kissing he and Camille do.

  37. Yawn, those are actually some pretty boring kinks.

  38. I agree with Moi. These are actually kinda tame, IMO.

  39. He's a consenting adult. I don't care. Still like him.

  40. Rumors about Kelsey's kink have been around a long time and he allegedly married Camille because she was right there with him as a willing participant with the toys and drugs. While I do have great sympathy for all the tragedy he has gone through in his personal life, I think he's an
    extraordinarily lucky actor who was able to make what was intended to a small reocurring role (Diane's date on Cheers) into a hundred million dollar empire. Personally, I think the show Frazier is awful and even cringeworthy at times but more power to him for making a fortune from it. Camille has kids with Kelsey and if she really cared about those kids (you know, the ones she refused to carry herself because she suffers from IBS) then she should keep her mouth shut and not try to humiliate her children's father.

  41. For a Republican, his kinks are pretty mild.

  42. That's pretty kinky. IMO, behind closed doors we can be completely different people than what we project to the rest of the world... but to what extent... :)
