I guess while filming Burlesque, Christina Aguilera must have discovered what a troll Julianne Hough is. Yeah, Ryan it's true. Face it, you must have figured that out by now. Anyway, Julianne missed out on the whole Burlesque promotional tour because she is not a big enough part of the movie and because no one outside the US even knows who she is.
At a pre-Golden Globes party, Christina had a few words with Julianne who had a few words back and the next thing you know Christina grabbed Julianne. People separated the pair and Christina's people said nothing like that happened. I'm not sure Julianne has people. I guess she does. She is the kind of person who if she had Camille money would be ten times worse.
I have a feeling that Julianne has been saying things behind Christina's back about what happened during filming with her assistant and Christina took exception to it.
i love xtina, and i think she's may be in hyper-sensitive mode lately, due to the rough 2010 she had...but at the end of the day, nothing tops juliann houever's low-budget camille ways. nothing. i hope ryan is smart enough to rethink the contract and seacrest out on her.
ReplyDeleteJulianne, you in danger girl.
ReplyDeleteI'm sort of surprised Enty seems TeamXtina on this one. I don't doubt it happened though
ReplyDeleteI would have thought Julianne would have been more polished, especially after being around Seacrest for so long, but did you hear the comment she made at the GG's?
ReplyDeleteShe told an interviewer her dress made her feel like a woman. Ryan leaned in and said "wait... what did you feel like before?" Julianne said "A little girl. But you like that" Camera goes to something else as everyone moans. I mean who would say that on TV?
I don't really care for either, but I can't imagine Christina going after someone physically for no reason. If she was that type, there would be a lot of blinds about a celebrity having physical altercations with assistants, hairdressers, makeup artists, etc... I think.
I think Christina is TOTALLY that type. I also think she's old enough to have some sense and not beat a bitch when the mood strikes her. Julianne probably crossed a line.
ReplyDeleteOMG Jessica, I can't believe she thought that would be cool to say even as a joke about SEACREST (the brand). He needs to can her ass, you never say anything to endanger the empire.
ReplyDeleteWay to derail your gravy train, bitch.
Funny though, if Ryan worked so hard his whole career to hide he's gay, only to be taken down by a dumb joke about being a pedophile. That would be kind of awesome.
I agree, Sue Ellen Mishkey, about Christina being *exactly* that type. I wouldn't doubt that Julianne was nasty, though.
ReplyDeleteI'm wildly speculating but I think it's possible that dancer Julianne snarked about Christina's rapid weight gain, on-set twattery as a "Burlesque" co-star, bad dance skills, etc. I mean, Christina looks a fucking mess and it MUST have been a topic at the Globes. In that crowd, there must have been measurable surprise at the VAST difference between her appearance in the "Burlesque" clips and in person, as she looks like Snooki now. People shit-talk, especially when it's about an arrogant 'diva.'
I wonder if JH was drinking on the red carpet. What a dumb thing to say.
ReplyDeleteThat's what happens when superegos collide.
ReplyDeleteOmg, Bish! She does have an air of Snooki!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe she said that, and agree that it would be funny if he was labeled a pedo considering (did I really say that? Not funny funny, just funny) but I doubt it, because I didn't know about the comment until just now. If shit was gonna hit the fan, all of the media would be talking about it. Fortunately for Seacrest, Julianne is a dumbass that no one cares about.
@Jessica - OMG that is HILARIOUS.
ReplyDeleteGossip Cop said this was, like, totally false. But they also defend Lohan on a regular basis, so go figure.
Julian Ho was in Burlesque?? Huh...
Would have love to seen this catfight.
Cecilia00, Enty may not like Christina, but he really hates the Houghs.
ReplyDeleteSeacrest needs to set up an interview with Rachel Bilson. Now she knows how to beard properly.
Christina, it is not like we all can't figure out you cheated. You parade that dude everywhere now.
ReplyDeletejulianne is bearding seacrest for her brother derek's sake. i think that's sweet. she can't be as bad as all that.
ReplyDelete@Jessica I can't believe she thought that remark was funny!
ReplyDeleteRyan is just happy he has a girlfriend shorter than him.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of the very few who saw Burlesque and I had to do a double-take to recognize JH because of the hair color.
ReplyDeleteWho lets Christina leave the house looking like that? That sh*t wouldn't have looked good even in the 60's.
I detest Julianne Ho/Hough/Huff. She needs to go away and stop trying to be an actress/singer/whatever.
ReplyDeleteBearding must be the new casting couch.
In response to the headline - they're not the only ones!
ReplyDeleteI cannot stand Xtina. She's an idiot of epic proportions with how she has thrown her career and life away. Her year long red lipstick escapade put lots of nails in her coffin. That's not Hough's fault.
ReplyDeleteBTW, the trained dancer here is Hough, not Xtina. And Xtina's ego is ridiculous right now.
BTW, the little girl comment, just means he has a Charlie Sheen complex of high school cheerleaders. No biggie.
Hmm, I have something in common with them both then.