Since I had already written a post about Jennifer Aniston yesterday, I did not want to spend more time and space to talk about what she did on Regis & Kelly yesterday (the picture above is from an earlier appearance on the show). Specifically she used the word retard. Everyone has been giving her a hard time and she to my knowledge has not apologized yet for saying the word.
I'm not even sure why she said the word. It did not seem to fit into the context of what she was saying. "You're playing dress up!" Regis told her. She replied, "Yes, I play dress up! I do it for a living, like a retard!" How does that even fit? Do the mentally and physically challenged earn their money by playing dress up? How does one get that career? It does not really sound like a bad gig. Plus, I am not sure how much Jennifer Aniston really plays dress up. Have you suffered through any of her movies? To me she always wear the exact same clothes she has worn since the first season of Friends.
You don't really see Jennifer Aniston going for the period pieces. No one is going to see her in Wuthering Heights or a remake of Pride & Prejudice.
All that being said when you get the CEO of Arc coming out and trashing Jen for what she said you would think she would have apologized the same day and got it over with. No doubt right now she is probably trying to figure out a way to be seen with a bunch of challenged people, preferably a mixed range of age, sex and race and showing how she really cares.
Ever since I read she said the word, I keep thinking of Something About Mary. So, is retard or retarded a word we should never say like the N word?