Monday, December 13, 2010

Today's Blind Items - Bonus

This thought provoking A list television talk show host and stand up comedian recently broke off a relationship he was having with a model barely out of her teens. About 30 minutes after they broke up, he arranged for a towing company to find the Bentley he had leased her and have it towed to his place. His words to his assistant were, "If she ain't f**kin' me, than she isn't driving the Bentley. When it comes back, get it washed, because I will have a new driver for it by the end of tonight."


  1. Is Bill Maher known to throw money around on his side pieces?

  2. First thought....George Lopez.....not sure that he is A list.....

  3. def has to be bill maher

  4. More stuff on the fan page.!/pages/Crazy-Days-and-Nights/171220712893400

  5. I'm confused about the FB fan page. Is it affiliated in any way with Enty? Or is it just hello kitty posting as Enty?

  6. Sounds like a nice guy.

  7. I would be really disappointed if this were Maher - just doesn't seem like the asshole type. However, he *is* thought-provoking.

    All of the other talk show hosts are married though, non?

  8. @RocketQueen:

    "Maher just doesn't seem like the asshole type"

    Are you talking about a different Bill Maher?

  9. bill maher FOR SURE!!!!

  10. Oh come on, I am sure she was a gold digger anyway. Do you really think they had intellectual conversations? I am sure she was his piece of ass and he was her lottery ticket. It is what is.

  11. Why would you continue to pay the car lease for someone you are no longer dating/fu*king? As for having a new driver for it by tonight, if it IS Maher, he's not married, so why would that make him an ass?

    I don't see anything wrong with this.

  12. Oh damn, it IS Maher.

  13. Not Bill Maher- I have never seen him with anyone that young. He usually dates black women in their mid-20's.

    I refuse to believe it is my Bill.

  14. @d - unlikely, but I take your meaning. Bill is opinionated, but I also (personally) think he's one of the more enlightened people out there with regards to prejudice of all kinds, which is why I'd be surprised if he made such an arrogant, misogynistic comment. But what the fuck do I know....we're not besties :)

  15. @cindy - I agree. Nothing wrong with taking the car back - we don't know what she did. The problem I have was with the arrogant comment about fucking a new girl by the end of the night. No class.

  16. what about Jerry Springer--doesn't he have that "final thought" thing?

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  18. Bill Maher is the biggest asswipe on earth, and I would believe any hideous thing written about him, but no way is he A-list.

  19. Stand up comic? Stephen Colbert?

  20. Jon Stewart was the first to come to mind and even after reading the comments I still am convinced it's him.

  21. It's his money, he can do whatever he wants.

    Let this be a lesson to the pretty young things.

  22. @Tenley - I think we're looking for someone who's unmarried, otherwise it probably would have been mentioned.

  23. Totally Maher. He dated "SuperHead" and this blind falls in line with what kind of guy she said he was when their relationship soured. He loves bimbos and they are easy to come by. She was probably replaced before he finished the sentence. Coco-his ex- sued Maher for palimony after they split because she "became accustomed to a certain lifestyle" and claimed he promised to take care of her. Maher ftw.

  24. What`s the problem? I would do the same thing.

  25. Yeah, I'm with Missy. If you're going to date someone for a Bentley and the trappings (let's face it, it didn't sound like a love match), then him taking it back once the young snatch is no longer on tap seems like a fair trade.

  26. Seriously, who would want to f**k Bill Maher, even if there was a Bentley involved.

  27. sorry RQ but bill m *is* that much of a raging a@hole. i think of him first for this, but stewart is close second.

  28. Isn't Dennis Miller coming back with a show? I used to like him. Can't stand him now.

  29. Bill Maher, hands down.

  30. @chopchop The fan page doesn't seem to be affiliated with Enty. I dropped it on FB once hello kitty started spamming every single blind item post here.

  31. Thanks, Mo. It's confusing because sometimes she writes as though it's actually Enty's words & thoughts but it's really just a fan page with someone masquerading as Enty.

  32. I think kitty thinks she is doing a service. I don't this she is trying to pretend to be Enty.

    She really really wants people to chat on the FB page.

    oh, and 100% Bill Maher, he isn't known to be very kind to his ex-girlfriends.

