Monday, December 13, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This one goes out to that group of people that uses a blind item revealed post as their personal message board. Over the weekend, this married B list movie actress was out everywhere and drinking and drinking and flirting with every guy she saw. I think she is looking for a replacement for that B list actor from a hit network comedy who dabbles in really bad movies. She definitely was not shy about looking and hinting.


  1. Emily Blunt and John Krasinski?

    I thought she might be A-list, though?

  2. John Krasinski & Emily Blunt? Although that would be really quick into the marriage.

  3. They seem to fit, but would Enty have mentioned that she's foreign?

  4. I hope its not them. :(

  5. Does anyone understand the personal message board comment?

  6. ^Not really, but I assume he's talking about the Blind Items Revealed girls?

  7. Gotta be Blunt/Krasinski. His movies are bad and they never make any money. But I still think he's way too good for her.

    Maybe the personal message board comment is about Blunt and Michael Buble? I think they've been the subjects of blinds on here before.

  8. I just found this story about Blunt:


    Emily Blunt always has a “martini” before she goes to a film premiere. ...

    She added to the British edition of Harper’s Bazaar magazine: “I’m just like any other normal person. After this interview, I’m going to immigration to try to sort out my Green Card."

    [Hmmm...Was the marriage only for her to get a green card??]

    The ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ star has remained tight-lipped about her relationship with John since they married in July, and intends to continue to do so because she feels she was too open about her romance and eventual split from singer Michael Buble.

    She explained: “It’s why I don’t ever talk about John. When you’re in love, you’re so happy that you want to tell people about it. But now I have to censor myself. You need to protect the happiness you have.”

  9. Yeah, there's been a lot of talk about how Emily Blunt is just using Krasinski. Maybe he's gay and it benefitted both of them.

  10. Emily Blunt & John Krasinski. No doubt!

    It fits them perfectly. I have always believed that Emily was using him, and that Green Card comment makes so much sense to me.

    Sad, but I think it's true. I'm still not sure whether or not I think she's bearing for him, but that would also make sense.

  11. "This one goes out to that group of people that uses a blind item revealed post as their personal message board...."

    There was a blind item that many thought was about John and Emily. The Emily haters posted on it for months.

    This has to be them.

  12. Oh hai, this has to be John and Emily.
    I agree with ^^, that her using him for a Green Card is a possibility, but the bearding thing always comes back to me.

    I still can't get over how big a fan I used to be of hers, shame she turned out to be a complete bitch.

    She needs to move back home and let England embrace her in that big repressive hug she so very much craves.

  13. I do remember the blind but I don't remember all the bitching. :)

    If Emily is not happy with JK, I'd wager a guess that there are about a million other ladies who'd line up around the block for him.

  14. I wouldn't call it bitching, I'd call it analysing ;)

  15. Blind Items Revealed Last January

    Wednesday, September 23, 2009

    This engagement is fairly new, but I definitely smell trouble. This Golden Globe nominated/winner B list movie actress has been entertaining a fairly steady stream of men at her fiance's home. Her fiance is a B list television actor on a very hit show. He must know this is going on as our actress doesn't hide what she has been doing and with whom but our actor doesn't seem to care.

    Emily Blunt & John Krasinski

    They are still posting!!!

  16. Lauren, I wanted to ask the same thing. A lot of the posts here seem to be written in a hurry recently and half the time I need to read them a few times to wrap my head around them. This is one of those.


  17. OT, but sad. Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter are divorcing.

  18. John Krasinski was not in so many really bad movies. And "Away We Go" was actually quite good.

  19. OK I am dying to know the reason Michael C. Hall & Jennifer Carpentar are spliting up. This is his second marriage that went down in flames. TMZ stated she is the one pulling the plug on the marriage.

    Something about him makes me think he might be gay. And no, not becuase he played a gay man on six feet under. BUT HE DID PLAY IT REALLY WELL.

  20. Away We Go was a good movie, but that's been the only decent one he's been in. He has the talent, he just needs to pick the right roles.

  21. Ohh Angela, that movie was BAD.

    About Michael C. Hall - I thought he was gay all along. I was surprised when we found out he was dating Jennifer. I feel bad for them, though. They've had a shitty year.

  22. Krasinski was also in the movie with Meryl Streep/Alec Baldwin. An okay movie, and a fair hit, I think.

  23. Does Emily Blunt really need John Krasinki for a green card? She's a B list actress never short of work. As long as she is making bank she should have no problem getting a green card.

  24. Blunt and Krasinski? Only on this board.

  25. Krasinski also directed and acted in a movie based on a David Foster Wallace book. It was also quite good.

  26. Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter are divorcing?!??!? Nooooo! I wanted them to live happily ever after. I really did. Especially after the cancer. If she's pulling the plug I suspect he is engaging in some self destructive behavior. I know folks like that. It's hard to watch, especially from close up. Sad.

  27. I agree with Mango. Emily doesn't need John for a green card. She could have a list of sponsors in an hour.1

  28. Did anyone catch the last episode of Dexter? I commented to my boy that Michael C. and Jennifer had the weirdest avoidance chemistry ever. I'm so not surprised by this news; I bet it was over awhile ago and they waited until the finale.

  29. Sad about Emily and JK if it's them. So sad about Emily and the drinking if it's her as well. As a very young actress (before all the surgery which she absolutely didn't need - she was far more exquisite before) she was not only immensely talented but incredibly sweet and smart and down to earth. Hope Hollywood hasn't ruined her. If this is you, go back to London, Emily, go back on the stage with real British actors who "get the joke", are more about the craft than the glitter, and don't believe showbiz is brain surgery...and you'll be a much happier, more balanced person in the long run.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I can't deal with this blind because I am so upset about Michael C Hall & Jennifer Carpenter... um Dex and Deb... I can't believe they are getting divorced. I would really really like to know why. I might consider moving to LA and stalking him (I'd have to get my own divorce I suppose). I don't know anything about either that would lead me to believe there is self-destructive behavior involved but then these 2 keep things very quiet.

    I am not sure he's gay.... though I could see it for sure if he was, and he did make a comment on Jimmy Fallon recently about how sad it is that his family accepts his role on Dexter as a serial killer more than they did his role on Six Feet Under where he played a gay character. But, he was married prior to JC to his Broadway costar and they got divorced right about the same time he started dating Jennifer.... so I guess it could be elaborate bearding, or a case of repetitive cheating perhaps? Tell me that blind about the actor cheating w a costar was not about Julia Stiles..... that might make me throw up in my mouth a little.

  32. The shout out refers to a group of girls who are so heartsick that their celebrity crush actually fell in love and got married, that they feel the need to spend inordinate amounts of time bashing first her and now him and his "Hollywood" behavior. You know, like a "real" fan would do. Perhaps if they turned off their computer and went out and forged real life relationships, they wouldn't have to do that.

    As for Krasinski and Blunt, whether or not the reports are true, if they are happy and willing participants in the marriage, who cares?

  33. I'm going to go against the grain and say Demi Moore. The husband description certainly fits.

  34. I don't think Hollywood ruined Emily Blunt. Being in love with a cheating Michael Boob ruined her self esteem
