So last time we checked, multi-talent stud dude Oded Good-Head gave his manager the surprise of a life-time by getting serviced in his dressing room by a male fan. Could that be—as we correctly predicted—why Oded was soon thereafter seen going on (and on) about the joys of the female sex in the media?
But, it's getting weirder:
Not only is Oded, a truly handsome and gifted artist, arranging debauched and crazy sex scenes with gals like our beloved Toothy Tile has done (to be fair, Tooth didn't make it a habit like Oded's currently doing), but, he's making a little bit too much out of these hook-ups.
He Twitters things like:
"baby get that sweet stuff back on my box banger"
Or something more Shakespearean, when he's really feelin' the love:
"u k after I blew u wide open @carayzcoochie?"
And, of course, the result is exactly what Oded and his management team want: Good-Head's fans and followers are getting in on it—debating whether or not Oded is going too far. With the chicks, that is. Some famous, some not. Mission accomplished!
Meanwhile, everybody who isn't in the know (and doesn't realize he's talking about boning guys half the time) is staying away from what already quite a few of Good-Head's colleagues are hip to: the fact that Oded's getting sloppier and sloppier about "banging" his boy-entourage on the down low. Like, all the time.
Guess a man's gotta do what he's gotta do, right?
Just start being honest about it on Twitter, jerk. Hey, you may lose your fan-base, Oded, but, you'll replace it with a whole new one!
It Ain't: Will Smith, Robert Pattinson, Chris Brown
Friday, September 17, 2010
LeAnn Rimes Was America's Sweetheart. Huh

I never knew LeAnn Rimes was America's sweetheart. I know Julia Roberts tried to use that crown for awhile, but I don't think she was and I definitely don't think LeAnn Rimes ever was. Sure, she was a kid who can sing but that doesn't make you the sweetheart. It makes you a novelty and will presumably lead you to a few dollars and a sham marriage, but not the sweetheart title.
In her interview with Shape where the heavily airbrushed singer graced the cover she also discussed her affair and referred t herself with that moniker. Wendy Williams was on the radio yesterday talking about LeAnn and called the affair sloppy and took great pleasure in criticizing LeAnn. Love it. Well, LeAnn went all traditional country on us and said in a Tweet
"All I know is Wendy Williams done pissed my mamma off! I don't wanna be in her path. To say, 'I've reserved myself a place in hell?!' I'm incredibly disappointed to see someone with that kind of platform use it for such negativity and could be so mean and judgmental about a situation they know nothing about...I don't like how it happened either, said it a million times, but this is out of control."
Done pissed my mama off?
Nadya Suleman Going On Welfare

If Radar is to be believed, Nadya Suleman is headed to the welfare rolls. The mother of 14 who must be the only mother of 14 not employed by TLC is out of money and the cost of raising all the kids is not going down anytime soon.
"Nadya has nannies and huge expenses raising 14 children. She needs a lot of money just to keep up with the basics. And now the income has dried up and she didn't make enough in the past year and a half to live off of it."
Nady has always been in dire financial circumstances. When the octuplets were first born everyone was happy for her and there was a positive vibe. Then it was discovered that she did it to get famous. Well, she got her wish, but now she struggles while people who had 6 babies or have a baseball team filled with children are making big bucks.
T.I. Probably Headed Back To Jail

The US Attorney in charge of T.I.'s case does not seem really pleased with the singer's arrest earlier this month. Not only did he test positive for drugs, but he also had Ecstasy in his car and was associating with a known felon. Presumably he thought his half million dollar car would keep him safe from the prying eyes of the police.
Instead, the attorney is asking a judge to revoke T.I's probation and send him back to jail for a very long time. Last I heard prisoners were not driving Maybachs around the prison. The guy is an absolute idiot. The only reason you go smoking pot in public with the windows down and driving while on probation is because you are the biggest idiot that ever lived or you think that because you are famous you can get away with it. I'm glad he didn't.
Adam Lambert Accused Of Battery

While in Miami, in a really bad floppy hat, Adam Lambert was spotted by paps. Not having anything better to do that day they came to take a few pictures of Adam. Apparently, Adam was having none of it and got up and started taking out some aggression on the photographers. He says they ruined his quiet day. One of them says that Adam punched him, knocked him to the ground and also messed up a really expensive camera. The police took a report but no decision has been made whether to charge Adam.
When Your Movie Sucks, Try A New Angle

With, "I'm Still Here" possibly in the running for worst movie of the year, Casey Affleck decided he better tell someone really fast that it is all a spoof and that it is not a documentary so don't blame Casey, the director if it is a really bad documentary.
“It’s a terrific performance, it’s the performance of his career." That is what he told the New York Times. From the time Joaquin Phoenix walked on the stage at Letterman a few years ago to know, it has all been a gag. You know, something like Hunter S. Thompson. We, the audience were supposed to get the joke and know it was a joke because the camera techniques in the movie we have not seen get more sophisticated as the movie progresses. Oh, well, sure yeah, that is the first thing I would have looked at. The reviews for the film have been vicious and nasty and I wonder if they were great if Casey would have been so likely to volunteer that this was all performance and not a documentary.
BuzzFoto Blind Item
This couple with the male being a C List celebrity, just announced that they are expecting a baby. After drinking a little too much wine at a recent PR dinner, the male told everyone that the baby isn’t his, he’s convinced that his gardener in the father.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
That Sex Tape Keeps Paying Off Big For Kim - Spends 100K On Purses

