Sure, right after I say things about Charlie Sheen the news hits that he was rushed to the hospital early this morning. Apparently Charlie was partying all night with five women and when he saw the bill it caused him to have to call 911. Look, a guy his age who parties so much is asking for trouble. He needs help but does not want it. He has a lot to live for. Five kids and will probably be a grandfather soon, and the guy just keeps on drugging, boozing and partying. I hope he makes it, and this should be a wake up call. It won't be, but it should.
How ironic that this is the next story after the Duckie story.
ReplyDeleteCan somebody tell me what went wrong in his life that he turned out like this?
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know, his father is a very nice man and Emilio too.
So, what went wrong?
Lets face it. He looks rode hard and put away wet.If he keeps it up he wont be long for this earth.
ReplyDeletewow, I hate to say it but I frankly was suprised to see on the news that he isn't in worse condition. I hope he pulls it together, he really is quite talented.
ReplyDeleteHe just likes to party to much..
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for his PR person to put out he had "food poisoning"
ReplyDeleteHe's really just kind of pathetic at this point. I have a lot of sympathy for addicts, but this guys is also publicly embarrassing and worrying his family to death.
ReplyDeleteI don't care about Charlie, but I do feel for his family.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but fuck him. At his age, acting like that? Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteNow, his kids--that's another whole story. And really sad for them. He obviously gives not two shits about them, otherwise he'd live cleaner.
Seems like the kind of guy who would quote "live hard, die young, leave a nice corpse" all the time. And I know the news makes it out that it's just stomach pains but I don't have a good feeling about this for some reason.
ReplyDeleteSomewhere in Pasadena, Dr. Drew weeps.
ReplyDeleteso f-ing over this brat...how many chances, everyone needs to stop being addicted to this sociopath and DTMFA.
ReplyDeletehe can die any time now, I'm done with him and his hookers & blow ways.
ReplyDeleteHis parents and Denise Richards are at the hospital apparently, so I think it's more serious than we know.
ReplyDeleteI feel so bad for his young children.
The guy has some sort of death wish and wants to party hard on the way out. One of these days he'll get that wish.
ReplyDeleteI do feel bad for his kids.
He probably has pancreatitis, although his PR folks will tell us it was dehydration from working too hard.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Cecilia00. When I saw that his parents were there - who I've seen as very absent over the last year when he's had these issues - I thought the same thing: it must be serious. I'm really sick of Charlie & his pathetic lifestyle, but feel for his kids.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to his getting back together with his wife?
ReplyDeleteRemember, this guy is in deep throes of the very insidious disease called addiction. It's heartless to hate him. He probably has the body of a 90-year-old. Those of us who aren't addicted shouldn't blame him for not getting the cure. At least I don't. I feel sorry for him and his family.
ReplyDeleteDid you see Dr. Drew's special last night? I thought they did a good job at the end of explaining how it's the addiction, not the addict, that is the big problem.
Wondering if it's appendicitis...maybe it burst. Would cause severe stomach pains and be considered serious due to poss infection...
ReplyDeleteI'm truly not a fan of Charlie, but his dad who I met is very kind and doesn't deserve this.
Charlie sure can do math. There he was partying with five women when someone told him there were hundreds of women, in cute white uniforms, down the hospital. Charlie, responsible citizen that he is, realized he had partied too hard to drive, so he called a white taxi. Probably getting his prostate manipulated as we speak!
ReplyDeleteTMZ just said something is breaking in the Charlie Sheen story and they will have it p in a minute...
ReplyDeleteif he lives, i expect his father is there attempting to get some type of legal authority to have him put in rehab (if he lives).
ReplyDeleteI understand you point, believe me, I do. But at what point does the addict have to take responsibility for what they do?
What about crimes they commit?
Family they hurt?
People they steal from, lie to, and screw over?
Should they not be punished?
Should no one have the right to be upset with them?
@ Amy I completely agree. I don't have a good feeling about this at all. I'm afraid it won't turn out well this time and someone should have *made* him get help a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteoops, meant to take out the part in parentheses when i reworded that
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for his family. Hopefully this is his rock bottom and he recovers from this. He needs to clean it up for those little kids. I know someone who knows the parents and she says he is actually nice, just has issues/demons.
ReplyDeleteWelp, Jon Cryer wasn't kidding about the TMZ thing.
ReplyDeleteOne update on TMZ says that neighbors are saying he threw a party last night & they heard women inside singing Red Hot Chili Peppers songs throughout the evening. Really? The entire evening?
