Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Someone Makes Fun Of Nicolas Cage's Hair - He Goes Off

Nicolas Cage is filming a movie in Romania and someone said or did something to him or maybe took the last donut off the craft service table because he went off. I mean ballistic at a man an two women who were trying to calm him down. It could be that someone put a dog ear in his Superman comic book, or that he is just a general all around prick. Yeah, that is probably it.


  1. Lol. Exactly as I imagined him to be :)

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Meltdowns are so unattractive. What a schmuck!

  3. A little bit of life imitating art perhaps? The following video will explain:


  4. Christian Bale's freakout was way better.

  5. Christian Bale's *everything* is way better. :-)

  6. Nicolas Cage's ever changing hair and hair line deserve nothing less then being made fun of. It changes at least in every other scene of every movie he has been in since "Valley Girl"

    dude, we all know you are bald. The shit on top of your head ain't fooling anyone.

  7. lol @ chopchop. AGREE.
    I think the last good movie Cage was in was Lord of War.

  8. i third chopchop...YOWZA!

  9. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I think he is crazy. A few sandwiches short of a picnic.


  10. Maybe he needs to go decaf?

  11. LMAO chopchop FTW!!

  12. I know someone who is "friends" with Cage...says he's quite an odd guy who carries a walking stick made of a real snake.

    This doesn't surprise me, he freaks out in every movie he's in...and he's not a good actor.

  13. He's been losing everything -- literally. Not just his hair. Homes in foreclosure, etc. And here he's demanding that the person respect him. Not figuratively. He's yelling, "Respect me!". I think he's close to hitting rock bottom, it's as sad as it is scary, and I'm afraid we're going to be seeing worse headlines even.

  14. Y'all have good ears. I could not understand a word he said/screamed.

    Definitely not as good as Bale's meltdown.

  15. There is a certain irony in the fact that we're all panning his meltdown.