I wonder it would be like to spend $100K on purses. I can't even imagine that anyone would ever have enough disposable income to blow that much on 7 bags, but then again I have not made millions from a sex tape either.
Yesterday in Paris, Kim and her mother managed to blow through 100K on 7 purses. They spent it all at Hermes. They got 6 Birkins and then Kim decided she wanted to go ahead and keep the crocodile market alive so bought herself a 30K crocodile skin purse. She is one person who probably won't be posing for PETA anytime soon.
Maybe they were all gifts for all of the female Kardashians and then Kim got the really expensive one because she is the one who had to have sex on film to make it happen for the rest of the family.
BuzzFoto Blind Item
This D List star/model who is always hungry for attention, met her boyfriend in the strangest of ways. He was a longtime fan of hers, bordering on stalking her at some points in her career. He kept locks of her hair and ran a fan site. He sent her fan mail every week and at a point of desperation, she agreed to meet up with him. She claims it was love at first sight and the two have been dating ever since.
The Evil Ones Are Not Coming Back To Housewives

Apparently Bravo has realized that Michaele and Tareq Salahi are not really ever going to swallow the Bravo Kool-Aid and will be one bad press moment after the next. According to Pop Eater the couple is not going to be invited back for the next season of RHDC. I actually don't think they should even have another season of RHDC. There are already enough cities. I think the only one I would like to see is some small town Real Housewives one. That would be fun. I think there would be more gossip and who says that all "Real Housewives" need to come from big cities. Give me Fargo or something like that. How come they never do shows from Fargo or Boise?
Want Plastic Surgery? Getting Married? E! Has The Show For You

E! has decided to combine an extreme plastic surgery show with a bridal show. Apparently they are going to have potential brides compete against each other and if they win they get to pick some plastic surgery they want and get it done immediately. Apparently these are going to be women who want multiple plastic surgeries. I don't really like these kind of shows. I don't mind the idea of brides competing, that sounds like fun. I just don't like how it seems the producers are encouraging that in order to look good enough to get married you need tons of plastic surgery. Now some people who watch the show will also think they need plastic surgery before they get married. I also think it is interesting that one of the producers is Giuliana Rancic who is always getting asked about her body.
Random Photos Part Three
Alec Baldwin on the set of 30 Rock.
Ben and Jon still promoting their new movie.
Bebe Buell & her daughter Liv.
I think this is a first time appearance for Camilla Bell.
Ditto for Ashton Holmes.
Courtney Love and her new lips?

It has been way too long since Clive Owen was here. He changed his hair though.
This is what happens when Coco walks the runway.
David Byrne is very happy. I'm guessing it might not be wine glass #1.
Eva and Tony on the way to somewhere on a plane.
I think whats her name needs a bigger bathing suit. See, I didn't say her name. Her year is not up yet.
Hilary Swank at Fashion Week.
A real smile from Jennifer Aniston?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Today's Blind Items - Fashion Week
I am running late so will post third part of photos later. This A list singer who is known for the attractive women he is always seen with and wants to be seen with spent the entire time at the show he was at, collecting numbers of guys. Barely spoke to the woman he brought. It seems our singer only goes for guys in glasses.
Random Photos Part Two
Jennifer Garner & Renee Zellweger run into each other at the grocery store.
Josh Hartnett starting to look like Mike Myers.
Juliette Lewis freezes in mid sentence. Rest of world cheers.
So, next I think you should break up the band because I have some great ideas.
Kylie Minogue has something growing around her neck. Someone should tell her.
Kelly Osbourne gets ready for Halloween?
The always charming Keanu Reeves. Yeah.
Lindsay sending out naked pictures of herself. You know, just because she cares about you, the fan.
And then goes to court the next morning like nothing happened.
I have never seen Leelee Sobieski's husband. She looks thrilled.

Random Photos Part One
Three parts today. This is the strangest red carpet ever. The HFPA really spent the big bucks on this didn't they? I especially love the Charlie Brown looking Christmas tree that Malin Akerman has to stand next to.
The evil ones from RHDC were on Fox and Michaele decided to share the news that she has been suffering from MS for 17 years. Believe her?
Nicole Kidman learned so many different red carpet tricks from Tom. Go look at his pictures when he is somewhere two or three days in a row and then look at Nicole.
It kind of sucks that your child's first day of school has to be a photo op.
Peter and Maggie enjoying some booze. Maybe it will loosen Maggie up.
The never loose, Ryan Reynolds. He needs bout 50 drinks.
Rumer Willis looks shell shocked. Must have seen another Star Magazine cover.
Yeah, she is dating Ronnie Wood fr his good looks.
You have to try extra hard and actually pretend to pay attention when you sit next to Anna Wintour at Fashion Week.
Angelina, Shiloh and Zahara hitting the road.
Long time no see in the pictures Sam Worthington.
Yesterday Winona was busting out and today she is trying the Andy Garcia look. Huh.

