Brooke Mueller, who is 33 years old, lives with her parents. It makes sense really because they are raising her two kids while she runs around and parties with Paris Hilton and films a reality show about what people will do for coke.
Anyway, Brooke's parents are going on a cruise for 2 weeks and like most parents who have a 7th grader, they did not want their daughter tagging along. While they could find a babysitter for the twins, no one was also willing to babysit Brooke, so they had Brooke check into a sober living rehab facility.
"She is struggling with her sobriety and we are going away on a cruise so we feel better that she will be there while we are gone."
Well, hopefully they will bring back Brooke a t-shirt that says, My parents out me into a sober living facility while they went on a 2 week cruise and all the got me was this lousy t-shirt."
Part of me wants to laugh and laugh and laugh, but the other part just feels bad for her. It's pretty sad that her parents need a babysitter for her.
ReplyDeleteThat she is "struggling" is not surprising, based on this photo. There was another one recently where she was definitely high. Those poor kids.
ReplyDeleteI guess you can either take the time and raise your kids right the first time or continue to do just that for the rest of your life. Those kids need to be with another family entirely. Look what a mess those folks made of Brooke. How could this end up any better?
ReplyDeleteI'm just glad to hear that someone relatively responsible is in charge of her children. Even so, it's gotta be so hard for them. Two weeks is a long time to be away from your family.
ReplyDeletei think all parents deserve a break, and are absolutely entitled to vacation time...but seriously...i question these people and their crap timing.
ReplyDeleteLike, who on earth that is struggling with sobriety and has two infants at home should even be filming a reality show?? Argh. Take care of your health and your family before you go traipsing from club to club with PARISITE - this won't end well.
ReplyDeletegood for the parents, why should they suffer cuz their daughter is a fuck up? the babies are ok,let them chill for a bit.
ReplyDeleteI question the timing.
ReplyDeleteHas Charlie seen his (boy) kids once since all the shit hit the fans.
ReplyDeleteHe seems more interested in his girls with Denise than Brooke's.
Very strange.
Enty, you left out Brooke's mother's priceless comment that she is at a sober living facility for VERY WEALTHY PEOPLE..." Rotten apple didn't fall far from the tree - this family is a disgusting.
ReplyDeleteit's nice to know that they get a second chance at raising kids since they obviously did such a bang-up job the first time.
ReplyDeleteactually, they have TWO chances to do better.
Uh, not for nothin' -- but who's actually watching the kids?
ReplyDeleteHold up-Brooke is only 33??? Girl is beat.
ReplyDeleteSo why is it the parents fault that Brooke is messed up? Believe it or not, children do have minds of their own and are capable of making their own decisions, even if not always good ones. Her parents are trying to help her, but she can't be their whole life. Drug use doesn't always mean bad parenting, it does mean bad choices.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe this woman is a mother, and she can't take care of her own kids. To the point where grandma and grandpa wanted to take a 2 week cruise and got a BABYSITTER for the twins. Clearly, this woman (brooke) has ZERO sense of responsibility.
ReplyDeleteImagine if a poor young drug addict had twins that their parents were looking after wanted to take a cruise...oh wait, those kids would have been removed from the home a looong time ago and parental rights terminated.
If I sound like a b***h, sorry, but I think this is part of the reason Charlie gets away with things all the time, this girl, no matter what happened, couldn't impress a jury. I don't mean this in a blame the victim way, I mean it in a 'reasonable doubt' kind of a way. I doubt she can remember her kids names half the time.
ReplyDeleteThose poor kids.
I cant believe you people are saying comments like this woman can't remember her children's names! She is a mother struggling with addiction and a no good baby daddy. I have been there before. She has hard choices to make so good for her for going to sober living! Out with Paris Hilton? A mistake..One of many she will make as an addict. But eff you haters that make fun of her but given the chance to chill with Parasite you might just be photographed too! Give the woman a little compassion. Her choices are bad now, and I am sure she is sick to death that she is a shitty parent..and hopefully soon she will come to realize that that sad human being who thought they were so worthless that they had to end up with CHARLIE SHEEN to be loved wakes up one day and decides to forgive herself for whatever it is that drives her to hut herself. Addiction is a disease and until people realize that, people like Brooke will be mocked in the public eye and set up for failure always.
ReplyDeleteNOT saying she is ok in her actions!! But are you a better person for cyber bashing her?