Friday, December 10, 2010

Your Turn

This week, Anna Faris, said she stopped sexting her husband because she accidentally sent one to her dad. She also alluded to an incident involving her 9 year old nephew but would not elaborate. My question for you today is do you sext and have you ever had any embarrassing incidents regarding them?


  1. HAHA, yes! I love sexting! And once I sent a sext about the compromising positions my trainer had me in and how I was thinking about said recipient (his name was Steven) while in those positions. But instead I sent it to my gay man friend, Steven. Hilarity ensues. Thankfully, never had any BAD stories.

  2. OMG yes. I sent a sexy text to my husband's cell that was delivered to my neighbor's house phone. So on my neighbor's answering machine is a robotic voice repeating my pretty vulgar text. LOL.

  3. It's always best to follow a simple rule of thumb: don't record something unless you're okay with everyone seeing it.

  4. no and no. But I tend to follow d's rule of thumb...

  5. I have only done it once.. with my hubby. Sent him a little text telling him I was lounging at the pool getting his favorite body parts of mine brown. (yeah tame I know..)

    I received a 'HELP HELP HELP US call from the school and asked to help out at the kids school with new parent registration and help the coach answer questions for various sports ect.. (we are good buds)I gathered the kids out of the pool, dropped them off at home and zoomed up there as is from the pool (shorts, tee shirt bathing suit under them pool hair ect)
    Well.. my phone goes off, I see I have a message and hubby sent me a text back. Nothing outlandish, but I wasn't expecting it and I blushed and was giggling and snorting well.. lets just say my bud figured out what was going on and I still get ribbed about it.

    So there I was laughing and snorting like a loon, wearing white shorts, white tee, and a giraffe bathing suit top/brown bottoms, blushing like a school girl and trying to be all "sports booster club like"

    Not my finest moment, and even more to add to my collection of 'shit that only happens to me' category

  6. I don't anymore, but a few years ago I did quite a bit with the guy I was seeing. I never had an incident of sending to the wrong person though. The most embarrassing thing for me would be spelling errors.. ruins the whole mood!

  7. Never done any of that. My husband is about as smooth as crunchy peanut butter so I can only imagine the texts I would get.

  8. Sent boobie pics to maybe 2 or 3 guys I've dated in the past, but I have nice boobies since the reduction ;) Been in a relationship for a few years now, and he gets to see my boobies live all the time - no need for sexting.

  9. Nope. I'm old enough to have gotten all of that nonsense out of my system before cell phone texting became the norm, back when chat rooms and online instant messaging systems were popular. I have also seen the other side, when supposedly private information becomes exposed. It's a tough lesson to learn.

  10. Nope.

    Sexting is some junior high shit.

  11. ah no. providing instant gratification to a horny man is not the way to go IMO.

  12. Ha, I have a funny story about sexting. This evil girl I know apparently sent naked pictures of her to her boyfriend. Later they broke up and he became "psycho obsessed" with her. I can't take anything she says seriously since she's a pathological liar. Anyway. I heard from someone else she was worried that he was going to use those naked pics of her against her or something.

    What did she do? Run to her lawyer daddy for advice. I died laughing when I heard it because the bitch gets whatever she deserves.

    To my knowledge, he did nothing with the pictures. And I thought it was embarrassing asking my dad if the red thing on my finger is psoriasis.

  13. Don't think so. I'm guilty of sending flirtatious texts to my honey, and he sends some back, but I don't think it's to the point of being texting. And I also am careful about what I text and post online, too, because you never know what will happen to it. And most certainly have not and will not make a sex tape!!! LOL

  14. Nah, I don't even have a cellphone.

  15. I've done the sexting thing with a couple boyfriends - it is a fun way to keep the spice going when you are apart. I work full-time and go to school part-time so sometimes I go a week without seeing him and its just a fun way to let him know I'm thinking about him. I do not send pictures though - those can come back to bite you far worse than words! Fortunately I have no made the mistake of sexting the wrong person, but I will pay more attention now.

  16. I recently delved into the world of sexting. One out of one Mirandas agree: HOT AS HELL.

    Of course, I have yet to be busted for it. Maybe I'll change my tune then!

  17. I don't sext. Partly because I'm a bit of a maladroit, but mostly because I feel like to do so would be to invite potential drama that I don't want into my life.

  18. Hell NO. But I did dance buck nekkid live on stage wasted out of my mind one time twenty years ago down in the old "block" in Baltimore. Nothin' I got these days looks good enough to tape, record or photograph in any way, even for hubby!

