Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Hooker Claims Charlie Sheen Is Just Her Type

Apparently Charlie Sheen spent $26,000 in hookers during his Las Vegas weekend bender. Yes, that is more than many people earn in a year and Charlie dropped that on three different hookers. One of the hookers, who goes by the name Ginger told Radar that Charlie was high as a kite when she got there and he did coke the entire four hours she was there. Ginger is an early morning hooker and spent from 9am to 1pm with Charlie for which she was paid $10,000. Seems like a lot of money, but then again you are having sex with Charlie Sheen, so there has to be a danger premium included. Ginger says that Charlie is exactly her type. Of course he is. He has stupid amounts of cash which she is not going to get from most guys. He stays at nice places, and has great drugs. What hooker would not consider Charlie Sheen her type? Plus, hookers end up getting married to Charlie which is kind of like winning the lottery.

You would think CBS would worry about the guy they are paying millions of dollars to each WEEK, but, they keep their mouth shut as long as Charlie comes to work on time or close o it and keeps the coke off the lot.


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