Dang it, lost my comment.
ReplyDeleteI don't feel sorry for Charlie Sheen. I'll be a blunt bitch: if he dies, the lives of random party-happy women who might flock to him will be safer. He fucking SHOT Kelly Preston in an 'accident' when they were dating, abused Brooke, was accused of the same by Denise, threatened a porn actress at The Plaza (but she doesn't count because she fucks on camera! She's less than human!), etc. He's a monster and I seriously doubt that his addiction created sociopathy. That probably coexists with his addictions.
I genuinely do feel for his children and hope that in all events, his fortune lets them have all the help, schooling and all else they could want or ever need. I can't imagine having such a horrific father - especially the girls, as Charlie Sheen is a motherfucking misogynist.
Flame away.
Can you imagine the state of his liver....
ReplyDeleteKelly Preston used the money from that pink diamond engagement ring to buy a condo....
longest suicide attempt known to man.
ReplyDeletePancreatitis scares me. Damn it you people. No wine tonight.
ReplyDelete"I can't wait for his PR person to put out he had 'food poisoning.'"
ReplyDeleteNo, it's probably mercury poisoning.
hmmmm.....heavy drinking can cause gastric bleeding. it can be fast and is potentially fatal. if that doesn't get your attention, nothing will.
ReplyDeletefor now, that's my diagnosis.
@CeciliaOO: No, I'm not excusing his behavior or saying he shouldn't face the consequences. Just tired of people saying that he needs to be "made" to get help and that he needs to take the initiative because, up to this point, he has been incapable of that kind of lucid thought.
ReplyDeleteMy thought is that Charlie has had a lot of (well-meaning) enablers in his life that have hurt his chances of recovery. On Celebrity Rehab, Dr. Drew told Leif Garrett's mom that she needs to stop enabling him. For instance, stop bailing him out (how many times has Martin, God bless him, bailed Charlie out of jail?) Sometimes you need to let them rot in jail for awhile to see the sober light.
And I'm certainly NOT blaming Martin Sheen and the rest of the family for loving him.
Celebrity Rehab is a hoot to watch for the drama, but it (and "Intervention") have really opened my eyes up to the issues you face when someone you love is addicted.
I just find the whole thing sad and seeing people "hate" Charlie Sheen and say he's a monster and not a human being with a very real disease breaks my heart.
PS: I have some friends who are recovering addicts and they told me that when they were deep into it, they wanted to get sober more than anything, but the addition was too strong for them to beat (at many times, up to the time they finally surrendered).
ReplyDeleteI call acute renal failure!
ReplyDelete100% agree w/Bish. He's had plenty of time to turn his life around. He got many breaks for being who he was and didn't take advantage of them to become a better person. He abuses women big time. Talented actor but a complete piece of shit as a human being. I won't even watch any of his work anymore because he disgusts me. I do feel bad for his kids and his parents. He's a total piece of shit for doing all of this to them.
ReplyDeleteOh and I call multiple system failure. His body has just had the shits of him poisoning it and collectively told him to fuck off.
ReplyDeleteTMZ now reporting he was partying for 48 hours straight with a briefcase full of cocaine...
ReplyDelete@nunaurbiz - first link I could find, but with correct info. His dad never bailed him out of anything, he got him busted instead.
Yes, and then when he recovers CBS will talk him into another year on television and throw even more millions at him. And the cycle will continue.
ReplyDeleteI think he truly believes he's invincible.
@Tempestuous Grape - ugh, I am drinking a glass right now. Makes me want to not finish it. Yikes.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this will be his bottom, but I doubt it. I don't have a great feeling about this one, either. I don't care at all about him (and don't particularly think he is very talented), but as a human it is difficult to watch someone spiral so badly. Jax said it well.
hey, just because you're an addict, doesn't mean you're not an asshole. i think charlie will be a dick when he's sober too.
ReplyDeletenow TMZ is saying he had a hernia in his stomach that was backing up food cuasing the pain.
ReplyDeleteHopefully this will be his wake up call!
ReplyDeletea hernia from carrying around a briefcase full of cocaine bricks
ReplyDeleteDon`t care if he lives or dies. He`s pure scum.
ReplyDeleteIf reports are to be believed, he started partying Tuesday night and got taken to hospital Thursday a.m. with a hiatal hernia which "causes acid and food to back up into the esophagus."
ReplyDeleteAnyone who's done coke knows there is NO eating taking place when you're sucking back lines., so we know that wasn't backing up into the esophagus. Just acid, then? I call bullshit.
