Monday, December 06, 2010

Random Photos Part Four

Don Meredith - RIP
Amber Heard came out over the weekend. Good for her. Here she is with her girlfriend.
Anna Kendrick looking amazing.
Emma Stone has become a blonde.
This I call the Will Arnett look. Every photo op, there is at least one of these.
Bret Michaels - Las Vegas.
Brangelina with the twins in New York.
Britney celebrating her birthday with her boyfriend in Puerto Vallarta.
Christina Aguilera in Tokyo in the shortest dress of the day.
Guess she wants everyone to see if she is wearing panties. Pregnant?
Helena Bonham Carter strips for Colin Firth.
Then hangs out with her mom, Elena.


  1. Is it my imagination or does Colin Firth get sexier and sexier? Sigh...............................

  2. Thanks for the Don Meredith tribute, Enty! I grew up watching him play football. RIP, Dandy Don.

  3. IMO Christina has to be pregnant.. expect an anoouncement in People in 3,2,1.....

  4. Xtina's legs look hot. BritBrit looks hot too.

  5. rip don meredith...sad day, indeed. :(

    amber heard looks gorgeous! (and happy)

    loving anna k's dress.

    "leave britney alone!" teehee...what ever happened to that you tube guy?

    bring on the Aguilera preg rumors!

  6. Bring on the who de christina baby daddy rumors.

  7. I'm fascinated by the tights or socks or whatever they are that Amber's girlfriend is wearing - they're hot!

    I like Emma Stone better in red :) In fact, I WANT her old hair colour.

  8. Christina does look pregnant, but then again, so do I but I really just had a big lunch.

    I find Will Arnett quite attractive but there is something snakey about him. Maybe it's just that particular expression, I don't know...

  9. That Emma Stone picture makes me sad.

  10. Emma changed her hair color for the new Spider Man movie.

  11. Don Meredith. the Lipton tea man! :(

    I thoight anna kendrick was Ashley Greene. who is she?

    Christina looks fat and she did something to her nose. She looks horrible.

    Britney ain't looking so hot in her bikini either.
    It must suck to peak at age 20.(goes for the both of them)

  12. Emma Stone looks awful! She's turning into an Anna Faris clone.

  13. Nunaurbiz (great name, btw)... yes, Colin F sizzles more each passing year. Wow.

    Blond Emma Stone?! If for a role, washed out blah. If not... sad!!!

  14. Monday Night Football has never been as good as when Dandy Don, Howie and Frank were there -- RIP Don, you will be missed.

  15. Emma Stone is natural blond.

  16. Okay, so I guess we know what happened with Christina's marriage...
    Britney does not look good. Sorry! TRUE!
    Emma looks like Anna...
    Anna...Emma...(a la Letterman)
    Colin Firth is SOOOOOO HOT!!!

  17. I think Anna is too pale for that dress, but she has the bod.

    Emma Stone looks great!

    I forsee Will leaving Amy. :(

    I'm glad Brad didn't wear his leather pants.

    Christina may be prego, but she also does seem to gain and lose large amounts of weight quickly.

  18. Emma Stone looks like Lohan a bit

  19. Emma Stone's naturally a blonde (she looks great as a redhead) but this is for the Spiderman reboot.

    Christina totally looks pregnant.

  20. It's so weird that Emma is a natural blonde b/c she looks SO much better as a red head!

    I'd love to go drinking with Will & Amy!!!

    Who wouldn't strip for Colin Firth?? ;)

  21. Love Helena's dress, that teal-green is a good color on her. I went and saw Deathly Hallows again over the weekend, and there is no one who could have played Bellatrix LeStrange more perfectly than she does. :)

  22. Yay for Amber :-) Great to see people living as their true selves, and not worrying that it will prevent them from becoming more famous and successful. Hopefully her career is every bit as great as it would have been if she'd stayed in the closet, and more people will see it's ok to be themselves.

    Oh and also... wow. She and her girlfriend are every straight man's best porn fantasy!

  23. Was there an Amber Heard blind?

  24. That's what I'm thinking, Lyz

  25. Change Brangelina to Brillo-lina because it looks like Brad likes the Billy Goats Gruff look.

  26. @ looserdude:
    so agreed. dandy don-- that made me sad. and he's a couple of years younger than my dad.
    i've been doing some MAJOR house cleaning later, over two dumpsters full, and since my kids weren't interested, i threw out some old MAD magazines (man, don't even ask what else). in one of them was a spoof with
    " Hardhit Kurswell, Frank Gifted, and 'Dandy" Don Merryface ". shit. kids don't appreciate anything anymore.
