When Star and Radar published the accusations and tape of Britney Spears saying she had been beaten by her boyfriend Jason Trawick, the Spears came was ready. First they denied the beating story and they then trotted out some experts who said the recording is not even Britney. That is a pretty powerful force, but Star is standing by their story. Not like they have much choice, but I think they wanted to send the message to Britney's camp that if they come a knockin' with a lawsuit that Star has some cards they have not played yet.
"Star magazine stands by its story that Britney Spears told her ex-husband, Jason Alexander, that her boyfriend, Jason Trawick, beat her. In a taped phone conversation lasting for more than one hour, Ms. Spears can be heard repeatedly telling Mr. Alexander how Mr. Trawick "went crazy" and hit her, giving her a black eye. Mr. Alexander passed a polygraph test administered by Star, where he was specifically asked, 'Did you record a phone conversation that you had with Britney Spears?' Moreover, there is information in the tape, which Star may reveal at a later date, that would be known only by Ms. Spears."
A couple of things here. This whole polygraph thing is something the tabloids love because that pretty much guarantees a win for the tabloids. The law for a public figure is that Star or any other tabloid can only be liable for libel if they published something knowing it was false or with reckless disregard to its truth. If someone passes a lie detector test, then it is very difficult for a public figure to overcome those hurdles. I guess you could argue Jason Trawick is not a public figure, and then the standard for Jason to win would be lower, but he is probably a public figure.
What Star is really saying in that last sentence is, "don't mess with us, or we will release something that proves it was you." So, if you don't see a lawsuit in the next few weeks, then I guess Star won the battle of wills.
Star has a lot of ammo on Britney...
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone remember, YEARS ago when they were printing the cocaine allegations, and saying she did coke, all of a sudden Britney gave them an exclusive interview and the allegations stopped?
I always thought they got pics of her doing it and had an agreement with her not to print them if she gave them an exclusive.
I don't know - the first recording did not sound like her at all - but the second one did. Also her camp had to know this story was coming out because they were probably asked for a statement - and how they are handling it just seems way over the top to me - if it was not true. But would Pappa Spears really allow someone like that around her if he knew about it?? I'm so confused on this one!
ReplyDeletewhy would he have planned to tape the conversations?
ReplyDeleteBecause STAR pays alot of money for juicy stories with tapes to back them up and in this day and age who DOESN'T need some extra income?!?!
ReplyDeleteThis is awful. A girl or woman getting beaten by a "loved one" is the most brutal and painful and depressing thing in the world. The beating hurts the victim and it hurts everyone who cares about the victim. Having this topic used to sell magazines or to pump up the buzz for her upcoming new album is the most awful, monstrous thing pop culture could do. It makes me want to sign up for one of those one-way trips to Mars NASA sometimes talks about.
ReplyDeleteLie detectors are bullshit. They just measure your responses to the questions. If you're good at lying, then you're golden. If you get anxious when people ask you questions, then you're screwed.
ReplyDeleteI mean, they're inadmissible in most court rooms, for fuck's sake.
To quote George Costanza "it's not a lie if you believe it".
ReplyDeleteI couldn't hear the tape because it doesn't work outside the U.S but if Star is ready to go to trial over this then they MUST have something. As for me..I don't know, It could be true or not, all I know is that she looks sad and that guy scares me.
ReplyDelete@Sue Ellen - Nicely played.
ReplyDeleteI'm here for all your Seinfeld quote needs.
Don't know if she is getting beat or not but what kind of MAN is Jason Alexander. NOT ONLY did you record these "alleged" conversations, but instead of going to the cops you went to a FUCKING tabloid magazine? Fucking scumbag loser!
ReplyDeleteTed C "notted" Britney as the answer to the blind about the woman being knocked around by her partner - still think that one is J.Lo.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what the story is on this yet, but regardless, if he IS beating her, hopefully this publicity will STOP it.
I figured Star had some real ammo to back up this story. It's way to scandalous to print without something real to support it. Because you know her camp is going to sue!
ReplyDeleteIf he is truly abusing Britney, then I seriously hope this story starts the begininng of the end for them.
I'm so on the fence about this. I think it sorta sounds like her at points and then it doesn't.
ReplyDeleteAll the buzzing in the background makes it hard to hear her. Which might be done on intent.
I guess he didn't use an iphone application the way Oksana did.
He is clearly asking loaded questions. If it was her, how could she be so dumb to speak so freely. I guess Jason is still pissed becuase he didn't realize when the marriage was annulled he would get nothing out of it.
I agree. Star ran this story knowing that it's sensational. They must have concrete proof. Enty, I took Star's stand on this the same "don't f=ck with us or we will REALLY unleash a firestorm. Just the way Team Brit is getting ahead of this story is suspect IMO. The tweets, appearances at Trawick's job and Larry Rudolph's spin. They seemed more pissed that the 1st Jason sold her out than the actual allegations. She never appears happy when they're together. I think she is still a trainwreck now they are better at hiding it. Didn't she recently cut her hair again? The press were kind to her on that one. If she is truly being abused she has my prayers. Heaven knows she's already mentally unstable.
ReplyDeleteAs an abused ex wife, I have to say, once a beater, always a beater. They don't stop.
ReplyDeleteThere is a reason why lie detector tests are not admissible in court. They measure physical response to questions, not their veracity. I for one have never been able to pass one, even if they just ask my name.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of whether it is true or untrue, it was disgusting and a real asshole move on the part of Jason Alexander to go to Star regarding it. What kind of friend does that and feigns concern? If he really gave a damn he would have tried to protect her privacy and help her, not sell her out and add stress to what may be an already crappy situation.
ReplyDeleteI hope Team Britney crushes him as well as Star.
I think if Britney paid Jason Trawick some sort of one-time lump-sum palimony he'd go away. He must hate that they were married and, unlike K-Fed, did not get on that money train.
ReplyDeleteAs for what else Star has, I'm guessing it's the classic physically identifying marking of some sort that she discussed in the phone conversation. Like having a tattoo somehow incorporate embarrasssing stretch marks from one/both pregnancies in a place the public can't see or who knows but almost certainly it's a physical thing that is absolute proof.
I am not saying anything bad about women (or men) who are being abused, but does anyone really believe something like this could happen to Brit? Her dad made quick work of the lowlifes hanging around her before, so I really doubt he would let something like physical abuse happen.
ReplyDeleteI suspect Brit probably did say those things to her ex either for publicity (which would mean Alexander was in on it since he taped it) or she is trying to get out of a relationship she isn't happy with and was telling Jason some lies or half stories to get his sympathy