Sorry but I have to agree with Cecelia00.. addiction is a serious illness and needs to be treated properly, but the addict also needs to take responsibility for where their life is at and where it's going. There are addicts EVERY DAY that manage to take themselves to rehab and get clean. And maybe they slip back into it, and then they go get clean again. And there are many many people who were/are addicts who get clean and STAY clean. The only thing is you don't hear about them, because they aren't getting into this kind of trouble. So what's the difference there? Strength of character? Will power? Accepting responsibility for one's own actions? It CAN be done, and people shouldn't be continually allowed to use the addiction excuse if they're not even TRYING to get clean.
ReplyDeleteI call bull on the hiatal hernia, I have one myself, and while it's uncomfortable at times, it would have to be whopping huge (and buiding for some time) for it to cause that much trouble.
ReplyDeleteAt some point there's not a whole heck of a lot you can do to help a addict that won't take the steps to help themself. Went through that with my mother, thank god she's been sober for over 25 years, but she had to make the decision.
I bet he was a douche long before he was an addict.
ReplyDeleteI am a drug addict, and I have a little sympathy for Sheen, but I also have a lot of impatience with his behavior. One lesson of addiction that I've learned the hard way is: every time an addict picks up, she or he goes back to the worst state they were in during their active addiction. Sheen can't "do drugs gracefully," he touches cocaine and all the pathology and insanity flares to full force. Addiction is not curable but its progression can be stopped. It requires stopping, though. Sometimes that means prison time. For me it meant becoming homeless. (I'm better now, it's all good.) I just hope Sheen's family is able to get through to him, but I feel sometimes that there's too much toxic damage to his brain from the years of drug abuse. In his heart, he doesn't think he has a problem.
ReplyDeleteWe can argue about Charlie Sheen and whether he is an asshole or addicted or both, but when it comes to enablers can we PLEASE talk about the network????
ReplyDeleteWHY on earth are they letting him keep doing this? If they had any f-ing morals, they would tell him to get clean or get out, force him to rehab or cut off his money flow.
But no, they keep him employed and in drug money, and the whole cast hostage, just because the show makes money. That is the worst part of this story to me.
Honestly, I like him a lot. I feel sorry for him in that he has no clue, like 100% of all addicts. You are not dealing with a logical person, but an additiction that lives in a person, quelling every sense of being.
ReplyDeleteAs for Hookers, I don't care. The guy's single.
The fact that his show has been renewed yet again just goes to show how little those people care about him. They want him to keep making him money and as long as some way, some how, they can get him onto that set long enough to film an episode, they will keep pumping them out. Even if it's completely obviously he needs to be cut off from that money train asap and forced into a LONG hiatus from the spotlight.
ReplyDeleteToo many people make too much money off of Charlie for anyone to drop anything. Sad truth.
ReplyDeleteAnother sad truth - Charlie was very aware of his addictions and the fact that he couldn't just ever have one - one line or one drink - I think the climate of his success changed his reality yet again. I wonder if all the drinking etc that on screen Charie had done led him to believe he could handle anything.
Chuck Lorre his exec producer did let a vanity card fly that wasn't so 'pro-Charlie' a couple months back:
ReplyDeleteTo Do List
Re-calibrate the line behind fiction and reality
Meditate using new mantra, "high ratings do not equate to high self-esteem"
Go to Al-Anon meeting
Stand in front of a mirror and practice saying "no comment"
Stand in front of a mirror and practice saying "as far as I know everything's terrific"
Write a country song entitled, "Hooker in the Closet." (Chorus: "There's a hooker in the closet, 'neath the monogrammed robes, don't know how she got there and I can't find my clothes. Officer Krupke, how are you tonight? I've misplaced my watch but I'm feeling alright.") Donate royalties to womens' shelter
Quit the business and teach creative writing at Cal State Bakersfield. Fresno?
Bite the hand that feeds you because you've had more than enough to eat
Hire a publicist to put a positive spin on this vanity card
1st Aired: 22 November 2010
And now this with with Jon on Conan THE DAY before the hospitalization?
He sure saw it coming.
That's interesting, B626. I don't watch any of those TV shows so I didn't know that Chuck Lorre was using the end of the show to put out a little message. Seems like he is pretty sick of Sheen's antics, too.
ReplyDeleteFirst thing I thought of when I heard this was what Jon Cryer said.
ReplyDeleteI think Jax is right. He and Lindsay Lohan just don't want to live anymore. Who is going to OD first? And how many hookers will be at Charlie's funeral?