Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Oprah Is Not A Lesbian

Oprah cried her eyes out to Barbara Walters and exclaimed once and for all that she is not a lesbian. In fact, she says she is not even a little lesbian. Apparently though Gayle King is the mother Oprah never had. She is also a sister and a friend and basically just a family reunion all in one person. But, she is not Oprah's lover.

Oprah says that if she was a lesbian she would tell the world and not hide it because that is the kind of person she is. I actually believe she would tell the world so that is why I have always kind of said Oprah is probably just someone who is not all that interested in sex. Maybe asexual? Although she kind of blew that out of the water when she called Stedman her lover during the interview. What do you think?


  1. I'm so torn on this one. I mean, I want to believe her, but there's just so many anecdotes and barely-blinds that suggest otherwise. Frankly, I don't give a shit whether she's gay or not, but I respect what she's done with her empire, and I wish she'd just be honest if she is. She could be a true inspiration to so many.

  2. I believe her, and if you think about her early life...raped by a relative, I think having a child in her teens...
    Yeah she may be asexual...
    But I don't care...she's accomplished great thing...been generous and is a role model...
    Enough really...enough.

  3. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Sorry but I don't believe her.

  4. The most shocking thing to me is she is still with Stedman. On some level, anyway.

  5. I don't think she's a lesbian, but it's fun to speculate. Actually, it's not really that fun.

  6. After being raped (REAL rape, not Khloe Kardashian kind of rape) it doesn't sound all that crazy that she might be asexual, it happens.

    I have a friend who's not really into sex, not as an average person. He says that he prefers a good companion, he's an academic driven person so very into science and not parties. It's not the same as Oprah but I get it, not everyone needs to hook up every chance they get.

  7. @Sue Ellen - you almost literally said what I was going to say.

  8. I don't really pay attention to the anecdotes or blinds so I don't know what is out there other than tabloids just saying they are gay.

    I would guess Oprah & Stedman are like a lot of other long term, business oriented couples who don't spend much time together and have grown apart. I've also heard that after a sexual assault woman typically tend to go two ways, either very sexual or not at all.

    Can someone share some of the barely blinds? She is so honest I don't see why she would keep it a secret.

  9. @jess - You took the words out of my mouth! I know three guys who are asexual. They're really nerdy engineers who aren't bothered to pursue a relationship with anyone. Not to say that all nerdy engineers are asexual. My sister married one and I'm dating one. Nerds are awesome!

  10. I don't care whether she's a lesbian or not. But I just like to remind people every once in awhile that Oprah is an Oscar-nominated actress for the Color Purple, ya know, back when the Oscars still actually meant something?

    Just food for thought.

  11. I used to wonder about the rumors but the more I have thought about it I can see her not being interested in sex. She was raped when she was nine years old and was molested by three people (her cousin, her uncle, and a family friend), she had a child when she was 14 (it died shortly after birth). She had a rough life but she has accomplished soo much. I respect that fully because lord knows where she could have ended up.

  12. I don't think she's asexual, I think she and Stedman have a low maintenance relationship that works for both of them - they aren't joined at the hip, but they're together when they want to be. I also believe 100% that if she were gay, she would have no problem talking about it openly. I think she and Gayle are non-sexual soul mates. It sounds just about perfect to me - having independence, but also having people you love who are there when you want/need them.

  13. I can't make up my mind. On the one hand, why didn't she ever marry Steadman? On the other hand, yea you don't need to get married, and she has a huge fortune to considered. But should that matter if you are really in love with the man? After what she preaches on her show, she should come out of the closet if she is a lesbian, but then would that hurt her image?

  14. @ blue sky if i had oprah's type of money and power i too would NEVER married ..all i would want is companionship and she seems to have that in him so good for her .. its not she wanted children the woman has been about her business and money from day 1 and i aint mad at her...

  15. LULU - I understand what you are saying. I'm saying after all the gay/lesbian issues she has had on her show, if she is one, she shouldn't hide it since she has discussed the issues on her show. She tells others to be themselves, so I hope she is doing the same.

