Friday, June 25, 2010
Four For Friday
There is no Four For Friday today. Sorry, but I am going through all the old blind items to get ready for next week's reveals and to see if I can find any from way back in the day. Have a great weekend!
Random Photos Part Three

Random Photos Part Two - Twilight
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart at the premiere.
Then, as quickly as possible Kristen got into jeans.
Bryce Dallas Howard enjoying her first Twilight premiere.
Taylor Lautner looking good.
Anna Kendrick, probably the best actress of the bunch.
Ashley Greene.
Dakota Fanning actually looks age appropriate. Hello Miley and Taylor Momsen.
Elizabeth Reaser wins the shortest dress award.
Jennifer Love Hewitt raided the wardrobe department of that hooker made for tv movie.
The author who started it all, Stephenie Meyer.
Kellan Lutz.
Peter Facinelli & Jennie Garth.

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos
Three parts today.
It is a whole new bunch of Kardashians. Well actually Jenners I guess. The one on the far left is 12 and the one on the far right is 14. It won't be long before they get their own reality show.
Grace Jones and Kelly Osbourne sharing some love.
Katy Perry wearing something not latex. On Graham Norton's show she said that she and Russell Brand were already married. Interesting.
Lady GaGa and Elton John at his charity event.
Maxwell - New York
The first time I have seen Mary J Blige in swimwear.
A first time appearance for Michael Lombardi.
Matthew Morrison all tuxed out.
Nicole Eggert at the Twilight premiere last night.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Tatum O'Neal alone on the red carpet. No date with dad?
It is a whole new bunch of Kardashians. Well actually Jenners I guess. The one on the far left is 12 and the one on the far right is 14. It won't be long before they get their own reality show.

Emily Blunt - Ringless And Leaving A Guy's House In The Morning

I am sure there is a very innocent explanation as to why Emily Blunt was photographed leaving some guy's house in the very early morning. Oh, and the guy is not John Krasinski. It doesn't look like she was working out. She doesn't have anything in her hand so I am guessing it was not a work meeting or some early morning Bible study. Hmmm. She is not wearing her ring either. Could something be up with the relationship? Very interesting.
Your Turn
Two things this week. Although I didn't write about GOOP yesterday, I did read it, and in it, they are looking for questions from readers just like you. They even provide an e-mail address. So, if you have a question for Gwyneth, please write it in the comments and then e-mail it to The question I want to ask her other than the obvious ones about whether she has ever been to a grocery store or sleeps in a coffin is the topic that has been all over the news this week.
Presuming it is legal as has been claimed, would you eat a lion burger?
Presuming it is legal as has been claimed, would you eat a lion burger?
Michael Jackson - Hollywood Flash Mob vs Philipine Inmates
Since today is the anniversary of Michael Jackson's death, I thought I would show a couple of Michael Jackson videos. The first was a flash mob which took place at Hollywood & Highland one month after his death. The second is the most famous Michael Jackson video ever. 42 million people have watched the inmates from a jail in the Philippines dance to Thriller.
As a bonus, here is their sequel.
As a bonus, here is their sequel.
Knight & Day Bombing Big At Box Office - Tom Cruise Tries Donald Duck Impression
With even worse than expected box office numbers on Wednesday and Thursday, Tom Cruise is in a do anything possible to get people to go mode and last night on Jay Leno even pulled out a Donald Duck impression to try and make him more approachable to people and to get them to go see Knight & Day which will probably turn out to be the biggest flop of his career.
Jeremy London Waited Four Hours And Hours Before Calling Police

Before Jeremy London called the police with this bizarre tale of being kidnapped and forced to take drugs, Jeremy spent some time in front of a Palm Springs Ramada where he tried to climb a tree. Apparently he must have some type of telephone repairman or palm tree fantasy and spent about 30 minutes trying to climb a tree. After realizing he was never going to do it, Jeremy walked in the hotel and checked in. Of course he didn't just say he wanted a room for the night. He walked up to the clerk and gave him a "do you know who I am?" He said he was Jeremy London and a famous actor and wanted a room.
It was not until several hours after Jeremy checked in that he bothered calling the police to tell him that he had been kidnapped. To me, this combined with the fact his wife was dropped off prior to the night shows that he was making up all this crap. I think the couple went on a bender, knew it would mess with their court ordered drug testing so spun this yarn and got an innocent guy thrown in jail.
People Of Wal-Mart Has Their Poster Children - Couple Tries To Sell Baby In Walmart Parking Lot

If you ever want to kill an hour at work one of the best ways is to head over to People Of Wal-Mart. I'm not sure if Patrick Fousek, 38, and Samantha Tomasini, 20 have actually been inside a Wal-Mart, but they certainly are familiar with the parking lot.
Two women called police after Patrick had approached them offering to sell his newborn. At first they thought he was joking, but he kept asking them and at one point brought his price down to $25.
After the women called the police, Patrick and Samantha ran away. Police found them a short time later at their home where they were both high on meth. Samantha also admitted to the police that she breast feeds her child while smoking meth at the same time.
The parents were arrested and taken to jail and the baby is with Child Protective Services.
Mel Gibson Files Restraining Order Against His Baby Mama
***Update*** It turns out Oksana was the one who got the restraining order because Mel has allegedly been violent towards her. I could see that.

