This is actually three rather than four. It happens.
These two singers are B list although one of them probably has close to A list name recognition. Both male. Anyway, it turns out that when they worked on a project together they ended up falling for each other. So far, it is being covered up for the sake of one of them who is involved with a woman.
#1&2 - singers
#3 - project they worked on together.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Random Photos Part Three
I'm not sure how Ali Fedotowsky got the top spot, but I promise it won't happen again.
Anna Friel gets the Oompa Loompa award today.
It might not be a photo opportunity for AnnaLynne McCord but I hope she is on the way to an eating opportunity.
Blake Lively on the Gossip Girl set.
And Bill Maher strangles a puppy.
Contrary to the wild rumors that never existed, Bebe Neuwirth did not lose her fingers in a combine accident on Schrute Farms and proves it by showing them all.
Apparently Crystal Harris was given a record deal. I am pulling what is left of my hair out too Crystal.
Common - Las Vegas
Christopher Meloni day here at CDAN. All in white and then
on the set of Law & Order.

Random Photos Part Two
The boy band Connected from Britain's Got Talent. Also, the most confusing name ever. Worse than the Oneders.
Jenna Dewan always knows where that camera is.
I feel like we are snooping on Carrie Underwood's honeymoon. They should have some alone time. Meanwhile I say that knowing I will keep posting them.
Not one of Daisy Lowe's better ideas.
Enrique Iglesias is either healing a fan or groping her.
George Clooney testifying at a trial in Italy.
Long time no see Gabourey Sidibe.
It looks like Hilary Duff spent a few bucks.
Sienna Miller loves cuddling with guys on beaches in Italy.
I think Jaime Pressly needs a cigarette.
I can't decide if this movie is going to be a train wreck or not.
Kellan Lutz out walking his dog.

Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
I know I posted a picture earlier today of Kelly Osbourne, but I have to say again that she looks great and you would never know by looking at her that she just split with a guy after two years.
La Roux - Los Angeles
You watch True Blood for your reasons, and I watch True Blood for my reasons. Oh, and it is a great show too.
I really thought Natasha Bedingfield would not be a one hit wonder.
This is Niurka Marcos and her son. Yeah, he won't have any issues.
Simon Baker looking remarkably like Bill Nighy in Australia.
Selena Gomez has decided to leave Wizards Of Waverly Place. I know, I know, you are crushed and watch it every day.
This is actually pretty conservative for Shakira.
So, Sophie Monk comes home from whatever it is she does. What does she do? Anyway, the guy in the car is the one she caught in bed with another woman.
She doesn't seem thrilled he is there. In some jurisdictions this is called stalking.
Tori & Dean head to church. Huh? Must be for their show.
Apparently Victoria Beckham likes to be cupped. Sounds kind of dirty doesn't it?
I know I posted a picture earlier today of Kelly Osbourne, but I have to say again that she looks great and you would never know by looking at her that she just split with a guy after two years.

Your Turn
It's recipe time again. Last year many of you submitted recipes and I have to say I made or my mom made (mostly my mom. OK, all her) a lot of them. I loved it. So, anyway I want to read any new ones you have and we have lots of new readers so I know they must have some. I can't wait to try them.
Tracy Morgan's Invictus Audition vs. Ferris Club
If you did not watch The ESPY Awards, then you probably had a better night than most people. But, there were some highlights. One of them was seeing Tracy Morgan in the Morgan Freeman role of Nelson Mandela in Invictus. After watching the audition, I think Tracy would have been brilliant.
If you have ever thought Ferris was a figment of Cameron's imagination, then you need to see this. Or if you are a fan of Fight Club. I know. Bizarre combination. But great.
If you have ever thought Ferris was a figment of Cameron's imagination, then you need to see this. Or if you are a fan of Fight Club. I know. Bizarre combination. But great.
Australian Actor John Jarratt Supports Mel Gibson - Calls His Own Wife The C Word - You Have To Read This

