Thursday, January 13, 2011

Holly Madison Doesn't Like Crystal Harris

Two days in a row of Holly Madison. Wow, apparently Hugh Hefner getting engaged and Holly's new season contributes to her being in the media. She told Kneepads that she is not a big fan of Crystal and that the few times she has met Crystal, she treated Holly really poorly. That does not surprise me. I mean Crystal wants to hang on to that 84 year old love machine. Of course that love machine just bought Playboy back, so finances might be tight for a little while. You know, like generic Viagra for a bit.

Holly also says that Hef could have done better. I am actually shocked that Holly is still talking to Hef. This is a woman who seems to have actually been in love with the old fart, so I feel sorry for her.


  1. hasn't she noticed the resemblance ?

  2. Geeze. Hef's ex wife Barbie something, was a mean ass bitch to Holly, so how (and why) is it surprising that Holly would be that way to this one?

    You mean to say that ex's aren't always nice to the new piece?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    She's just bitter cause this one managed to get Hef to propose and she couldn't.

    Boo bitch.

  3. @ Sue Ellen: I thought of Barbie Benton right away, too!

    I do feel sorry for Holly tho. I like the gal. And she does seem sincerely in love (still) with Hef.

  4. Haha@Mish, honestly I cant tell ANY of those girls apart, they all look the same!

  5. So the new piece doesn't like the old piece - and the old piece is jealous that the new piece swooped in and managed to achieve something in a matter of months that she couldn't get after years of trying.
    Count me among the utterly shocked.

  6. Hef wanted someone in the early twenties. Late twenties would have been to old.

    I thought that Barbie Benton was okay with Holly, and it was the ex-wife Kim Conrad who was witchy to Holly.

    Hef never married Barbie Benton.

  7. I feel for you Holly but it's time to move on with some dignity (of sorts).

  8. I think Holly loved the creepy old goat, too, not just his money and position. I know he's not as rich as he used to be and the Playboy "empire" is more cultural than fiscal these days, but Hugh is still a "catch" for any golddigger or famewhore. He'd have been better off with Holly. She'd actually give a crap about his health care if he were to have a stoke or get cancer. This Crystal chick will just roll his chair over in a dark corner and see how far the credit cards will go.

  9. @Merlin D.

    Great minds boyfriend, great minds.

  10. Linnea, that's RACIST! :)

  11. Hahaha, you are right, I should be ashamed of myself...

  12. Holly was so jealous of Barbie she couldn't stand it. I thought it was Kim (the ex-wife) who was downright rude to the girls literally next door. Holly should have moved on by now and probably has, she's just taking advantage of the publicity. I still feel kinda bad for her though because she did seem to care about the old feller.

  13. I've said it before and I'll say it again: no way this bitch is 24. No. Way. Probably lying about her age to make Hugh attracted to her. I think she's cuter than Holly though.

  14. Holly got a nice little entertainment career out of it, so she should count her blessings and move the hell on.

  15. Holly's problem was that Hugh was still married to Kim when they (Hugh and Holly) were together. He has since cut that cord and is formally available.

  16. ^^^That wasn't the real problem. If he wanted to marry Holly that badly, Hef still had a few coins to hire a divorce attorney at that time.

  17. Dateline bleached blonde gold-digging floozy is mean to another...

    I have to admit to coveting Hef's house. I used to watch TGND just do drool over the house and grotto... *sigh* But I don't want it enough to actually fuck him.

  18. LOL@Mango! For real, I love that house, but you're right: not enough to ride the Hef train.

  19. Seriously? I kind of have a hard time caring about any of Hef's "girlfriends", past or present. What kind of woman with any self respect shares with two other women and gets in line to ride Hef along with a bunch of others?