  19. i have sent cute flirtatious tests, but 'sexting' makes me want to vom. i think that is for the teens and 20's set, even though i'm not that far off from my 20' just seems inda silly to this old lady :)

  20. (1) I don't sext and (2) I think she totally made that shit up, but I will give that it makes for a hilarious story.

  21. Anonymous1:32 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Anonymous1:35 PM

    A friend of mine her uncle's wife was having an affair I believe with an old ex-boyfriend. She would emailed him naked pictures and from what I hear she was a chunky person. Anyway the wife of the lover found about the affair and found the naked pictures. What does she do she sends it to his Reunion high school LOLOL.

    PS: Her uncle divorced the wife he got remarried and is happily married now.

  23. Not a sext, but not too far off. I have a friend who had just started dating a new guy. One date so far at this point. She was having a rough week at work and had been watching that "Shaq Vs." show online - the episode with him swimming against Michael Phelps... while wearing a flowered speedo.

    Well, seeing this made her feel better about her rough week, so she sent the text, "Saw Shaq in a speedo. It gives me strength" to her gal pal. Well, gal pal and 1st date man had names alphabetically next to one another, so guess who really got that text!

    They hadn't spoken yet since their first date the previous night. Needless to say he was a bit confused, but he took it all in stride, thought she was trying to break the ice to the extreme or something. They're together still >1 year later.

  24. selenakyle - OMG you danced on the Block?! I didn't mean that in a shocked, judge-y way. I'm saying that because holy shit - did you hear about what happened the other day? A few of the strip joints burned down. It was madness in Baltimore!,0,6407791.photogallery

  25. Never have, never will. I've been married for almost 16 years and I still can't even bring myself to do any "dirty" talking during sex. I'd feel like a total ass typing that kind of thing. And I'm damn sure not taking any naughty pictures of my flabby self. Plus, my husband NEVER deletes any of his text messages. That embarrassing crap would be there forever.

  26. oh, helllll no. plus it's tacky and major low budget.

    now flirty texts, different story. those are ok, normally.

  27. No.

    The man is still trying to figure out his new cellphone and he's not much for texting anyway.

    I wouldn't want to give him a heart attack.

  28. Columbia University Professor had consensual sex with his 24 year old daughter!!!!!!

    They sent eachother sex texts!

  29. I was dating my ex-boyfriend for a couple months and he was deployed to Iraq with the marines and so he left his cell phone at home with his mom and chose not to put a hold on his number so it was still working. So before he left there were really explicit sexts since he was going to be gone for 7 months. Anyways, he leaves the phone and his mom let his middle school aged sister use the phone in his absence. AWESOME. Needless to say the sister and her friend read ALL of them and so did his mom after his sister asked about what some of them meant, I guess. Needless to say, she was not a fan of mine after he got back home.

  30. Yes and Yes, and no elaborating :P

  31. @IncognitoVixen - That guy sounds like an ass. Why didn't he tell you he was leaving his phone with his mom?

  32. @Karmen - he wasn't an ass. He didn't expect anyone to be actually using his phone. He left it active mainly so people could leave him a message and he could check it the rare times he actually had access to a satellite phone. I'm not too bummed about the situation. It was more funny/awkward than anything.

  33. @IncognitoVixen - Whoops, my bad. I generally assume most guys are assholes, so I couldn't help but jump to conclusions in that case.

  34. I generally assume most guys are assholes,

    That's funny. True and funny.

  35. Now I gotta Google that story about the professor & his daughter. Super grody.

    And yeah, I sext but no photos.

  36. I am older that dirt. No sexting for me. *sigh*

  37. No, but flirting is fun. A boyfriend kept bugging me for photos, so I finally said I give, here's a picture of my pussy. It was a photo of my cat.

  38. Way back in the day on Usenet, when a few idiots kept demanding pictures of pussy, I decided to give them some naked shaved underaged pussy--my 6-mo. old kitten Jezebel, post-spay w/her little shaved belly, flopped out on my roommate's lap. Hey, they asked for it...

  39. Love sexting. It's fun to be at the bar with friends, get a very hot and heavy responce, and have my friends say, "Damnit, just go. Get a hunk of that man, and then get your ass back here for shots!" I have wonderfully supportive friends.


  40. Flirty texts, but no sexting and certainly no pictures. Not now, not ever.
