Tuesday, January 11, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This C List “actress” known for not being an intellectual is trying to impress a B list co-star who is super smart. She’s hired a tutor to help her appear more intellectual. She’s reading Plato and other philosophers and memorizing poetry and is also consulting a “Life Coach” to help her use this knowledge in every day situations.


  1. A man who is going to be seduced by Plato and moral philosophy? Why, clearly it's Ben Affleck.

  2. Hahaha ..She should hire Aziz Ansari as her 'Swagga Coach'. That would be way cooler.

    Otherwise..no guesses :P

  3. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to better yourself...but really Plato...and poetry will not do it...and she should want this for herself not for a man...

  4. Plato is the worst! It made me so sleepy and I absolutely hate the circles of logic that philosophy drags you through.

    Good luck to her.

  5. The description made me think of Jessica Simpson though c list would be generous. Other than that I got nothing.

  6. Jessica Simpson?

  7. It would be easier to start from the super smart actor than naming a dumb C list actress.

    But the BI is poorly written. Is the intellectual male or female, is it a show or a film. Does she try to seduce him/her or is it just a matter of pride?

    James Franco isn't currently shooting anything with an idiot (he's doing a movie with Catherine Keener as the female lead and he's completed the prequel to to Planet of the Apes co-starring Freida Pinto) but he's definitely some guy who can be judged smart on the Hollywood scale (he's seen wearing glasses).

  8. you can hire me chica- double major English Lit & Philosophy...and i can teach you about food preservation, literary theory and basic inorganic/organic chem too!
    i work cheap and in cash.

  9. Tara Reid and anybody
    Annalyn Mccord and anybody
    Paris Hilton and anybody

  10. I would say Jessica Alba -cause she always seems to be trying too hard. But the only thing she is filming is Spy Kids 4 with Antonio Bandaras and while I have no doubts he is intellegent, I never got the "super smart" thing. Other person in the cast is The Pivert and the only thing I could imagine her trying to impress him with is her martial arts skills while trying to keep him away.

  11. Well good for her, whoever she is. Doesn't hurt to try and make yourself smarter. Would be better if it were for herself, true, but hey, you go, girl!

    P.S.: If the costar is really super smart, he will see through this :-)

  12. "He's seen wearing glasses"


  13. Matt Damon is super smart, but he's A List. So is Ben Affleck.

    Could it be Amanda Siefried who is dating Ryan whatshisname who used to be married to Reese Witherspoon? I don't know that he's super smart, though, or even B List, but that's all I got.

  14. Can't stop laughing at Barton's comment right now

  15. Denise Richards? Few are comparable intellectually. Not sure who would qualify for the brains on Blue Mountain State.

  16. lol Timebob!

    Probably Alba, but I'm gonna go with Kaley Cuoco and either Sheldon or Leonard :)

  17. LMAO @Angela So why is the wprd actress written like that...so she's not an actress or at least that is not her main income source? Any model making a movie right now?

  18. Good for her. But Plato aint going to cut it. Chic needs to start with herself, not others.

  19. ooh, ooh, I know! Melanie Griffiths character in "Born Yesterday"!!

  20. This reminds me of stories years ago about new stars with new homes who would call up a bookstore and order 6 feet or 12 feet of books to put on shelves. Didn't care what kind, just needed some books to make it look impressive...

  21. This reminds me of Kiki Dunst walking around with Carl Sagan books. She thinks because she's friends with her daughter that the genius will rub off on her.

  22. @Rocket Queen- Kaley actually was dating 'Leonard' in real life for a few years. She said something about one of the reasons the relationship ended was because for some reason her and Johnny Galeki (Leonard) decided to keep it extremelly private so as to not let it effect the show. The secrecy got to her and the relationship became strained as a result.
    I think it was an amicable parting and yeah, maybe too much info? haha, I just really love the show and thats just one guess I felt we could eliminate from the running :)

  23. I do like the Alba guess but shes married so shes out probably.
    And Amanda Seyfried isnt known for being unintelligent and she is certainly smarter than pretty boy Ryan Phillipe, who has the manners and cheating styles of a frat boy on spring break, so i dont think its them either~

  24. not to nit pick but I didn't get the impression that the actress was doing it in order to sleep with the other actor, just impress "him/her"

  25. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Is Heather Graham working on anything these days? I recall hearing a few of her exes make some snarky comments about her intelligence.

  26. Which ones are known for being intellectual?

  27. I have 3 degrees in Philosophy and have yet to find a man who is won over by that. They seem to want you to seem smart but not smarter than them. Sheesh. Besides Plato stole everything from Socrates (who rules). But if you want something better in your life, try Zhuangzi or the Bhagavad Gita. Don't ever try to look smarter for a man. Knowledge is an end to itself and in the end must be it's own reward. I hope she realizes that.

  28. lol Jasmine, I know, I just like the thought of them back together.
    The thing is, this blind doesn't specify that the actress is trying to impress the co-star for "romantic" purposes, and that's not how I took it. I took it as someone trying to just appear smarter in front of someone they admire (which is why Alba would totally fit).

  29. Oh snap MadLyb I love your guess.

  30. Gypsytrill said...

    This reminds me of stories years ago about new stars with new homes who would call up a bookstore and order 6 feet or 12 feet of books to put on shelves. Didn't care what kind, just needed some books to make it look impressive...

    This is called buying books by the yard. I prefer to by books by the inch.

  31. Is Megan Fox filming anything? I'm too lazy to google. I would qualify her as an "actress" since she is horrible at it and only gets hired because she's hot. I think I've also read some things about her being dumb as a box of rocks.

  32. sigh, i feel you RocketQueen- I'm watching the season when they are together right now and it just doesnt seem right such a cute couple arent together. pout pout

  33. --oh yeah almost forgot, yes i agree that if you leave the romantic aspect out of it then Alba is definitly the answer

  34. I think this is January Jones and that Jason Sudekis (sp?) guy. They were on SNL together. I read on some gossip site that all of Jason's friends think she's stupid and have no idea why he would go out with her. I remember her saying in an interview that a couple years ago when she dated Aston Kutcher, he told her he thought she was pretty stupid too. Doing something like reading a couple books in a quick-fix attempt to look smart is somewhat understandable if she's not bright and insecure about it.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Blake Lively? Is Ryan Gosling considered super smart? He has been described as "the thinking woman's hunk" in my home city newspaper, but not sure if that means he's intellectual himself.

    Liv Tyler? She was outed as dumber than a box of rocks during the New Year blinds, wasn't she? Was she cast in anything lately?



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