Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This comedienne and author is sweating the fact that she may have got herpes. Her new boyfriend swore to her he did not have it, but it turns out he does. All she would have to do is check his sex history with just the people known, and she would have seen he is in the herpes chain. Oh, or have protected sex. Not too hard.


  1. easy peasy japanesey

    Chelsea Handler and fiddy

  2. I was thinking Jenny McCarthy, but like the Chelsea guess better.

  3. Yeah, I know Chelsea and 50 is going to be the popular guess, but they don't fit.

    Enty says check the herp chain...50 has dated Vivica Fox and Ciara and neither of them are known herpes carriers.

  4. Handler was my first guess too. *shudder*

  5. Chelsea and 50 cent. Why would you *ever* trust what someone with 50 cent's history tells you?!

  6. Maybe Kathy Griffin got the herpes from Anderson Cooper.. that dirty bird.

  7. I would think it was someone previously associated with Paris. Isn't she the best known carrier of herpes.

  8. Just to be different Olivia Munn and JT?

  9. As a physician, I have to say that condom use will not protect you 100% against herpes infection. Imagine if a man had a herpes sore on his testicle or at the base of his penis, neither of these areas would be covered by a condom, allowing for transmission to his sexual partner.

  10. @mmgirl: Thanks. Also, I do want to point out that having sex with someone who has herpes does not automatically guarantee that you will get it either, as long as both partners are careful and don't have sex during outbreaks.

  11. There were photos of Paris grinding on 50 in a club, i'm sure they did it at one point. I would LOL if this was Chelsea - for all her snark she deserves it!

  12. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Weren't 50 cent and Paris hanging out at one time?

  13. mmgirl, now how do I unimagine that?

  14. There should be a "Six Degrees of Herpes" game, similar to the Kevin Bacon game, which inevitably has Paris Hilton at the centerpoint.

  15. Wait..."author" that would mean Chelsea Handler has a BOOK? That has gotta be worse than Snooki having one, yuck.

  16. I finally have one. Chelsea to 50, 50 to Jessica Alba, Jessica Alba to Derek Jeter FTW.


    Paris + Fifty = ewww + Chelsea = whoa!

  18. Very few people other than Handler fit the comedienne, author, and not married clues. No one else comes to mind. I always believe the gossip that 50 was gay. However, closeted gays do have occasional sex with women so he's probably had sex with plenty of men and women. I assume one can contract herpes from homosexual sex as well as heterosexual sex. I use to like Chelsea, but the longer she's famous, the trashier and more desperate for attention she seems. 50 Cent is disgusting. Anyone who has sex with him, condom or not, is sure to get something.

  19. I thought of Chelsea or Olivia Munn.

  20. I guessed Chelsea Handler first too but another comedienne/author is Sarah Silverman-she's got a book out (it's good, better than Chelsea's books) and is new-ishly single (split from J. Kimmel awhile back). Have not heard that she's dating anyone though...

    My money is on Handler.

  21. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Sarah S has been dating Alec Sulkin, a writer for Family Guy, for nearly a year now. He doesn't seem to run in herp circles.

  22. Chelsea Handler. I feel awful saying this, but I kind of don't care. I think Handler's a nasty piece of work. It's not karma, but it's close.

  23. Karma's a bitch Chelsea.

  24. What everyone else said...*L*

  25. Hey it could be Roseanne...she has a new could be anyone, the herp is a nasty thing.
    Imagine a pill everyday for life to keep it in check...that sucks.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. my 2 cents as a nurse----some people shed herpes virus between outbreaks too. it's never 100% safe to have sex with someone with it, although during outbreaks, of course, it's a lot easier to get.

    i wouldn't touch fiddy with a ten foot pole.

  28. Chelsea has a couple that have done quite well. She's pretty funny IMO. She did recently tweet a pic of her & 50 in bed. She said she told us they weren't dating. ;) Gross. Wrap it up. You should never find your way back to Paris.

  29. I immediately thought about Jenny McCarthy since she recently split with her post-Jim Carrey guy but Chelsea makes sense. Although we could double down and assume besties Jenny & Chelsea (bff's) messed around too further perpetuating the herp circle lol. How dumb on Chelsea's part whether the blind is her or not. 50 screwed Paris in Vegas, thought this was common knowledge especially in Hwood. So now we wait for the lesions on her lips? I

  30. No doubt it's Chelsea.

    Haha, I love Neptumia's equation.

  31. Another herpes nugget is that many people are unaware that they have been exposed to the herpes virus. The only way to say for sure is to do blood work. Many of my patients have received the unfortunate news that they are carriers of the virus and they adamantly deny ever having an outbreak. The way to say you are negative is to get bloodwork done.

    I also don't want people who have herpes to feel like persona non grata. Just because you have herpes does not mean you are nasty or promiscuous. It just means you were unfortunate enough to have sex with someone with herpes. You can still have kids, have sex with herpes negative people and have satisfying sexual relations. Just requires communication with your partner.

    Getting off soapbox.....

  32. I heard years ago that there was a website about celebs with herp, but I could never find it.

  33. That would be...I wouldn't touch either one of them with someone elses tool....

  34. LOL! Enty just posted a link to Chelsea's book and a photo of 50 & Lindsey Lohan on his facebook page - blind solved!!

