Monday, December 13, 2010

Zoolander 2 Thisclose To Being Made

I will admit I loved Zoolander, but it is one of those movies that was so close to being bad. Do you know the kind of movie I mean? If it had crossed the line just a little, no one would have liked it. So, when Owen Wilson announced yesterday that there is a good script out there and "I think there's a really good script and I think we're going to do it," I'm a little worried. It was so over the top and took so many chances, can a sequel be as good? Why not let it just rest and move on? My fear is that it will do awful and that it will stain the legacy of the first one because everyone will go back and look at that one and maybe say it was not as good as they remembered.

I realize all of you might want this more than anything, but I am ok with just leaving the memory of the original.


  1. As long as they find a way to bring back Alex Skarsgard, I am fine with it. :P

  2. Ha! I don't remember Skarsgard being in it?

    I totally know what you mean, Ent :) I remember quite enjoying it despite some iffy parts, but I can't watch it anymore - I don't think it holds up very well. Well, not like Anchorman does, anyway ;)

  3. Yeah - he was one of the models who died in the freak gasoline accident!

  4. It really does depend on whether they have a good script or not. Ben Stiller already stopped talks once a few years ago because he said the script they had wasn't very good, so I'm going to trust that they won't let it suck too bad.

  5. I think the characters are funny enough that it could work with a good script and some new ideas.

  6. And Sam Rockwell was #1 Thug in the 1st Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
    I would look forward to another Zoolander.
    With an expanded role for Mustafa.
    The main reason it did so poorly was it's release date was 9/15/2001bad timing for a comedy.
    Couldn't laugh at anything that weekend.

  7. Thanks for the Sam Rockwell sighting. I'll be looking for him.

  8. lol - thanks for that Linnea. Awesome clip.

  9. Anything that has Ben Stiller in it is an unwatchable movie for me.

  10. I think they should probably leave it alone. Then again, if they do make it, I will probably watch it *L*

  11. I agree with Maja. With a J.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. It's not Office Space iconic. But it seems it built up a cult following over the years. Ben claimes becuase it came out right after 9/11 it wasn't the hit it should of been.

    I like it, it's funny but I don't really need a sequel.

    Though it would be awesome to somehow bring ASkars back for a cameo somehow. Twin model or spirit of model.

  14. That is actually one of my favorite Ben Stiller movies. I know exactly what you are saying about it bordering on being just awful, but I cannot help but giggle at Stiller & Farrell.

    I never think sequels are a good idea...but I'm sure I'll end up renting it on DVD if they do it.

  15. Regardless of release date, the movie really doesn't hold up all that well. I will say Owen's character was the best part of the movie.

  16. Totally don't like Ben Stiller. Not sure why. And I don't like Owen either. Something is terribly wrong with me, eh?
