Friday, December 17, 2010

Real Housewives - Beverly Hills

I have t admit that I did not watch all of last week's episode of Real Housewives Beverly Hills. Throughout the week I caught little bits and pieces like Camille planning her dinner party and then saying how hot she was because Nick was sitting next to her. I really don't understand that. His wife just had a baby and Camille still flirts with the guy. Don't you think they must be having sex?

Anyway, I did watch last night though and I had to watch it twice because it was so good. Can I just say first off that I am glad Medium has been canceled. Yes, I want Patricia Arquette to work as much as the next person but that Alison is the one of the most vile human beings ever.

Who smokes like that? I LOVED when she said, I would know if someone's husband was cheating. Ummm, then how come you did not tell Camille? Ha!

Who says things like I love knowing how and when people are going to die?

So, does Camille memorize every issue of Playboy? I think when Kyle said she was going o invite Faye Resnick, Camille or one of her staff Googled her and Camille decided to throw out that little Playboy tidbit. Did you notice how Camille talked to Kyle about Faye like Faye was not even there? What a b**tch.

I may have to change my vote for my favorite. I do love Kyle, but Lisa is so calm and witty and under control at all times. She is brilliant. Kim had the line of the night when she told Taylor she should go pump up her lips some more. That came out of nowhere.

I am also pretty sure by this point that Kim does not drink. When everyone else has been getting hammered, Kim continues to drink coke or something with no alcohol. Oh, and what is this stuff that Camille said in the after show about her not drinking much. She drinks in every episode.

Oh, and Denise, lighten up on the makeup, and yes, having sex with Nikki Sixx is kind of like dating, although Andy put it best when he said, "so, like neighbors with benefits."


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