Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's Been Quite The Week For Ted Williams

Two weeks ago, the only people who knew Ted Williams were the people who passed him on the street. Then, he hit the big time when clips of him singing hit the internet. Then he had a run in with the police after he and his daughter got into a confrontation, and then during a taping of Dr. Phil, he decided to enter rehab. You know, this is probably the best thing for him. It is tough to go from practically nothing to be world known in a week and having your life played out in front of the world under a microscope.

Good for him and I hope this gets him back on his feet and stable so he can go out and record some music. You know what would be great? He and Susan Boyle hitting the road together.


  1. I saw this one coming. It's hard to be pulled out of poverty into the limelight and I highly doubt he is able to deal with it.

    Hell, I've been socialized "normally" and I can barely deal with it.

    Good luck to him.

  2. Sorry, I can't deal with society, not the limelight that I am not, nor will I ever, be in.

    Brain, she is broke.

  3. Haha @Sue Ellen, I was wondering what limelight you had been pulled into!

    I read that he was still drinking every day, I hope he gets the help he needs.

  4. That was a fast 15 minutes, relatively speaking.

    May his trip to rehab return him to a normal life - i.e., no TV shows or interviews. He seems like the type that normal is what may save his life.

  5. @linnea

    If I ever am pulled into said limelight, I will fully break a leg to get over here as fast as possible, and spill all the gossip I know.

    This is my promise to CDaN.

  6. I was rather appalled when I saw Entertainment Tonight following him and his taping of Dr. Phil so closely. I would imagine the pressure from such changes would be too much. I wish him well.

  7. I think opportunity knocked when he wasn't quite ready for it. I hope he can get the help he needs.

  8. Alright @Sue Ellen, I want some of that juice gossip so let´s make that happen!

    Now, what would you prefer? Leaked sex tape with several elephants/salamanders (just people won´t do, not shocking enough)?

    Seducing a real housewife´s husband, just to turn on him after the divorce is finalized and marry the housewife instead?

  9. More like I'll be hiding in a cupboard, taking pictures of celebs busting lines in the john.

    That, or I'll just wait for a relative to become famous.

    *holds breath*

  10. For what it is worth, Enty, Ted is not a singer. He is a voiceover/DJ guy.

  11. Anonymous10:33 AM

    You know, that just keeps confusing me, because everyone talks about him singing and I have yet to find a video where he sings. He's an announcer. Not a performer.

    All that aside, none of this is surprising. I've spent most of my life dealing with addictive personalities. I doubt that he was ever clean. They can manipulate, lie, fool with you, mess around with your brain, and generally make you look crazy while they look normal. I'd love to think miracles happen and something like this could give him a new life, but that's not likely. Addiction is a hard old row to hoe.

  12. Cool. So are we done talking about him now? Getting really sick of all the saccharine rags-to-riches bullshit.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Rehab, weekly support meetings and voice over work, Ted. No cameras. That is all...

  15. @Nightmare Child

    Ah come on. This kind of stuff is needed sometimes. We all love an underdog, don't we?

  16. I love an underdog story, but I don't have a good feeling about this guy. I think his problems may go way beyond addiction. I get a real self-medicating schizophrenic vibe from him. Hopefully, the rehab that he entered will make sure that if he needs meds he will get them. Untreated or borderline schizophrenics often battle drug and alcohol addictions.

  17. Don't forget, he did do a macaroni & cheese commercial before breaking down.

    I was rooting for this guy, he seemed nice and like he would be able to get back on his feet if only given the chance. I hope it works out for him and that he becomes the next movie trailer voice over legend! Just imagine it..."IN A LAND...."

  18. I'm so torn on this subject...I work in the VO business and really there are only about 10 successful theatrical guys (and one or two girls). I know about 65 other guys that work in commercials, radio and occasional broadcast television. Any of them would kill to even scratch (audition) for a national campaign or film. It seems unfair that there is so much talent out there that is not being used-but this guy gets offered 10 jobs in 24 hours. It's all just kind of wacky to me.