I cannot wait until all of this Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva stuff comes to court. I think if it does that we will see a side of Mel Gibson that we always assumed existed, but, with the exception of the sugar tits episode have not really seen.
Earlier this week though, Mel filed a restraining order against Oksana. The documents are sealed, but apparently have something to do with visitation which he probably doesn't do and access to his daughter. I also wonder if Oksana calls his house and yells at him or taunts him. She seems like the kind of person who would probably call him and tease him about all his weaknesses. You know, like if he needed Viagra or something. I also doubt he would want his new girlfriend to have to hear all these things.

I cannot wait until all of this Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva stuff comes to court. I think if it does that we will see a side of Mel Gibson that we always assumed existed, but, with the exception of the sugar tits episode have not really seen.
Earlier this week though, Mel filed a restraining order against Oksana. The documents are sealed, but apparently have something to do with visitation which he probably doesn't do and access to his daughter. I also wonder if Oksana calls his house and yells at him or taunts him. She seems like the kind of person who would probably call him and tease him about all his weaknesses. You know, like if he needed Viagra or something. I also doubt he would want his new girlfriend to have to hear all these things.
Lindsay Will Have To Talk About Drugs And Alcohol Under Oath

Lindsay Lohan has been ordered by a Judge to answer questions about her drug and alcohol use in connection with the incident where she carjacked a car carrying some guys and chased down her assistant and her assistant's mom. Previously when Lindsay had been questioned about her drug use, she had plead the 5th Amendment. After the chase that night, police say they found a packet of coke in Lindsay's pocket which she claimed was not hers. Uh huh. Police also say Lindsay tested positive for two kinds of coke that day. Lindsay was never charged with coke possession that day because of some handling errors by the police.
Say It Ain't So Jason Bateman

When yesterday started, Jason Bateman was still a regular guy we loved. Sure, he is on television and in movies, but with the exception of some times in a drug fueled 80's, he has been as down to earth as any celebrity ever. This morning, when people started lining up for the new iPhone, Jason was right there in line with all of his other 2,000 enthusiasts.
At some point, an Apple employee saw Jason standing in line, asked him if he wanted to cut in front of 2,000 people and Jason said yes. At that point, Jason made 2,000 enemies for life. He could have refused. Refusing has happened before. I seem to recall David Beckham and his kids waiting patiently in line for a video game and refusing the chance to move ahead.
At the same time, what would you do, if you are a celebrity or not and some employee says you can move to the front of the line. If your brother is the manager of the store, and says come to the front, are you going to refuse?
Probably not, but you are not going to end up in every tabloid either. Apparently the crowd booed and hissed, which is something Jason has probably never experienced, although when that movie with Jennifer Aniston comes out, there is a further chance for it.
BuzzFoto Blind Item
Why is it that so many singers always seem to live up to the name of Diva? This B list performer is so wasteful, she’d make Al Gore cry. Among her crimes: She is known to leave her car idling for at least a half an hour before she gets into it so it is just the right temperature. She is paranoid about germs so she has her staff clean her toilets twice a day. Her refrigerator is stocked with fresh food every day and the food that is over a day old is thrown out. She also takes up to three showers every day.
Not Christina Aguilera.
Not Christina Aguilera.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Today's Blind Items
It was always assumed that this D list movie actress and her B list singer boyfriend broke up because he was cheating on her. It turns out though she was cheating on him. With his brother.
Random Photos Part Five
John Isner & Nicolas Mahut played the tennis match of all time. The least I can do is give them top spot.
Quite the collection of comic actors.
But it just wouldn't be the same without Neil Diamond. I hope he has a cameo in this movie.
One person to get a book signed by Amanda Sthers who is incredible. What is sad is that if this was some Kim Kardashian book the line would be out the door.
Finding no one to make out with, Bai Ling decides to make out with herself.
Then she went and found Kristen Stewart and Scout Taylor Compton.
And a Kristen Stewart picture where she is smiling.
Bill Rancic and Ivanka Trump selling something.
Cloros Leachman shows off her breasts.
I miss Remote Control.
Demi Moore on the set of her new movie.
The Oliver Twist collection at Men's Fashion Week.