Johnny Depp As The Wizard Of Oz
Robert Downey Jr. has been dropping out of things right and left lately, and the latest victim is a prequel to The Wizard Of Oz. Apparently Disney's next choice is Johnny Depp. Can I see Johnny Depp as the Wizard? Yep, but I wonder if it will be like another version of Willie Wonka. It would probably have that same kind of feel. Oh, and also Alice In Wonderland. I was kind of looking forward to Robert Downey Jr playing the role because I think and this is just my opinion, that the Wizard is really not that nice of a guy and Robert Downey Jr would have that kind of attitude that maybe Johnny does not have. When Johnny plays these characters they all end up kind of looking the same. It is not that Depp is not a great actor because he is fabulous and has lots of range, it just seems like he has been doing a lot of this type of role lately. What he needs to do is try and find some small indie project and just do something totally different from what he has in the past five years.