  33. stephen colbert teaches sunday school. and is married

    jon stewart is married with at least 2 kids.

    I would think Ent would have mentioned married/kids in the blind if it were the case.

    I'm on the Bill Maher train for this. He seems creepy enough.

  34. Sorry, this can't be Maher. He's been dating Cara Santa Maria, who has a masters degree in neurobiology.

  35. Bill Maher makes me laugh & think as much as anyone - BUT, being an asshole is pretty much his whole schtick and he is not what I would define as open-minded and unprejudiced. Creepy.

  36. I like Bill Maher and think he's an asshole, but I don't know enough about his personal life to name him as the personality behind this blind.

  37. I think this is Bill Mahr too. I saw him live and he was such an a-hole it was eye opening. It was being taped for his HBO show and he was a dick with a capital "D." He is not a nice guy at all and very unapologetic about it too.

    I think Bill is funny, but he is a jerk.

    As far as him having a "smart" girlfriend, when has that ever stopped a guy from cheating? Especially a celebrity?

  38. The is no way Bill Maher is even close to A list.

  39. I am a fan of Bill Maher, but I always had the impression that he is kind of full of himself. When someone doesn't agree with him (and he tends to have people on his show who don't agree with him, that's kind of what he does) he acts as if they are stupid or beneath him. It's part of what makes him funny, but I don't think he's a pleasant person to hang out with. Plus I heard that he enjoys peeing on chicks *LOL*. Anyway, based on my impression of his personality (which may or may not be based on reality *L*), this is something he would say. I agree with it though. Why would I let an ex keep driving a luxury car I paid for?

    And Bill Maher is most certainly A-list in his field.

  40. If Maher was NOT Alist, he would not have a show on HBO.

  41. Every time he comes to my home town, he surrounds himself with strippers and hookers. No kidding. I did meet him once years ago (no, I was NOT a stripper or hooker LOL, but I met him in conjunction with his show at the time on a professional level) and he was polite to me, but everyone I know who knows him says he's an arrogant bastard. Some people like him that way, some don't. Just sayin'.

  42. Someone once made a suggestion that there should be a fan page on facebook, and there is one. It exists so that Enty won't run out of the allotted 5,00 friends you get on a personal page.

  43. Bill Maher for the Gold. He is brilliant, funny and I love him but he's totally an asshole to the women he's with once he tires of them. He's getting middle aged now; I could see him going for the young'uns for a quick ego boost. Sorry BIll, but you always tell it like it is, don't you?

    The Pat Sajak comment however - as ridiculous as it seems - the man is a serial cheater as well. Despite his ultra-right wing, perfect husband exterior. This is well known within his tight-knit inner circle. Perhaps his wife is just resigned to it. To me, he's more the hypocrite than Maher who's very openly single and doesn't pretend to be Mr. Middle Class Morality (though I don't see Sajak as the person in the blind).

  44. No idea who -- the guesses sound good to me so far. I think that when a powerful man or woman lure a hotty to them, it's often a bad deal for the hotty. She got a Bentley for a while, but hopefully she learned the important rule of love: date people for their personalities or their looks, never their money and "power," unless you can get a per diem in writing.

  45. I too think its Bill Maher. I watch his show every Friday when its in season. Don't have an issue with his statement really. I do find it amusing that he's got his side piece riding around in a gas guzzling Bentley when he's suppose to be all earthy crunchy. Do they make hybrid Bentleys?

  46. The thought of Pat Sajak sleeping with anyone, let alone slutting around, is stomach-turning. Yeesh.

  47. Posted a clarification on the fan page (since it's o/t and a little too long)

    Looking forward having everyone participate!!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Henriette said...
    I think this is Bill Mahr too. I saw him live and he was such an a-hole it was eye opening. It was being taped for his HBO show and he was a dick with a capital "D." He is not a nice guy at all and very unapologetic about it too.

    I think Bill is funny, but he is a jerk.


    Omg Henriette you are SO right! I saw Bill perform live this weekend and he is about the biggest asshole when you see him in person. He was such a jerk to the crowd of people who came out to SUPPORT him, like he was doing us all a favor just by being there and entertaining us with his wisdom and wit. He is a douche..
