Friday, December 10, 2010

That Joe Jonas Story

This is not much of a story, but just thought I would share a little eyewitness account of the photo above. Earlier this week I shared with you my Kyle Richards encounter on Tuesday. Because I took the day off from work and was hanging out with the parents, after The Grove we took a turn over to BevMo which just happens to share the same parking garage as a Target where this Joe Jonas photo was taken.

Despite the number of photos I have seen taken at this Target parking garage of celebrities, my encounters in the parking garage and in the stores above have been limited to people who could not even score a gig on Surreal Life if they had a cast of 300.

But, then again, I do not usually go to The Grove or Target during the day during the week. So, shortly after the Kyle Richards run in at The Grove, the family and I were coming back down from BevMo and headed to the mini-van when I saw Senor Jonas hanging out of his truck. I say hanging out because he had the window rolled down and his arm hanging out and I pointed him out to my mom. She has a thing for the Jonas Brothers. I don't know why. She also knows I suck at identifying celebrities when I am out. I either don't pay any attention and don't notice them, or I assume everyone is one because they all dress and look the same. But, because I have some weird connection with actresses with minor roles in Twilight, it did not surprise me at all to see him and knew who he was. The only celebrities I ever seem to see anywhere or run into are Ashley Greene and Nikki Reed. I could go anywhere in this city and run into them. I have run into ihop at 4am in a shady part of town and there was Nikki Reed. Public Library? Saw Ashley Greene. At least once a month or so I see one of them and it is really starting to freak out. I don't sleep well at night and I still don't know what Ashley Greene was doing at a public library. She does not seem like a big reader. It is like they follow me. So, seeing the guy she is dating was not a big shocker.

When my mom turned to stare at him, he seemed to perk up and get excited that someone recognized him even if it was a woman who is older than his grandfather. Apparently he needs to be recognized every few minutes to keep his mojo. Whoever took the picture of him must have come about a minute or two later but they took the picture right from where we had parked. When I saw him in the truck he was wearing more than a t-shirt so he must have decided to strip down before moving the tree box.


JoElla said...


Glad your Mom made his day.

I am not a fan of this manchild.. he reminds me of the douchey character in "That Thing You Do". This kid just oozes creep from his pores.

timebob said...

I'm so glad the Jonas mania came and went pretty quick. That was some bad, bad music. Now, Jutin Biber seems to be sticking around a little longer than I like.

Joe seems to like to show off his "man-muscles". Which is why he took his shirt off and flexed when they took the picture. That box probably only weighs 5 pounds.

Selock said...

Oh, Enty, nonstory!

I'm glad he wasn't actually doing anything wrong, besides what you assume he was thinking. :P

Whatevs. Your mom has good taste! Joe's sweet and very normal, including that oversized 21yo ego and I like him onstage and off. He's good! If people are fair they are only creeped by him because he grew up Pentecostal and on the Disney Channel, neither of which he had much control over...and he has other redeeming qualities.

Anyhoo. Mostly? I'm terribly jealous you saw both Kyle & Joe at the Grove on the same day. Not fair.

ms snarky said...

And, to top it off, whatever he bought was made in China.

Way to support jobs in America, Jonas!

Pookie said...

i have no idea which jobro is which...but am seriously impressed you recognized them.

RocketQueen said...

I think the popularity on these boys has dropped significantly in the last few years, but I'm still surprised that being recognized would be exciting for someone in his position at this time.

timebob said...

Funny thing was Joe Jonas was on Top Chef All Stars this week (bizarre guest apperance). And lets just say the kids he was talking to wasn't exactly going ape shit over him like they used to.

Momster said...

Time for a tinfoil hat, they're following you, Enty, lol. . .

The Nightmare Child said...

Kind of jealous, Enty...

I want to run into Nikki Reed everywhere...

Selock said...

@timebob IDK ... it wasn't that bizarre, just unexplained. He's a Top Chef fan, big foodie, amateur chef, health food nut in particular.

And the kids didn't come off as that indifferent...when they finished screaming, they were actually listening to him (unlike their behavior with all the other adults there).

People are so weird about & hard on them, IDGI. Pretty sure he and his brothers' careers & lives aren't in that bad of shape. Everyone knows teen dream status is fleeting.

RJ said...

I'm not crazy about the Jonas brothers' music, but they seem like pretty decent people. Especially considering that they came of age in the House of Mouse which usually spells disaster for child stars. Plus, Joe is definitely the cutest one. Until he's on his third or fourth arrest, I'll give him a pass.

sunnyside1213 said...

Stalker alert.

Anonymous said...

This is my BevMo and my Target. Do I live under a rock? I see no one. Then again, I could be talking to Joe Jonas and not know him. Although he was on Top Chef so now I do!

ForSure said...

If that's one of the Target Christmas trees, yeah they are kind of heavy (I tried to buy one myself this week, but decided it was too big for the space I set aside).

ChasingHeaven said...

I love Enty, but shouldn't he worry about keeping his blog identity more of a secret? Seems like we could just ask Jonas who he saw at the parking garage that day when he was loading the Christmas tree or what if Jonas reads this blog? Maybe then he'd know who wrote it? Am I being too paranoid? I just worry for Enty's safety.

kimmypie1 said...

ChasingHeaven, same thing with Kyle Richards. She definitely knows who he is now.


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