  35. Gotta be Handler and Fiddy. No other combo fits. Plus she is an admitted slut.

    As for Chelsea, I actually enjoy her books, but there is not way in hell I would ever want to be her friend. You could never trust her.

  36. I could see this being Chelsea Handler & 50 Cent, BUT I assumed they weren't sleeping together and, I haven't read her books, but doesn't she talk about having a lot of one-night stands? If that is the case, then I would also assume that she would be a pro about using protection and knowing that some guys will say anything to avoid putting on a rubber....

    I could also see this being Sarah Silverman or Kathy Griffin, but I would hope neither of them would be so naive to take someone's word about something like that. Of course, great point about that not being fullproof.

    No matter who this is, I feel bad for anyone who gets Paris Hilton's sloppy seconds!!!! She is SOOO gross. In fact, the best thing about 2010 has been her major popularity decline.

  37. I wouldn't touch 50 with someone else's dick... (not that I have one)...

  38. @ mmgirl
    Thanks for all the info. It is an unfortunate virus, and no one deserves to get it. My amusement about this case comes from 1) the possible recipient is nasty about as many people as possible, and 2) she should have been more cautious since his past history is known.

  39. lanasyogamama-Its at gossiplist but it's not necessarily reliable. The guy who runs the site used to run other gossip sites but something fishy was going on with all the boards and comments and the gossip became infrequent.

  40. I used to think Chelsea was funny- I even bought a couple of her books, both of which were so amateurish I was embarrassed for her. There are MANY other comedic writers who are far more clever than she is. Having said that, and knowing ENTY's style of blinds- this is definitely Chelsea. Given that Chelsea has turned a corner into being the biggest C you next Tuesday bitch on wheels, I hope the herp makes her utterly miserable.

  41. Ellen--Chelsea's talked (and written) a lot about one-night stands & sleeping around; IIRC, isn't one of her books called My Horizontal Life or some such?

    In all fairness, herpes is INCREDIBLY common these days, and as mmgirl points out, it doesn't mean you're some kind of filthy slut--you just got unlucky. The last I heard, the stats for the cold sore variety of herpes was that at least 90% of the population had it/has been exposed, and at least 1 in 5 people have genital herpes; by now that latter one's probably closer to 1 in 4, plus there's a lot of migration between the 2 kinds due to the prevalence of oral sex. Just sayin'...

  42. Having said all that, I can understand why people want to rag on Paris for being a big ol' ho--can you say "schaudenfreude," kids? She's such an unpleasant (to put it mildly) person, and so many of her "friends" are the same, that it's not surprising that she doesn't get any sympathy for having a social disease.

  43. Fiddy has definitely spent at least one night in Paris. I know people who know him personally and have heard tales of all the hollywood ladies who have been with or begged to be with him since he came out in 2003. So there is definitely a connection.

  44. If this isn't Chelsea, I have no idea.

  45. @Selock - She's written three, all of which have been bestsellers.

    I'm the outcast here in that I like her, mostly b/c she speaks her mind & makes fun of a lot of celebrities I dislike.

    However, not wrapping it up is DUMB.

  46. This one shrieks CHELSEA. You'd think she would have known that Fiddy was an even bigger ho than she is. What surprises me is that Chels didn't already have the love bug.

    The thought of Paris and Fiddy bumping uglies makes me kind of queasy.

  47. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I don't get the appeal of Chelsea Handler at all. To me she's utterly mediocre. Mediocre comedian, mediocre looking for sure, and less than mediocre personality.
    On another note, so if 50 Cent is passing around the Herp, does that mean that Cameron Diaz is also in that circle? Weren't they a blind from way back? Or was that hookup before he (yuck) got it on with Paris?

  48. I thought everyone in Hollyweird had herpes. It's true that you are not necessarily a slut for having it, but the ones I know of who do have it, are pretty promiscuous.

  49. lanynsgomama, here ya go:

  50. First comment got it right.

  51. I am not a health professional, but I was a health center and women's resource center volunteer in college, and we had to have some training. I do know that you don't have to take a pill every day for the rest of your life if you have herpes. Every case is different, and some people seem to manage it just fine by doing nothing until they have an outbreak, and some only have outbreaks once or twice a year. We were also told that cold sore type of herpes is VERY common because so many mothers unknowingly give it to their children just trying to be loving, affectionate mothers.

    Anyway, yeah Chelsea and Fiddy.

  52. Chelsea Handler for sure. First thing I thought of. And yes, she sucks hard at being a comedian. Plus, she's turned into everything she use to poke fun at-a shallow, catty Hollywood bimbo. I used to think she was cool, but then I saw her posing nude making this ridiculous non-ironic Ooh-baby-I-am-so-damn-sexy facial expression, and I knew she was not the same Chelsea anymore.

  53. It's kind of funny that people gross out so badly on herp and yet most everyone has herpes from chicken pox. Sure, it's a different type but still, it's herp.

  54. Jenny McCarthy.... Last week, she broke up with her boyfriend of four months. Yesterday, she tweeted to E! something about herpes.

    She (JennyMcCarthy) said, "@eonline That's better than giving each other herpes for Christmas."
