Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

July 8, 2010

This A list singer/writer/musician is working on a secret documentary. Nothing really juicy. More like his impression of the world. In every city he goes to, he puts on a disguise, goes downtown, and plays music on a street corner and asks for money. He plays his songs but does nothing to let people know it is him. It all gets filmed. No one really pays attention to him or even thinks he is anything special. He then films himself on stage in front of 25,000 people singing the same song and the crowd reaction.

Dave Matthews


  1. Not a fan, but that's pretty awesome. I'm sure DMB people will be on the look out!

  2. I'd watch!

    Thanks ENTY!!!

  3. wow, didn't we all guess John Mayer for this one?

  4. And congrats to Jim for guessing correctly!

  5. I couldn't listen to Dave just by himself. With his band, yes.

  6. I love DMB, so I'd like to see that.

  7. Anonymous9:37 AM

    This reminds me of an email I got one time-one of those forwarded things when someone was trying to sell a violin on a street corner and couldn't get much, but then it was played by a master violinist and suddently it was worth a ton. This reveal is great.

  8. Didn't see that one coming! I like the idea much better now that I know it's DM & not Mayer.

  9. DMB played at my small Virginia college in, maybe, 1993. It was before they were well-known. Hardly anyone came to see them. My friends and I were some of the only people in the small venue. And the band was NOT happy that so few people turned out! But I think Dave has a pretty good sense of humor, so it makes sense he'd do this. His voice is so distinctive, though, that it seems like someone would have recognized him.

  10. Would you class him as A list???

  11. Why does he find it surprising? A platinum album = 1 million records sold and the US has 300 million people, so probability would state that most people would be indifferent to even an A-List recording artist.

  12. Anonymous9:56 AM

    that makes sense, janine, and he's in disguise to boot.

  13. This BI reminds me of this:

    The link goes to a story about a decorated concert violinist who records himself playing in a public place. Lots of what we decide is "good music" needs context to back it up - in this case, a stage, a band, etc.

  14. I remember dateline or one of the magazine shows doing an experiment like this. They had Joshua Bell a famous violinist play in a subway and maybe 1 person recoginzed him. Most people just passed him by.

    He was shaken at being so ignored.

  15. It doesn't say that he's surprised. Unlike John Mayer, Dave is a pretty humble guy. He'd do something like this more as a way of pointing out that fame and accolades aren't all about about talent. Rather, it's about good marketing.

  16. Timebob, that's interesting. I had to google Joshua Bell. I've never heard of him. He isn't the type of musician I would imagine that would get recognized often but maybe I am mistaken.

  17. It sounds like something he would do but now that he's outed wouldn't that be a problem? or maybe the average american doesn't read gossip blogs as often.

  18. @Lisah that is how I read to too.

  19. Joshua Bell was the violinist from the Red Violin (movie) and probably the most famous classical musician in the world next to YoYo Ma. I knew who he was when I saw that news special. Even if ppl didn't recognize him, it was still amazing to see how many people walked by what was obviously world class skill.

  20. wonder what he does with the money

  21. Dulcinea, that's called "Touch of the Master's Hand", a singer named Wayne Watson recorded a sweet song about it in the 80's, which really dates me!

    Cydnee, Joshua Bell is probably the most famous younger violinist, but Itzhak Pearlman is still pretty well known.

  22. @fairylights Yay that someone else knows who Wayne Watson parents loved him when I was a kid. Does that date me? ;)

  23. @fairylights Yay that someone else knows who Wayne Watson parents loved him when I was a kid. Does that date me? ;)

  24. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Wow! I would like to think if I heard him singing on the street in disguise that I would recognize his voice.

  25. Love Dave, and can totally see him doing this. I have a six-degree thing with him. I just emailed my direct contact to see if I can corroborate.

  26. ok dave but joshua bell did it first and better

  27. not suprised. dave sucks. it's the crowd mentality. and the weed.

  28. "not surprised. dave sucks. it's the crowd mentality, and the weed".... Lol. clearly AWESOME BALLA, wouldn't know a great musical act/performance if he or she was hit upside the head by one.

    Dave Matthews is the GREATEST frontman (he's moving, yet humble)... could be the most talented musician in the history of the world, however, he is surrounded by the best of the best.... therefore DMB is the GREATEST musical act to ever hit this planet.... don't believe me, go to 1 full band show, or watch a DVD of a LIVE performance by DMB and you WILL understand.

    And don't smoke or drink, I want you to remember it.

  29. Are you sure it's not Joaquin Phoenix?



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