Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

November 12, 2010

Going back to the 90's for this one and one of my favorite movies. Anyway, back when this movie was shot, this current A+ list female always movies actress still had to audition. So, she did for this comedy but did not get the role. Why? In a very, very brief audition our actress broke down three times crying and screaming. The producers called her "bat s**t crazy." So, instead the role went to an unknown who was deemed by the producers as "dumber than a box of rocks," but has worked her way up to a B+ lister who has always been in movies. Oh, and some videos.

#1 - Movie
#2 - A+ lister
#3 - B+ lister

#1 - Empire Records
#2 - Angelina Jolie
#3 - Liv Tyler


  1. Angelina Jolie, batshit crazy? Hahaha, gee that's surprising.

  2. I wish I could be a fly on the wall for one week in Angelina's world. I'm sure it would be educational.

  3. that was a juicy reveal enty.

  4. Dumber than a box of rocks? HAHAHAH!!! Loved Liv in LOTR, but I admit she comes across as a bit dim!

  5. If I looked like that I wouldn't care if I could tie my own darn shoes! Angelina is bat shizzzzz crazy.

  6. This is my favorite reveal ever. EVER.

  7. Anonymous4:50 PM

    BY FAR my favorite movie ever and my favorite reveal to this point.....

  8. LMFAO...I remember this blind, and everyone was saying it was Clueless/Reese Witherspoon/Alicia Silverstone wrong we were...

  9. Wonder what the hell she on at the audition.

  10. Liv was just a kid when she did Empire Records so I will give her a pass.

    But I think her hippy dippy shtick is all an act. Not that I think she is bright at all.

    Angelina was just being a brat thinking she was being "artistic"

    *sigh* rich kids.

  11. suck on that Angie!

  12. batshit crazy...hahaha - I saw this movie a few months ago and sometimes I play in my head "money...oh's what I want"

  13. I have the soundtrack for this film. Great movie. I wonder if Angie still breaks down like that.

  14. Jolie was a kid too, like 19 I guess.
    But damn.

  15. And let us not forget this one of squinty eyes Renee Z.'s early movies.

  16. Liv is dumber than a box of rocks. She was shopping for a country home in my area and worked with an agent in my office. He was a former actor (legit) and knew people in the business and still thought she was stupid as hell. Beauty only goes so far in the real world.

  17. my guess was "3 weddings and a funeral"/Marisa Tomei/Andie McDowel! it's all wrong !

    i understand now the words "and some videos"

    awesome guess

  18. Liv is one of the nicest people around.... surprise, I still think something weird is going to happen with her..

  19. @Bitter Queen
    Was wondering that too, they were great short blinds

  20. I wondered the same thing about the twitter bitch.

  21. Finally breaking away from the day to join in the CDaN fun! Happy 2011 to all of you. Enty, thanks for a day worth waiting for... fantastic reveals.

  22. Wow. . .I wondered if this would be revealed! At that point in her life I think Angie had serious drug issues.

  23. @timebob--I always get Renee and that other squinty blond mixed up in their earlier films, so I didn't remember the blond as Renee--thanks for that reminder!

    I like Liv, although she *does* always have that dumbass fly-catching gape where I'm like, "umm....close your mouth!"

  24. @chihuahuense - Joey Lauren Adams

  25. Agree with momster. She was a mess for years. I know people think she's still messed up, but I genuinely believe she loves those kids and wants to be a good mother, and wouldn't risk their welfare by being as batshit crazy as she used to be.


    I would like to believe that, too.

  27. This is a GREAT reveal!

  28. I LOVE this reveal also. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for both auditions & seen the look on the producers' faces. Loved this movie/soundtrack also. Good times.

  29. another great reveal! Before I scrolled down to the reveal, I was still expecting it to be Clueless.

  30. Anonymous5:48 PM

    HA HA As soon as I read bats*hit crazy, I knew it was Jolie ! What a headcase. Sadly, I didn't guess the rest ! Liv Tyler is dumb as a box of rocks --hilarious. She seems like a sweet person though.

  31. I LOVE Empire Records, in fact it's my all-time favourite film. Saying that, I can't see how Jolie in it would ever have worked.

    Thanks Enty for such an awesome reveal!

  32. A few people guessed correctly at this blind. I remember.

    Angie admits to have been crazy....I don't see what is so shocking. If she had a meltdown on a set NOW, it would be different. Now she is the prim and proper humanitarian.

  33. Crazy or not, the past 15-20 yrs have shown Angelina to be the better script picker...not that it matters since Liv has Aerosmith $$.

  34. love this! i can't see Angelina working in that role. as "dumb" as she was apparently, I think Liv did great.

  35. just throwing this out there, Angelina was in the "its about time" (as the bad girl, Amy smart was the "good" girl) video for the Lemonheads, and Evan Dando is good friends with Liv (they were in Heavy together), and her ex husband.

    Not to mention, Evan covered Battle of El Goodo on that soundtrack... wonder if there is a connection? hmmm.

  36. This is my favorite reveal so far.

  37. I guessed this one right!

  38. Yey!!! Empire Records is one of my favorite movies ever and it would not have been the same with Angie in it. I can't stand the woman who has obviously been batshit crazy for a lot longer than many think. This is my favorite reveal!

  39. This reveal has made me believe that 2011 will be the best year of my entire life. Thanks!

  40. Not surprising, wasn't Jolie a serious drug user back then? I really dislike her, but hope she's better now and a good mom.
    I like Liv - she seems like a nice woman and she's gorgeous. Plus she was young at the time, so I'd hardly expect a bunch of executives to think she was a genius.

  41. Ha! Told ya so. I actually mentioned the wrong movie, but he fact is, Angie did this more than once. I told you guys about the Angie/Timothy Hutton breakup and this being the reason for this particular crazy ass episode.



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