John Jarratt gave an interview to The Daily Telegraph in Sydney and it is shocking. Jarratt, starred with Mel Gibson in a movie way back in 1977. They have been friends ever since. Although you probably do not know who Jarratt is here, he is a fairly big star in Australia.
Anyway, he says that Oksana is disgusting and that he has called his wife some of the same things Mel has called Oksana and it doesn't mean anything.
"I've had a few arguments with my partner and they're not very nice, the 'C' word has been used on both sides. But no one has put that up on the internet, thankfully."
Sounds like a great guy, but it gets even better. You know when Mel told Oksana she was going to get raped and then used the N word. Well, Jarratt said he would say the same thing to his daughter.
"If my daughter went into the Outback in a pair of hot pants, I would say, 'Be careful you don't get raped by a bunch of rednecks.' That doesn't mean everyone in the Outback is a redneck. It was said in the heat of the moment."
He also says that the evil person in this whole thing is Oksana, not Mel. Mel was just drunk and did not mean any of it, while Oksana, well, "The despicable person in this is the woman, who has disgustingly taped this guy because he's extremely famous and tried to ruin his life. She has taped an argument they are having in an acrimonious split - something that happened behind closed doors - and he's been made a mockery of. It's disgusting."
If you click over to the article, make sure you read the comments.
James Brolin Calls Paps Rats But Makes A Good Point

James Brolin is interviewed in Parade Magazine this week. You know, last week they had Angelina Jolie and they seem to have really stepped it up a notch with the people they are getting for their covers now. Anyway, back to James. He says that paps are rats. You know, there are some that go out of their way to be aggressive, but I also know the tabloids would be really boring if it were just words. Plus, they only get paid if they get good photos so if you were having to make your living that way, you would probably push a little too.
Granted, I have not been followed around for 40 years like James Brolin or his wife Barbra so I can see where he is coming from. The great point he made in the interview was this. "If we go into town or the obvious spots, they're there. And if we don't look in the rearview mirror, they'll tail us. They're like rats. So we'll drive in the other direction. We go out where nobody goes. There are great restaurants; there are a lot of movie theatres, so we can have a night out in an area where nobody cares."
Exactly. If you do not want to be photographed you do not have to be photographed. He believes they are rats so goes out of his way to not feed them. However, when celebrities say what James says but then show up in all these places every night then they are doing it for a reason. That reason is to be seen and to be photographed and to get as much publicity for themselves as possible.
If you have a chance, you should read the interview. It is pretty good and he talks about Josh and Barbra in some detail.
The Whole Bristol Palin Levi Johnston Thing

Earlier this week of course, Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston announced their engagement. They are getting married in six weeks and supposedly he asked her to marry him two weeks ago. Why the rush? Well, there is the whole reality show thing that they are supposedly pitching. What better way to make a few bucks than a quick six week television shoot getting ready for a wedding. The thing is, I have not read or heard anything that says it is a done deal.
If it was a done deal and cameras were already there shooting or they knew they would get a deal so had hired a camera crew and had them already shooting then I would say that is the reason for the quick wedding. But, and this is a big but. They did not already have a camera crew shooting or else Sarah Palin would have known and you could tell from her statement she had no idea about this and still hates Levi.
So, another reason is they really want to have sex and just can't wait so they are rushing for that. Again, I don't think so. Who really believes they are not having sex already? In fact, if they are already having sex, what are the odds she is pregnant again? Now that would make an interesting reality show.
Of course the cynic in me says they are getting married because this way Levi does not have to pay child support and he has a shot at being famous.
LeAnn Rimes Quits Twitter For A Week

