Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jermaine Jackson Meets Karma

Hello Karma. Thanks for introducing yourself to Jermaine Jackson. Being the idiot that he is, Jermaine left the country to travel to Burkina Faso and did not realize his passport would expire while he was gone. I cannot tell you how much I wish this would happen to about ten celebrities. Anyway, normally you or I would go to our embassy and they would provide us with a new passport. Easy peasy lemon squeasy. But, most of us do not owe $100K in child support. Jermaine does though so the US Embassy will not give him a passport unless he pays up. Oh, how I hope he is stuck in Burkina Faso forever. That would be justice. Not that there is anything wrong with Burkina Faso. I hear Ouagadougou is lovely this time of year.


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Wonder if his mother will end up paying his child support so he can come back to the States.

  2. I think you are right Sylvia. Or somehow prove financial hardship (minus the bag of stolen jewlery) and the gov't will waive the order and give him a limited passport to get back home.

  3. Karma's a bitch, bitch!

  4. People who don't pay child support have a special level of hell reserved for them.

  5. But he has enough money to travel internationally?? Fuck him.

  6. can't pay $100K in child support, put can pay $100K for a trip. Classy as always. Why isn't this reported in the gossip pages?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. good enough, Lego-man

  9. Funny thing is I bet his hosts were happy his stay was over (I mean who wouldn't if they were hosting him) and then he comes back due to being stuck. Talk about therapy.

  10. I thought you couldn't leave the country if your passport expired in less than three months. I guess I heard incorrectly.

  11. hahahaa!! I love the fact that he still has money to travel, a*hole.

  12. Easy peasy lemon squeasy. Tee hee hee!

  13. LMAO @ the easy peasy lemon squeasy. I don't know why, but I am! Oh and YAY Karma!

  14. As someone on the receiving end of a deadbeat dad, I find it interesting that he was able to leave the country. My ex had a fit when he found out his passport was suspended because he owed over 5K in back support. I can't figure out how he got out of the country to begin with. It should have been an invalid passport to begin with.

  15. @Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors - Ditto

    This geographically challenged American is off to Google Burkina Faso.

  16. Theresa,
    How long ago was this and which country was he going to...b/c I think b/f 2 years ago any U.S. citizen can go to caribbean, mexico, and canada w/o a passport.

  17. He has always annoyed me. And when he wears those stupid black reflector sunglasses he annoys me even more. Like he's supposed to be cool or something. Mooching off one brother's estate for money, mooching your other brother's wife, owing over 100k in back child support then whining about being broke, while jetting off to Africa for God knows what - does not make you cool, idiot. It just makes you an even bigger moron than you already are.

    Ugh. Okay, my rant for the day is over.

  18. WTF was he doing in Burkina Faso?

  19. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Sue, I feel the same way about him.

    Thanks TimeBob.

  20. I am glad the rules for everyone else apply to a celebrity for a change. I am sure he didn't renew his passport because he owed child support. He knew what he was doing. I am a travel agent. I have had a couples of clients who had to change their travel plans at the last minute because the owed child support & the State Dept would not issue them a passport until the paid up.

  21. Vanessa, this was about 4 years ago and I think he was attempting to go to South America. I am not sure. All I got was an irrate phone call from him about how I was ruining his life. Oh, and he is an MD. Kinda scary huh?

  22. Well it wasn't the instant karma fairy, but good showing none the less.

  23. You're not supposed to travel with less than 6 months left on your passport, but sometimes they (airline, embassy, whoever) lets it slip, esp. if you're not a frequent visitor to the country. Of course I wasn't stupid enough to let it expire while abroad.

  24. Sounds like a move done in an attempt to have his mom rescue him. She prob wldn't pay b4 & he figured he cld get her to pay this way.
    The ex and the kids have lived off the fam for yeears and to add insult to injury now she's prob being asked to pay the back support. SMH! Loser!