  19. Like I said a few days ago, it's hard enough to deal with fame and fortune when you start out stable and well adjusted. I'm sure that LOTS of the people we gossip about every day started off okay, but fell prey to lies, pressures and decadance of fame and $$. I imagine it would be nearly impossible for someone to start off UNSTABLE and then BECOME stable when dealing with sudden fame and fortune.

  20. Singing? When did he sing?

  21. coulda predicted this one. and guess what? next week he will be forgotten and the week after ted williams the baseball player will get his namesake recognition back.

    fucking disposable sub-world we live in.

  22. I like your idea, Maja. I can't remember the name of the big voiceover movie guy who just passed away, but he did all of his work in his home studio. I think that's what Ted needs - rehab, followups, a quiet place to work.

  23. @Sue Ellen - No, that is NOT what we need. And no, we don't love an underdog. Fuck the underdog. The underdog usually ends up getting run over by the garbage truck. And then animal control has to pick the dog up.

    When I log on to my Facebook and see fifty motherfuckers putting up shit about this guy, it's time to let the goddamn story die.

    And I have to piggyback on what girltrav said. I know a few people trying to break into the radio/VO biz myself (and I'm one of them) and it's BLEAK. I've got a couple of misdemeanors and I'm considered unhireable. Someone decides to pull a CKY and film this guy and he gets job offers thrown at him? AND REHAB? Fuck that. He can work his ass off like the rest of us. And if his ass has to to rehab, I should be getting shittons of work.

  24. And Enty's article is riddled with factual errors, so that's another reason why I'm vexed.

  25. I think someone needs a hug.


    Alright, fuck it then. Fuck the underdog(never!).

    Time to get off facebook, I think. Then you don't have to deal with bullshit like that.

  26. Maja with a J - every time I see your little photo next to your post, it reminds me of Jean Smart! You look just her! And I "hear" your posts with Jean Smart's voice. Crazy!

  27. @Sue Ellen - I don't need a hug, I need people to recognize that there's something amiss about this whole story. And I'm not getting off of Facebook anytime soon. Since I don't own a cellphone (and have no intention of getting one anytime soon), it's how I keep in contact with my friends overseas and the ones that live out of state. know, god forbid people write actual paper letters, ya know?

  28. I hope he gets the help he needs & stays clean.

  29. I was joking about everything I said. That's the shitty thing about the internet, you can't tell tone like you can on the phone. (Sorry about the rhyme)

    Now, I am totally one to lose my mind over inconsistancies, but it's relatively pointless because it's only going to bother you.

    People always use emperical evidence to their advantage, so it's not really worth it in the long run to get annoyed by it.

    Of course I am totally calling the kettle black, but whatcha going to do.

    I just know there's a little nugget of a good soul in there, so I hate when things happen to make that nuggest bury deeper.

    Sorry, does this sound crazy?

    Still friends?

  30. The rhyme was clever. I liked it.

    Damn near everything bothers me to some degree, but I normally don't vocalize it.


    We're totally cool. Between this story and everyone getting a boner over Obama's speech, I'm pretty burnt out, newswise...

  31. Laura, I had to Google Jean Smart, I had no idea who she is. There is a slight resemblance, actually. I have chosen not to get upset about the fact that she is 24 years older than me - instead, I hope to look as great as her when I get to that age *L*.

  32. paging Captain Obvious!

  33. Maja - I think Jean Smart is gorgeous! The last time I saw her in something was Bringin' Down the House, she played Steve Martin's wife. She doesn't seem to have copped to the knife like so many her age. I also loved her in Designing Women!

  34. I hope he continues in rehab and learns how to reacclimate himself back into society. From other stories it sounds like an adult child was hitting him up for cash.
    He has a long way to go but his voice is lovely!