How Would You Like To Get Stabbed With That Thing?

Shelley Malil took the stand again in his own defense as he is accused of stabbing his ex-girlfriend 20 times by mistake. Look at that knife in his hand. Holy crap. Can you imagine being stabbed with that thing 20 times? I can't believe the woman lived. Malil has continued to say that he thought he was stabbing his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend and that it was dark and that he was defending himself. See, this is the part that does not make sense. Lets pretend he really thought it was this guy. Where was the weapon of the guy? Has anyone else seen his weapon? How is that the ex-girlfriend could plainly see Malil coming from a long way but he could not. Was he wearing a blindfold?
Star Magazine Really Has It In For Ashton Kutcher

Last week when Star Magazine said Ashton Kutcher cheated on Demi Moore, all the talk from Ashton was how the story was not true and he was going to sue and blah blah blah. The next thing we know Demi is Tweeting pictures of herself in a bikini like she was getting ready to get on
Well, a week later we have no lawsuits but we do have another story from Star calling Ashton out as a cheater again. This of course probably means another fun week explaining to Demi what exactly he was doing having sex with the woman on the couch in the family home. Of course since he first hit on the woman when he was with Demi and Rumer and the other kids it should not come as a shock that he had sex with her on the couch.
What I don't understand is the woman is willing to have her photo shown to the world but not her name?? She says the couple had great chemistry. Yep, you can really tell about that chemistry thing by 3 minutes on an actor's couch before he sends you on your way. What? You think Ashton does not even last three minutes? You may be right.
Casey Affleck Settles Sex Lawsuits

That did not take long. I am guessing that with Casey Affleck and Joaquin Phoenix set to make the rounds of every talk show and reporter in the country, the last thing they wanted to talk about was the sexual harassment suits filed against Casey. Now, they won't have to because according to The LA Times, Casey has agreed to give both women who sued him credit on the film. That is the only public thing they are discussing. If either of the women, who each sued him for over $2M got money, both sides are keeping it quiet.
Raymond's Mom Hates Betty White - I Think

Can't we all just get along? I'm a little confused by US Weekly's reporting but I think they are saying that someone told them that Doris Roberts hates Betty White. But, in the next paragraph they say they talked to Doris and she says she loves Betty White, even if they have never met. I'm confused. Is US Weekly saying they believe their source or Doris Roberts? Does it matter?
The source said that Doris is jealous because Betty White is taking all the good roles for women over 50. What I think she should be focusing on is that Betty White has shown the producers and studio executives of the world that age should not be a factor when it comes to popularity or getting roles. I think it is great that Betty is showing everyone what she can do and I hope it leads to other things for all older people. They should not have to be just background players or have to be some grandparent who dies off in the first 15 minutes.
To prove there are no hard feelings, Doris wants to work with Betty and would love to play her cousin in a sketch on SNL.
Bristol Palin Gets Dancing Advice From Kate Gosselin

Showing that she really has no idea what to do, Bristol Pailn has supposedly enlisted the help of Kate Gosselin to be her mentor for Dancing With The Stars. Yes, apparently Bristol has determined the idea is to be as bad a dancer as humanly possible and get kicked off the show super quick so she hose Kate.
"Kate became close with the Palin family when she taped an episode of her TLC reality show with Sarah Palin," a source told Pop Eater. "Since then, Bristol and Kate have become e-mail pals and Kate is happy to give her lots of dancing advice. Kate wishes she had had a mentor to help her through the tough contest and is happy to help Bristol."
Uh huh. Dancing advice? Did Bristol watch the last season of the show? That is who she wants helping her? Well, if her dream is to have 8 kids, a TLC show and a sense of self entitlement beyond all reason, then Kate is the person to go to, but for dancing?
Australian Taxpayers Say What Up Oprah

It turns out that Oprah is really not being as generous as everyone thought. Nope. Instead, it is the people of Australia who are being generous in paying for Oprah's audience earlier this week to head down under. The tourism minister of Australia said taxpayers will be shelling out $3M for Oprah to come to their country and have her show aired from there.
"Oprah is a household name and her star power has the potential to lift Australia's profile as a premier tourist destination."
He also said that despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising in the past 30 years, tourists still don't want to go to Australia. Really? I find that hard to believe. Yes, more people from Australia leave for other countries than go to Australia, but I don't think that says people don't want to go there.
I do find it interesting that Oprah didn't thank the people of Australia for paying for everything but made it seem like she was doing it all on her own dime.