Monday, January 17, 2011

Golden Globe Photos Part Seven

Kelly Osbourne
Kyra Sedgwick & Kevin Bacon
Kevin Spacey
Lea Michele
Leighton Meester
Mandy Moore
Mark Ruffalo & Sunrise Coigney
Mark Salling
Mark Wahlberg & Rhea Durham
Michelle Williams


  1. Of COURSE Lea Michele would wear that. And pose like that. Of COURSE.

  2. love Kyra Sedgwick! I was really hoping she would win for The Closer.

  3. the only fabulousness in this set is leighton meester's shoes. *love*

  4. Love seeing Kyra & Kevin together always...Hopefully they're in that group who will get some money back from the Madoff scams.

    I love vintage clothes, especially 60's and 70's. Therefore, I LOVE Michelle William's look! Hooray!

  5. Leighton Meester and Michelle Williams dresses look awful IMO

    Ladies, my Grandmothers tablecloth called: It wants it's patterns back.

    Love them both as actresses though

  6. Lea Michele crying for her co-star made me roll my eyes...

  7. I loved Lea in PeptoPink. Broke up the red carpet boredom for me. Hey, she got the attention. Good stylist.

  8. So over Mark Salling. I'd take the other Mark any day.

  9. Kyra's dress is amazing. Love her look compared to all the ivory, pink, and black. Oh, love Mandy's dress too. Love that blue!

  10. I really like Mandy Moore's dress. It's not spectacular, but it looks good on her.

    And I love the Bacons! They look really happy.

    Michelle Williams dress wouldn't have worked for anyone but her, but it does work for her. Very cute. She could work on her posture though *L*.

  11. michelle williams needs my mother around---'FOR GODSAKE! STAND UP STRAIGHT!!'

    if she ever wore a good dress (which she never has), it still would look like shit because she has the worst posture in the world. her shoulders are round from slouching for so long.

  12. @nancer YES! thank you!

  13. Um, lady behind Kevin Spacey: Throw those 1990s mules away, honey. They're never coming back in. *cringe*

  14. Williams needs to fire her stylist or her stylist hates her

  15. This set should have been entitled...UGLY Dresses.

  16. I thought Leighton looked good. Much more conservative than she usually goes.

    Love Mandy's dress

    Sunrise? :-/ I'm sure she's a lovely person.

    I loved when the British chick asked Michelle if her dress was one of a kind, made especially for her. Umm, no.

    I don't feel like flowers or butterflies (Gabby's dress) belong on the red carpet. Both dresses looked like something I would have worn in high school.

  17. posted this in another area and realized that Lea Michelle is in this group. I actually like her dress, the color and the fact that she's smiling instead of the usual scowl!

    and I LOL'd about the MW posture comments. really because I have awful posture myself and I work on it every time I see photos of celebs who slouch worse than I do!

  18. I like Michelle's dress. I couldn't wear it, but it suits her style.

    One of my favorite's was Busy Phillips, but I don't think she walked the red carpet since she was just going as a friend of Michelle's. Black halter with white polka dots.

  19. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I love Mandy's dress and color.

    Michelle's W. the dress is simple, but do love her hair cute (very cute).

  20. Kelly Osbourne looks kinda boxy and frumpy.

    Kevin Bacon has FrankenHair.

    Love Mandy Moore's dress, but please, ladies, do something with the hair for a big event!

    Michelle Williams apparently got her dress from Fugs R Us. Maybe it looked better in person??

  21. Mandy Moore looks like she is wearing her prom dress...I like the color tho.
    Michelle Williams always looks so out of place dressed up.

  22. Love the color on Kyra. Michelle Williams's dress just looks too young for her. I realize that's her style but it didn't work in this case.

  23. I saw the twitpic of Kelly Osborne's dress - it showed the model in it on the runway. You should have left it on the runway, Kelly.

  24. Didn't Michelle Williams wear the same dress as Kyra last year?

  25. i love Michelle's dress, but it does look a little slouchy. whatever, it still looks good.

    and for some reason, i really despise Lea Michelle. i think she needs a dose of reality...something to humble her a bit.
