Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

July 9, 2010

#1 & #2 This Academy Award nominee/winner was filming a movie in a town where she heard about a little girl being hit by a car and the driver running away. The little girl suffered significant brain damage and her parents started a site to keep people updated on what happened. This is what our actress wrote on the site.

TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 2010 7:50 AM, PDT
Dear Sarah and David and Laura---
I have so enjoyed starting my days reading your updates, written so beautifully and with such love. I am thrilled to hear you have come thru your final surgery with flying colors....but that was to be expected with an extraordinary girl like you! Today I begin my last week of shooting ___________. Saying goodbye won't be easy but it's been an incredibly journey, one marked most profoundly by a young girl I have never met....YOU> Thank you for inspiring me and so many......I guess I don't have to tell you to GO GIRL....because no one needs to tell Sarah, she's already begun. What a story, what a family, what a remarkable young woman.
Be WELL. Be Happy. Be creative and never, 'Normal'!
With Love,_________________

#1 - Actress
#2 - Movie she was filming

#1 - Virginia Madsen
#2 - Scoundrels

#3- This American Idol Top 5 runnerup and all around great guy was at a singing competition recently to act as judge and encouragement for the contestants. One of the contestants was a huge fan of his and was shocked and excited when he came out onto the stage and started shaking hands. Tears in her eyes and everything. After his encouragement which included plugging his show at a local club that night, he left the stage with the contestants. Backstage, he gave her a hug and talked with her a bit before she had to go back out and sing. When she was being interviewed, she kept saying how nervous she was with him watching her backstage and she hopes she does well for him. Unfortunately there was better talent and she lost. Now normally, after the "celebrity encouragement," they leave before the competition even begins, but he stayed. And, upon hearing she lost and would be free that night, he invited her and her family to his show with free tickets and backstage VIP passes. The girl was so surprised she began to cry.

#3 - Danny Gokey


  1. I remember Virginia Madsen being the popular guess when this blind was first posted. Yay for her for being such a sweetheart!

    I'd have to go back and look but I don't remember Gokey being the favorite for the second one. Was it Elliot Yamin? Anyway, I'm glad Gokey did something so sweet. It sorta makes up for that bad "Dream On" screech he did on AI.

  2. princessd got Madsen right, and Ms. Cool got Gokey right. Congrats to them!

  3. I love the kindness blinds

  4. Anonymous9:55 AM

    natch, give me all dirt and salaciousness...

  5. That is so cool. Good on them!

  6. I love Virginia, I was sad when Scoundrels got canceled. I was one of the few who liked it. I think the Gates will be back next summer.

  7. These are two class acts, for sure.

  8. Those were really kind. Now I'm ready for a dirty reveal.

  9. Maybe Gokey has learned some class and humility since leaving the Idol tour and had to swallow his "I'll never go country" statements. Though I must admit I'm picturing the contestant as young, cute, Christian, maybe Hispanic.

  10. i ain't reading all that shit when the reveal names are z list who?

  11. @sandman LOL I think I used to work with you.

  12. Woo sandman, you should change your name to grouchman, geez...

  13. Red, you show your American Idol fantard tendencies; who were you rooting for eh? Obviously someone in competition with Gokey.
    I recall Gokey doing a lot of country on the show and I think he is doing decently in country post AI.
    Good on him for doing such a decent thing when no one is watching, seems like a nice guy.



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