  16. @rose - there was one by Ted C. and one on BG that I recall. With Ted C., Oprah is believed to be "Butter Pussy" and for the BG blind (which I can't find), it was about a massive, successful woman trying to decide whether to come out, and who would be making her decision based on whether it would harm her empire.

  17. @blue sky whole heartedly agrees with you on your last comment...

  18. Here's the BG link:

  19. I don't know, I don't care. I just want her to go away and never come back.

  20. I have two female friends who work together, play sport together and live together but are straight. I consider them emotional lesbians because the bond they have is so close that it goes beyond a friendship. I am bonded very closely with my husband, and part of that bond is the sexual aspect of our relationship. Both of my friends, however, have not had sexual partners for a very long time, so I think if you are not a sexual person, that you can obtain your emotional and mental needs from people of the same sex even if you would not get physical with them.

  21. i never really bought the lesbian thing for Opie. i think she'd come out, she told everyone she was a slut in her late teens for god's sake.

  22. Oprah is a billionaire with connections out of the ying-yang and major cross over appeal. I do NOT believe that she is a lesbian, but I do believe that she would have NO problem coming out.

    Blind items cannot be taken seriously as death. Most are not true and just for fun.

  23. I don't care for Oprah.

  24. I believe Oprah. I agree with those who say that coming out would not hurt her at all, in fact it would probably help people like her in immense ways. Considering everything she has confessed to in the past, the way she has stood by gay and lesbian people/issues on her show, etc, it's a no brainer that if she really were gay, she would be out by now.

    As for her sexuality/asexuality, without going into detail, I can understand this possibility from a personal standpoint as well. As mentioned, she's had plenty of sexual trauma in her life, it's entirely possible there are other issues at work that we don't know about (sterility, career, fear, whatever).

  25. @The Nightmare Child~ Thank you!my sentiments exactly!! and she is taking away my discovery health channel for her OWN network!! bummer!

    She may or may not be gay, but her ego is HUGE

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. it's nice that a person of color is owning another network. can't let white males have all the fun.

  28. @skeeball - It's nice to see someone else isn't on the kiss Oprah's ass train. I grew up watching her show and it went from legendary to utter tripe. And as a native Chicagoan, I cannot wait until she hauls that bloated shitfest of a show out our city once & for all. I give her network three months before it tanks and gets swallowed up by Lifetime. And the fact that Discovery Health is being axed for her self-indulgent fuckery makes me despise her even more.

  29. In a way it'd explain why the big O is so friendly with Tom, John, and Ellen. I'm torn too. I would hope that if it were true she'd be out and proud, but that's easier said than done.

  30. I think she is the biggest lesbian on the planet. Do people really believe because she said it its true? More than not Oprah has proven to be a liar and the antiphesis of her public persona. @he is powerful so rarely do people talk but when they do they all maintain that she is a fraud. Stedman is into men, this is no secret. LOL @ Oprah being asexual. One of her former lovers(male) was prepping a book about her insatiable ways with sex AND crack until she hushed him up and he went away. Her own family admits that she is a piece of work. I don't believe anything Windbag says. And if there is nothing sapphic between you and Gayle Big O why do you two arrive separately at events but link up inside like the rest of the closeted couples. Puhleese.

  31. i'd be flattered to have lesbian rumors flying around about me. it means people are curious about me.

    she should say thanks for the rumors and not address anything. it doesn't really matter anyway. there is a surface life and there is a private life and we, being the outsiders and speculators, will never really know - no matter what she says one way or the other.

    i don't even NEED to know the real truth. i like the speculating!!!!!

  32. @rebellious,contrary and nice-I would be bummed about whomever was taking over discovery health and changing it- black,white,gay, or straight.

    That being said, I still don't like Oprah

  33. Oprah tends to use Stedman as a prop. I think they used to be a couple. Now not so much and he shows up as an escort when needed or convenient.

    There was a Rona Barret special years ago when Oprah was just coming onto the national scene.
    She talked about having been celibate for years. I think she and Gayle are same-sex heterosexual life partners.

