Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

October 29, 2010

#1 - This foreign born, male, B list hip hop singer used to supplement his income by dancing at bachelor parties. Yes, bachelor, not bachelorette parties. Must have been interesting.



  1. BAAHHHHAHAAA too funny

  2. I guess Degrassi doesn't pay that much. Huh.

  3. I remember that people discounted him bec of the show. Bachelor parties-wow!

  4. Who wants a guy dancer at a bachelor party? Unless its a gay bachelor party

  5. Montana - Maybe as a joke for a straight groom??

  6. nothing was as good as the video of Paul Rudd being a DJ/MC at Bahtmitvahs.

  7. I think the point is he danced for men - not necessarily on the eve of a wedding

  8. Bwahahaha I guess Wheelchair Jimmy isn't as badass as he claims to be.

    @timebob I remember that video! was before clueless... '91?

  9. I'm not sure I believe this reveal.

    Drake was like 15 or so when he started in Degrassi. Because it's a Canadian production, I don't doubt Degrassi might not be a big paycheck for the people who appear on it, but it's really popular and if he had been dancing at bachelor parties (male or female), - well Toronto is not that big of a place that it would not be widely known.

  10. @jess way before clueless

  11. Anonymous4:32 PM

    This past summer, he played at Ottawa's Bluesfest. I was at another stage waiting for the other act to start and was fortunate enough to hear his act. Ugh. He kept pointing to women and commenting on their, and I quote, "titties." Lovely.

  12. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Oh, should've added, gay marriage is legal in Ontario so it's quite likely he danced at bachelor parties.

  13. Well gay marriage has been legal in Canada for years now, so why wouldn't the grooms get a man to dance at their bachelor parties? ;) Good for Drake, I say.

  14. @anita_mark - That first bit made me LOL

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. the videos! the videos!

  17. Drake's said Degrassi stopped paying him at some point. But he was working with Lil Wayne for a really long time, I just don't think this could be him.

  18. @ Casey, I agree. Toronto is a very small town in many ways. No way this wouldn't have come out before now.

    I mean, we all had the dirt on Sebastian Bach, Alana Miles, and pretty well any other Toronto-based performer who garnered any kind of fame.

  19. This doesn't make sense on so many levels. Drake just turned 24. His mixed tape came out in 07. He stopped filming Degrassi in 06. Degrassi paid ACTRA scale rate, and he was a principal character, so he was still pulling quite a bit, probably $2200 a week (let's ignore residuals). So he was stripping for gays while he was on a high profile show and doing episodic television here in Canada (and still living with his mama)? Either he had a drug habit or some ex gave Enty a bullsh*t blind. I wonder if Keisha Chante reads this blog?

  20. I dunno, I could actually see this making sense, esp if Degrassi actually did paying him at some point like he said. You basically have to assume that his contract with Degrassi was pretty shitty, and thus did not cover reruns.

    Someone pointed out the mixtape but mixtapes are free. Drake put out three of them from 06-09 and it was a song from the last one, So Far Gone, that finally blew up for him on radio in 2009. AFTER that mixtape became a big hit, Drake got signed by Cash Money Records in the summer of 09 and re-released So Far Gone (for sale) that September. So basically for three years Drake was not really making any money from his music at all, he was just grinding and working his way up to being recognized. And I think his role on Degrassi ended in either 08 or it would certainly be plausible that 2008-early 2009 was kind of rough for him financially speaking.

    Nothing in the blind specified where he was doing these parties or for how long he was dancing...he may not have been dancing in Toronto necessarily.

  21. *that first paragraph should say 'if Degrassi did stop paying him'

  22. Casey, agreed. not sure I buy this one. even with the timeframe. but if it is true, yowsa!

  23. First of all, is Drake even B list. He's quoted as the next big rap star and/or Jay Z maybe?

    I doubt this blind !



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