Apparently one week without attention was all LeAnn Rimes could handle. Barely a week after she announced she was quitting Twitter forever, she was back. She said it was because she missed her fans. I say it was because she missed the attention. Oh, and she needed a way to plug her new album. In fact, most of her new Tweets...Oh who really cares? Honestly I don't really care about LeAnn Rimes. She was interesting when she was cheating on her husband with a guy who was cheating on his wife, but now it is just kind of meh.
The only reason anyone really cares about her is because of the cheating. At this point watching paint dry is more interesting than watching her or following her and what she is doing. Now, when Eddie gets stupid and cheats on her and gives up his money train, then that would be something worth talking about. Until then though, who really cares.
Pink Injured In Harness Fall - Apologizes To Fans
If you have not been to or seen a Pink show on this tour, she flies over the stage and audience. To do so she is strapped into a harness. Well, at a show in Germany last night, the harness was not attached properly and Pink came flying out of it. Kind of. She was kind of half in and half out and slammed into a barricade.
Even though she could have been seriously hurt, she says she is fine. And you know what? She actually apologized to the fans for having to stop the show midway through it so she could go to the hospital. In fact, she apologized while riding in the ambulance to the hospital. I think after watching the video, you will see she had a good excuse for missing the rest of the show.
Even though she could have been seriously hurt, she says she is fine. And you know what? She actually apologized to the fans for having to stop the show midway through it so she could go to the hospital. In fact, she apologized while riding in the ambulance to the hospital. I think after watching the video, you will see she had a good excuse for missing the rest of the show.
Isn't Kelly Osbourne Supposed To Be Sober?

For some reason I thought that all those trips to rehab for Kelly Osbourne were to get her sober. I could be wrong. Maybe it was just for pills or drugs or something and she is allowed to drink. Am I wrong? Does anyone remember something different? The reason I ask is that Kelly went to Vegas last night. She looked fabulous and amazing but she and her friends all drank lemon drop shots while at Haze nightclub. Now, unless I am mistaken, lemon drop shots are not something you get on the Willy Wonka Tour, but do contain booze.
Kelly has had one of the most dramatic transformations I have seen of someone in a year and I would hate to see it all go away. Maybe she does drink as part of her recovery. If so, then great. Otherwise, I hope that she stays strong and realizes that today is another day to start again.
Oksana's Busted Mouth - Mel Allowed To Stay With Child Overnight

I think we all pretty much knew this day was coming. The day Radar released the photo of Oksana's mouth and the damage that Mel Gibson's fist caused to said mouth. As bad as it is, I actually thought it was going to be much worse. It is nothing like Rihanna's face. However, the picture (click here for the picture) was also taken by Oksana's dentist and he was focused on her teeth and not the rest of her face. So, it is really dark and hard to see if she has black eyes or any other bruising.
It is obvious she got clobbered. It looks like one veneer is missing and that another tooth is chipped. The fact that she is not missing entire teeth is probably the reason Mel's lawyers issued this a-holish statement when asked about missing teeth.
"Not true... her teeth are in her mouth according to our information."
They are in her mouth, but he still punched her. She was still holding their baby. Oh, and get this. Even with all the tapes, the bruising of the baby, and the picture of Oksana's damage, the judge denied Oksana's request and Mel will still be allowed to see his baby anytime during the day and he gets one overnight visit per week. Huh? I don't know if the judge has a crush on Mel Gibson or what, but I would never let Mel be alone with that baby. Ever.
BuzzFoto Blind Item
This celebrity male actor is on the verge of a breakdown. Apparently the pressures of fame, mixed with his recent indiscretions and drugs are definitely taking their toll. We’ll be hearing of his meltdown soon.
Not Spencer Pratt.
Not Spencer Pratt.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Today's Blind Items
This C+/B- television actress from a hit cable show did not let marriage vows stand in the way of her hitting on this A+ list NFL star last night. He said he was married. She said she didn't care. The two ended up in his hotel room.
Random Photos Part Four
John Daly gets the top spot today. With that outfit and the great score he posted today, he would almost be a sure thing to get top spot, but combined with
his girlfriend in a matching skirt, you have to give it to him.
Adam Levine at a Grammy camp.
Brooke Mueller emerged from her home sans ring to pick up some free stuff.
It's a women's lit extravaganza. Candace Bushnell, Courtney Sullivan and Cecily Von Ziegesar.
David Beckham tells Jonathan Ross what he wants for Christmas and
then sits on the couch and waits.
Emma Watson at the Bangkok airport.
Fantasia had a meet and greet. Apparently it was all about watching her play pool.
Original artwork by

The Bean.