Thursday, January 06, 2011

Jaime Pressly Busted For DUI, Blames Crab Man

Jaime Pressly was stopped for a traffic violation last night by Santa Monica police. Shortly after she was stopped, she failed a field sobriety test and headed off to jail. Apparently, Jaime was allegedly very hammered. Like double the normal limit. She did not have her child with her and there were no other people in the car. My guess is she went to dinner with someone not her husband, drank her face off and attempted to drive home. I also bet she pleads guilty at some point down the road. I'm just glad no one was hurt.


  1. Wasn't she the blind about the miserable hotel guest who made some comment like "Isn't that what Mexicans are for?" or something like that?

  2. Tsk tsk, Jamie. Shame, because I liked her.

  3. She's a pretty girl, but where's the mugshot?

    Why do some celebs get their mugshots plastered on the net, but others do not? Pay off?

  4. It seems like no one in Hollywood has ever heard of a cab.

    To every star in Hollywood:

    it is a yellow car with a driver, a meter and a glass partition. You can use it to get a ride home when you are plastered.

    Please call one after drinking and you can take one back the next day to get your car

  5. Is it just me or does she have a massive cold sore on her mouth in this photo?

  6. what am i missing here? what does 'blames crab man' mean?

  7. Crab Man was a character on "earl", and her husband on the show. . .

    Wasn't she the one that peed on the sidewalk outside a restaurant? Seems like she was drunk, then, too.

  8. Monster - She did pee on the sidewalk outside of a gay bar (in broad daylight). I think I saw the picture on the "I'm Not Obsessed" blog...

  9. I mean "Momster", not "Monster", sorry!! =)

  10. HAHA--Freudian slip! :) I'm definately a monster w/out my coffee.

  11. Her mug shot is up on other sites, and, I must say, she actually looks good in it. She doesn't look drunk, just serious (her eyes are clear, not droopy, and she looks alert and like a healthy person). But, if that's her at twice the legal limit, girl can DRINK.

  12. Tiny little girl can drink, that's for sure. I will always love her!

  13. I miss Earl, too. I loved her character.

    The story mentions her bail being set at $15k vs. the normal $5k. Anyone know why?

  14. Supposedly bail is $5,000 for most DUI drivers but they charge more if you have drunk more. Apparently her bail is $15,000. Just saying.

  15. she needs help. Hope she gets help, at least for that little cutie's sake.

  16. I live where she grew up, and read her autobiography, so I feel like I know her personally, haha. ;)
    I hope this wakes her up to not drive while intoxicated anymore!

    @skeeball I couldn't agree more! And, it's not like they can't afford it like some shlub off the street couldn't, they have NO excuses.

  17. I know it is a very bad thing to drink and drive. But being arrested for impaired driving is kind of an oxymoron isn't it? If you have impaired judgement, then maybe you don't realize your are legally drunk until you blow over.

    Anyway, take a couple of extra bucks for a cab if you think you are going to be drinking more than two drinks.

  18. Loved her in Earl. Nobody's perfect - the trick is to learn after the first error. Everyone makes a mistake - some worse than others. But most don't have them posted on every web site in the world. She probably knows she did a wrong thing (as we all do when we fail). But her failure is public too. Have to say that fame might have its perks, but I'll take my life :) Now for those who fail just for publicity (hello LL) I have no sympathy.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hahaha. Kneepads' website mentions how although she looks dismayed "her eyebrows are perfectly plucked and she appears fresh-faced" in her mugshot.

  21. I think it's wrong to post a photo of Jaime with her child. This infers that he was with her when she was arrested.
