Thursday, December 02, 2010

Suspect In Ronni Chasen Slaying Kills Himself

Last night, the Beverly Hills Police Department was attempting to serve a warrant on a man who killed himself before police could talk to him. Apparently this near homeless man is a suspect in the shooting of publicist Ronni Chasen. In one story I read today, it said she was on the way home from a the premiere of a movie being considered for an Academy award. Huh? She went to Burlesque.

Anyway, this guy the police were interested in, told some friends he recently got a $10,000 payday but he was still living in a residential hotel. I don't see how a guy who was basically one step above homeless managed to to hit Ronni Chasen. Police said the other day that she was shot by a professional. This guy who killed himself yesterday does not sound like that kind of guy. Maybe he was the driver or assisted in another way. And who has that kind of money who wanted to kill Ronni? What the heck was she involved in anyway?


  1. Ugh - anybody else read Ted C's self-aggrandizing post about how he'd had a conversation with Ronnie YEARS ago which might shed light on the investigation? Please.

    I'm guessing her company must have been repping Burlesque?

  2. I think she focused on the music side of the business, getting awards for composers, etc

  3. I'm going to go with Randy and Evi Quaid. It's the Star Wackers at it again.

  4. I smell a Lifetime movie.

    Who will star as Ronni?

  5. wasn't Ronni involved with campaigns for Academy Award nominations? which you ask me is absolutely the most asinine thing ever to come of Hollywood. Campaigning for a nom? what happened to simply liking or not liking a movie for an Oscar? now we are setting up multi-funded campaigns like a fucking election so some actor/director/producer can get a new title and more money down the road?

  6. I read a story that this guy was a second-striker, but it definitelly sounds like he was the setup patsy. It also said that he *thought* he was getting a $10,000 payday but he only ended up gettin $2000.

    Even if he was the shooter (and one detective interviewed said he beleived a highly trained sharp-shooter actually pulled the trigger), who ordered/paid for the hit? THAT'S the real question.

  7. timebob said...
    I smell a Lifetime movie.

    Who will star as Ronni?

    I see Candace Bergen.

  8. There's a rumor going around that Ronni was involved in some sort of art forgery ring. The supposed story is that various stars were going to take possession of forged art, and then after a while sell them as being originals. The thought was that no one is going to question a big name star as to whether the art was original or not. Anyway, Ronni either backed out of the deal, or refused to go along with it, and she was killed, I guess to keep her quiet.

  9. I like LMS&M's post. I can see that being the scenario.

  10. I heard this morning that the guy was afraid of being arrested for this, and that he said he would never go back to jail again. They really made it sound like he just killed himself because he couldn't stand the thought of being locked up again.

  11. Krissy, I think you got it. This dude sounded like a real loser.

    Someone with skills killed this woman and was ordered to do so by someone with REAL connections. How in the hell are the camera in the area not working all of a sudden.

    No jail bird recidivist has these types of connections, and would more than likely botch the job. This is a real killer.

  12. Enty- I'm pretty sure that I read that Ronni Chasen was at the Burlesque premiere that night because she represented the songwriter for the original song in the movie... which they were going to do a campaign for the Academy Awards. Which makes sense to me. Nobody said the movie has to be good for the song to be nominated.

  13. Snarky and Whitney are right -- Chasen's company was running a campaign for award noms for "Burlesque's" music. Even if none of the songs win, they get great publicity in the industry for future use, and a lot of people make good money in the process.

  14. timebob said...
    I smell a Lifetime movie.

    Who will star as Ronni?

    I see Candace Bergen.

    I, personally think Jill Clayberg would have been perfect for this role. RIP Jill.

  15. He was just a Oswald. The real killer and financial backer is still out there.

  16. ^^^You can throw MLK into that pile too.

  17. This guy "Harold" sure was a patsy...

    Doesn't seem the type of guy who keeps his mouth shut enough to be either the scout or the driver.

    Definitely not the expert marksman who shelled out 5 hollow-point bullets from a moving vehicle into the driver of another moving vehicle.

    Maybe it did have to do with art? I read that she had a Picasso in her otherwise understated condo (with no view).

  18. this guy may just be a random nut and had nothing at all to do with this. he just ran his mouth to his neighbors, they called the police, he was suicidal anyway and boom, he's dead.
    he sounds too mentally unhinged to be a hitman to me.

  19. I'm thinking Blythe Danner for the Lifetime movie.

  20. Cheryl Hines with a bit of aging could play her. Crazy story.

  21. I, personally think Jill Clayberg would have been perfect for this role.


  22. Bergen would be great. I also thought of Christine Baranski.

  23. This story keeps getting curiouser and curiouser.

  24. timebob said...
    I smell a Lifetime movie.

    Who will star as Ronni?

    I nominate Jean Smart. She seems perfect for a "woman in peril" Lifetime event.

  25. Interesting that in the 5 years I was in CA and in the industry (small letters show my respect) I was on the list and at the closing day for the "Chasons" rest/club - is she related? I just knew a couple of the guys in the family - from the door/list/dinners/

  26. bet this won't be solved
