Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kristen Stewart Is Getting Another Movie?

I really thought when the whole Twilight thing wrapped up that would be it for the career of Kristen Stewart and probably Taylor Lautner. Robert Pattinson would move to the stage in London where he would gain 50 pounds and drink himself crazy every night while slowly becoming a decent actor. Apparently Hollywood has different plans for Kristen Stewart. Umm, have they noticed the movies she has been in since Twilight began? How many have done well? Umm, none. They think that all the Twilight people will follow her over to other movies and spend their money. Has not happened. Twilight fans care about Twilight and yes, while they profess their love for the actors and actresses who play the roles of their beloved characters, it does not mean they will part with their money for crap. Excepting of course that $999 one week trip to Forks where you can take in all the sights the town has to offer.

Of course it will star Viggo Mortensen as The Huntsman so he will probably bulk up for that and probably have to go without a shirt for much of the movie so you will have that. I think at this point the only movie Kristen Stewart should probably be in is if they do a sequel to Spun and then she can sit there with that vacant expression on her face and it would actually look like it belonged.


  1. i saw "the runaways " and "welcome to the Rileys" with her and she was really good and well-casted(withher dead eyes)

  2. I thought she was a good choice for The Runaways, too, but I can't see her doing too many more big movies like that. At least she's a better choice than Miley.

    If I were Kristen, I would take some of those millions I've made and get involved in some charity work that doesn't require being in the public eye. She'd be much happier that way.

  3. i agree with pomme that she was good in both those flicks.

    she's only decent though in very specific roles which could be the case for anyone on the planet really...i think the mark of a good actor is someone who can make even stinky writing believable. she can't.

  4. @pomme - I actually LOL'd at your "dead eyes" comment. Very true.

  5. I think Enty missed saying the role is the lead in Snow White and the Huntsman. Charlize is supposed to be the wicked witch.

  6. pomme hit the nail. I kind of like her but Twilight was a bad move, sure not financially but she looks liveless in those movies.

  7. Shes very stiff and asexual....So Yes I find her limited also....
    Did you read that Taylor Lautner just signed on for 2 films at 7 1/2 million $$ that's one lucky boy....and another one who should save his money...

  8. Stewart's a good actress.

  9. CDAN I like reading your blog but your attitude toward this actress is dismaying. I've liked her performances in Adventureland, Into the Wild, The Runaways and Welcome to the Rileys. If you've actually seen more than just the Twilight films and still have that opinion, fine, everyone is entitled to one. I'm just sensitive to how young actresses in particular are so much more likely to be torn down than actors. Yes the Twilight movies suck, in my opinion Stewart is the only salvageable thing about them. But don't hold the Twilight saga against her forever.

  10. The teens/tweens will follow the male actors around for one or two films. The women? Not a chance. The appeal of Twilight is 70% cute boys and 30% romantic plot. The women are all superfluous.


  12. I think we should all be happy for Krsiten. She hates being famous and not being able to walk down the street. Once Twilight is over she can stick to staring in the mirror practicing her "eye acting"

    I mean really they need to hand out Oscars for her ability to squint her emotions so well...

  13. Ok, gotta say you lost me at "Viggo...bulked up...shirtless".
    After that, it's just blah blah blah.
    So when do I get to have new wallpapers?? I mean when is this cinematic masterpiece coming out?
    The one with the shirtless Viggo that is...

  14. I've never seen a bulked up shirtless Viggo... Shirtless sure (and even less than that) but bulked up??? I must have missed it...

  15. I'd watch a bulked up and shirtless Viggo any day!

  16. I love Viggo. Her, not so much. She is just so flat. I agree with Enty. I don't think she has much of a future. Not sure about RB. Waiting to see Water for Elephants and Bel Ami before I form an opinion.

  17. Kristen was a working actress long before Twilight. She may never equal that fame again, but I still see her working for a long time.

    I liked Runaways.

  18. she plays the SAME PART OVER AND OVER. bitch can't act. she mumbles,pushes hair out of her face and stutters for 2hours.

    she ruined Runaways for me.

  19. I've never actually seen any of her recent movies. I think she's appealing in an odd sort of way. I like her look, she has a certain thing that I can't explain, but maybe that's just the "dead eyes" lol, I don't know.

  20. Agree that she tends to play the same character over and over again.
    I hated the book character of Bella & she did make me like her more for that. Sort of.

    Aren't they grooming Taylor Lautner to be a big action star now?

    I think Rob P. probably has the most promising of all the Twilight kids. But if he screws up Water For Elephants I'm going to take that back.

  21. What's the big deal about Enty thinking she's not a great actress? I don't think she is either. I watched Into the Wild, Twilight and Adventureland. And her performances left me awkward and wondering how the hell people picked her to do a movie. If you like her attitude, that's another thing, but everyone is entitled to have an opinion about the acting part.

  22. Agree she plays the same character over and over in Adventureland, Into the Wild, Twilight and Runaways.
    Dakota Fanning was the star of The Runaways, Kristen was, as usual, awkward.

  23. Ugh... Twilight movies are just awful and IMO she is the worst part about them! The rest of it I can tolerate, if I take it for what it is (a cheesy teen movie), but every time she's on the screen I literally CRINGE because of how bad an actress she is. It's actually awkward to watch. I want to look anywhere else but at the screen. I really cannot believe anyone thinks she's good in them. Really. Please go out and watch some GOOD movies with GOOD actors.

    I can't say what she was like in any other movies because I haven't seen any of her other movies, so maybe she is good, at something else. But just NOT Twilight. Not at all.

  24. I've only seen her in the first two Twilight movies, and I couldn't decide if it was realy poor directing or bad acting. So the jury is out for me on her.

    Thank God Viggo didn't stick by that whole "Retiring from movies" thing!!!

  25. I have seen her in Twilight and Adventureland, and those two characters seemed to be the same person to me.

  26. I don't think she can pull off complex characters. I liked her in The Runaways - that role fit her well. She'd be awful in a comedy or a complex drama.

    She was great in Zathura, though. ;)

  27. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Twilight is what it is (candy for teenagers and some soap-opera loving adults) but give this girl a break, already. Jeez, she's all of what-20, 21 years old? I think there's some raw talen there (anyone watched Panic Room?) And I think she's got plenty of time to improve.
    I'm more disturbed by the fact that Ent can't seem to write coherently lately.
