Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Versace Murdered By The Mafia?

This is the kind of story I would expect from a tabloid, but not The Telegraph. They summarize a new book that is out about Gianni Versace. Apparently in that book, the author says that the reason Versace was killed was because of debts he had with the mafia. Versace was supposedly in the middle of a huge money laundering ring. See, I could believe that. There is no reason why a luxury goods supplier could not also be a money launderer. I just really doubt he was killed by the mafia.

That was such a shocking killing. Then the whole country was following what happened to his killer and no one could find him. The whole country knew who they were looking for but he vanished until his suicide.


  1. This was a conspiracy theory back in the day that this was a mob hit, nothing new here.

  2. so what about the man he killed in Chicago, where does that fit in ?

  3. Sometimes you are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And you get murdered. Happens to plenty of people who aren't famous.

    I don't think Gianni got star whacked.

  4. Actually, timebob, I think he did get star-whacked.

  5. And Aristotle Onassis had Bobby Kennedy killed.

    Ya, I read that book too.

    When it doubt, blame the mob or some rich guy.

  6. I don't know if Versace was star whacked because Andrew Cunnan (i don't know how to spell it) killed several people besides him. He is classified as a serial killer.

  7. Andrew Cunanan knew the first 2-3 people he murdered, then murdered a bunch of strangers and then sought out Versace who perhaps symbolized the wealthy older men that had let him down (according to biography.com). So I would say that he was star-whacked.

  8. That is only a question that Evi & Randy Quaid can answer.

    To star whack or not to star whack that is the question...

  9. Well, when you think about it, wouldn't a mafia hit man basically also be a serial killer with a string of past victims if you wanted to look at it that way instead of in the context of a mafia hit?

    Anyway. I always thought it odd that it happened in broad daylight (early morning even) outside in front of his place in a major city. I mean that alone was ... daring.

  10. I've never owned a Versace anything but I felt surprisingly saddened when Gianni Versace was killed. He made beautiful things and what's so wrong with making the world more beautiful? (Yeah, yeah, I get that he charged a small fortune...)

  11. He was gay. He had hookups or a boyfriend...blah, blah. Look, he ran across a psycho killer.

  12. At that time I was told there were serial killings of gay guys in the DC area that were unsolved. Lots of word about that on the street. I've always wondered, as many have, if Cunanan did these also.

  13. Poppycock! Cunanan acted alone.

  14. Don't say "papi cock" in Miami, unless you're willing to face the heat.

  15. Just like the Ronni Chasen murder. the suspect committed suicide. I don't believe anything the press says anymore. Both of these deaths were highly suspicious. If someone has the balls & means to whack you, then certainly they can find a fall guy. It's been my experience that rarely are these things coincidental or per chance, they are usually deliberate and well-orchestrated. RIP Gianni & Ms. Chasen.
