Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thora Birch Gets Fired From Dracula

Honestly, this is the best story going today. I love this family. Thora Birch is said to be in a state of shock today after she was fired from the Off Broadway version of Dracula which was supposed to start in four days. Four days! Do you know how badly you have to f**k up to be a star and get fired just a few days prior to a show starting? Hmm, I wonder why she was fired. If you guessed her dad, then you are a big winner. This guy makes Hulk Hogan and Pimpa Joe Simpson look like saints. The dad already said he loves to watch his daughter in sex scenes, and their relationship has not changed much in the intervening years. Producers of the show said, Thora's dad had threatened another actor during rehearsals. It must have been something serious to get his daughter fired. Like injury or death or something. The actor apparently touched Thora's back at one point.

Maybe he knew the guy from porn because Thora's dad did a lot of porn. Makes you wonder if he wants to have the first father/daughter porn film in history. Considering how this guy has nosedived her once promising career, you have to wonder what makes her stick with him as manager.


  1. Now then, Thora. Have we learned anything from this incident? Like maybe time for a new manager?

  2. Thora, you are a talented actress who should be working more. Drop your dad as a manager and hire a PROFESSIONAL.

  3. None of these father/mother as managers seem to work out well. Why don't they learn?

    This guy gives a whole new meaning to the word creepy.

  4. Eww, most parents walk out during their child's sex scene in a movie. Thora's dad is GROSS!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. If her dad is threatening others, I wonder how many times he's threatened her? He obviously has issues. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt & say that she sticks with him out of fear & being too sheltered to know how to get out of her situation.

  7. I'm sorry to say it but it sounds super creepy. More like a paranoid boyfriend than a father/manager.

  8. Sad. She is very talented.

  9. I personally find that parents make the WORST managers/coaches etc.

    If you have a child athlete or performer the worst thing you can do is be their coach or manager. Leave that to some trained person who will not have the baggage of being their parent.

  10. Run Thora, run!!!!!!!

  11. She's to old to allow her dad to continue controlling her life. There's something troubling/inappropriate going on here.

  12. it's time to call Meloni, this is SVU all the way.

  13. She is almost 30, which makes it even creepier.

  14. I agree with Carrie L. He might have a pimp mentality and is able to control that way.

  15. I agree with Carrie L. He might have a pimp mentality and is able to control that way.

  16. i've always loved her. :(

    but there are serious issues going on here if she'd lose a gig like this over daddy.

  17. I thought she was going to be a big glamorous actress but she NEEDS to put her dad away from her career.

  18. @mikey - That's what I'm saying.

    I would think once they reach 18, they'd want to find someone with more experience anyway. I mean, aside from a porn career.

  19. He is killing her career, but honestly he has already killed her soul, as her father, because of the abuse.
