Welcome To The Rehab World Of Lindsay Lohan
When most people go to rehab, they do their time and you don't hear peep. Sure, there are people who sneak out or continue to try and use, but they are generally shown the door. Ditto for people who get into fights with staffers or other patients.
Somehow in the time Lindsay Lohan has been in Betty Ford, she has managed to do most of these things, but has still not been kicked out of the place. My guess is that this is the best publicity Betty Ford has had since Elizabeth Taylor found husband number 46 there. Think about it. Betty Ford is where the stars went way back in the day. This is giving them street cred with the younger, up and coming drug addicts.
Anyway, Lindsay had been living away from the main facility and apparently decided to throw a little shindig at her place. You know, filled with people and booze. Yep. Oh, and after she thought that a trip to the local bar would be great fun too. Everyone who attended the party was put on lock down, but Lindsay was just supervised more closely.
Now, though, that supervision may have taken a nasty turn because Lindsay is accused of striking a staffer who dared reprimand Lindsay for coming back to the house late. See, I think all of us thought Lindsay was doing well, including me. However, this living in a sober house and all this freedom and what she has done with the freedom shows me that Lindsay will be partying her guts out about 24 hours after her next and final court appearance.