  34. I am not convinced that Oprah is actually having sex with Gayle. I know it's a commonly accepted believe among gossip-mongers, whose views usually make sense, but I don't know where the evidence of muff-munching comes from. I don't see it. I know a lot of women and men who have super-close intimate friendships with members of the same sex that do not include a sexual component. I would want to see more evidence before "convicting" her the way that people do.

  35. i can't stand her, either, but the speculation is getting boring. it's the same as people saying i'm fooling around because all my best friends have always been male. hell, when i first met mr. buns when we were young, we hung out in a group, 3 guys and me. i'm the same way, but HE knows where my heart belongs.

    i also agree with the sex thing. people go through some pretty nasty things, so may never have been as into it as some. health conditions can make it even less, uh, interesting. but that doesn't mean a long term relationship doesn't still hold love and passion. after so many years sex isn't always the first thing on your mind.

  36. I may not agree with some of the things she does, but many years ago, she gifted a TON of money to my tiny little highschool and that deserves a perpetual soft spot for her in my heart. When we, as a school, went to Harpo to thank her, I wish I'd been a little less awkward, snooty, nose-in-the-air teenager and instead paid a little more attention to the experience so that I could still recall the details.

  37. I can relate to the Mighty Opus and Gayle's friendship. I have had my best friend, soulmate and touch stone in my life for 42 years. I love her unconditionally, and she shows me the same. There has never been anything that has been bigger than our friendship can handle. We've laughed and cried and gone through some horrific shit storms together, and also had a million good times and lots of laughter. She knows what I am thinking with one look, and I can complete her sentences. I have always felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have a friend like her, and my one wish would be that everyone could have a friendship like ours. Having said all this, there has never been one time when I thought sexual thoughts about her. Ever! She has been married for years and her husband is one of my best friends. He knew he was getting two women in his life when he married her! (but not in a sexual way either) I have never married, but have been in two different long term relationships, and I share a child with one of them.

    I think Oprah would come out, and I think her and Steadman have a good relationship that doesn't need marriage to validate it, and it works for them.

    I've always thought Martha Stewart was the closeted lesbian with the monopoly to consider. Everyone should just be able to be who they are no matter what their circumstance.

  38. For all I know, Oprah may be the biggest bitch in the world, but I believe her on this. Oprah does not bend to public opinion, she FORMS public opinion. She's got tons of power and all the money in the world, if she were gay, she'd be out. She'd be in our faces constantly with her sexuality. We'd be bombarded with her outness.

    I, too, think that Martha Stewart is the closted lesbian who was afraid to lose her empire.

  39. I think she sits down in her muumuu and just eats brownies after her show is taped! This woman is so rich-it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. I know she lies, but I don't think she is gay. I think she is menopausal and just has Stedman around as a professional escort. As for not getting married, that was very smart on her part with all her dough.

    I think she likes the gay rumors, because they are free press and gives her a bit of excitement and anticipation-"will she come out" crap ala Ellen de Generis.

  40. Most powerful women are not married. Maybe Madonna learned her lesson. I'm sure Sandra Bullock has. I don't have near their money but I'm comfortable and I would never, ever marry under any circumstances. It's just not practical, considering the risks. What about Cheryl Crow? She's not married. The list goes on and on.

  41. Oprah makes my teeth hurt. I can appreciate all she's overcome and what she's built but I don't have to like her, and I don't.

    I agree if she were gay she'd be all over it like a duck on a June bug.

  42. I don't think she is in a romantic relationship with Gayle. I think that people just don't know what to call it when two women are as close as they are. When two women are true friends, who love and support each other as well as do everything together, people just don't know what to think because so many women are just plain fucking mean to each other. Women don't know how to support one another anymore and that is a crying shame.

    And even if Oprah was gay, why does she have to announce it? I agree that it would be great if everyone that was gay would come out, but coming out is a deeply personal thing, I think, no matter whether you're famous or not.

    Personally, I like Oprah, and yeah, I do watch her show pretty much every day :)

  43. Hmmm...I'm kind of torn on this. I would like to believe her. What she says about Gayle makes sense. Who knows.
