Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jimmy Buffett Finishes Concert - Falls Off Stage

In a very scary moment last night, Jimmy Buffett had just concluded an Australia Day concert when he fell face first off the stage and landed on the floor of the arena where he was performing. As soon as he fell, security guards and the arena cleared the place really quickly and Jimmy was rushed to the hospital where he is in stable condition. This was the third of a series of concerts Jimmy had played in Sydney after not appearing in the country for 20 years. Each of the shows was completely sold out. Hopefully Jimmy will be eating some cheeseburgers and sipping some margaritas really soon.


  1. eeep!

    i hope he's ok...i'm not gonna lie tho, i'm trying to hold back a giggle. i mean, face first? i've seen a lot of stage falls, but face first, well that's just impressive. tho not as impressive as selling out 3 shows after not having performed there in 20 yrs...go him. may he be all about his margaritas in no time.

  2. Too many margaritas?

  3. Wonder what caused that?

  4. He misjudged the edge of the stage. He was reaching down to slap the hand of a fan and took one step too far.

  5. That's sad. He was trying to be friendly and put on a good show.

    I hope the floor wasn't concrete.

  6. I'm sorry but the who the hell is Jimmy Buffett? Are you sure he sold the gigs out? The Australia Day gigs always sell out, tho gods know why as they are always lame.

  7. @zelda - what?? Jimmy Buffet is a legend! He has a chain of restaurants throughout the caribbean named after one of his famous songs "Margaritaville" and all the menu items reflect his musical career. I grew up listening to his songs because my parents loved him.

  8. wow! Poor guy!! My parents vacation near his house and he stands out on the balcony sometimes and waves at people. Seems real nice, hope he gets better soon!

  9. He must have stepped on a pop top, cut his heel and had to cruise on back home. Pretty soon he'll be having' that frozen concoction that helps him hang on! Sorry, couldn't resist. Love Jimmy, hope he's ok! I better have a margarita in his honor, just to be sure!

  10. ^heehee! :)

    Bless his heart. I love Jimmy! Hope he has a speedy recovery. My husband knows someone that dated his daughter & said he was a super nice dude.
